Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Admin Team Training Manual

at Camp Half-Blood Roleplaying Wiki!!!

This is the official Admin Team Training Manual.


This training manual is for anyone hoping to earn higher positions after reaching Level Five, or for users already in higher positions who wish to help train. After joining our Wiki and starting out at Entry Level, obtaining the next five levels are pretty much automatic as long as you are active on the wiki and following the rules. Each week you just level up. However, when it comes to positions of power, they aren't just "levels", they are what we call "user rights". These positions consist of:
  1. Official Helper
  2. Chat Mod
  3. Rollback
  4. Administrator
  5. Bureaucrat

These positions are rights granted to you by the community by showing that you are an upstanding member of our community and by helping out around the wiki going above and beyond more than just your own personal edits (roleplays, your user page, etc). These are not automatic levels, these are earned and come with requirements and expectations.

I should note, though there are things that you can't do without having a higher position on the wiki, there is still lots you can do without it if you just ask. Aside from things like voting and approving claims, the biggest difference between having a position of power beyond Level Five, and not having it is that you are agreeing to help the wiki and will be expected to. Helping with tasks as just a Level Five user means there are no expectations of how often or when you should edit.

If you are looking to refresh yourself on what is expected, train users to move up, or are a user who wishes to move up, this is a great place to start. Each tab breaks down each position as to exactly what is required to get each position, what the duties are of each position and what is expected of you while in the position.


  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have a strong history on this wiki. We don't accept people who have only edited a few times.
  • You must be a level five user.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • A test is given to be approved to help with claims. There is no pass/fail per se (though if someone got all the answers wrong it would probably be suggested they study and spend a bit more time on the wiki before trying again), but after the user finishes the test, an Admin should go over the test with them, explaining what they got wrong and teaching them the proper answers. This isn't just a test, but a learning tool so we know what areas the user needs help in before approving them as an official helper.
  • Anyone can help around the wiki in various capacities while only being a level five, however, if a user wishes to help in more official things like claims or judging challenges, they need to be an official helper.

What it Means to be an Official Helper

An official helper is someone who is essentially like a Rollback in training. though they can not themselves approve claims, as an official helper they are allowed to comment on claims and judge challenges or other roleplay events. One does not have to become an official helper if they wish to one day run for Rollback, however it does give users an opportunity to show the wiki their seriousness in helping out and their capabilities in doing so, and would go a long way in getting voted for.

Please remember, anyone can help around the wiki in various ways, one does not have to become an official helper or a member of the Admin Team. However, there are areas like claiming and judging, that you need to have higher authority than just being a Level Five user.


  • Helping around the wiki in an official capacity, welcoming newbs, etc.
  • Commenting on claims to help users get their claim approved faster
  • Judging any challenges or rp fights that may need it (with the approval from a member of the AD department)
  • Though there is no set edit count for official helper like there is with other members of the Admin Team, to some degree the user does need to show they are helping at least on a monthly basis. If an official helper goes more than a month or two without any clear signs of helping anywhere, the status can be taken, however it is the most easily earned back status to obtain, especially if the reason the user lost it was just because of inactivity.


  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have a strong history on this wiki. We don't accept people who have only edited a few times.
  • You must be a level five user.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • You should be able to be in chat on a reasonably regular basis.

What it Means to be a Chat Mod

Chat Mod means that you help watch over chat and uphold the wiki's policies. As you are not a rollback, you may not approve claims or vote on things meant for Rollbacks and up. Though you don't have a minimum edit requirement, the one month auto demotion still applies if you go more than a month and you aren't seen in chat.


  • Your Duties will be to maintain chat rules and policy.


  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have a strong history on this wiki. We don't accept people who have only edited a few times.
  • You must be a level five user, it is not required to have been an Official Helper first, but it would help the wiki get to know you better and see that you are working to help the wiki.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • Upon running for Rollback, you must pick a department ahead of time, that has an opening and get permission from the Bcrat to join that department: Aid & Support, Activities & Development, Claiming, or Human Resources. Once you run, if you are successful, depending on which department you are in, you will perform the duties necessary in that department, and assist the Bcrat leading that department.

What it Means to be a Rollback

Being a Rollback means first and foremost (which is the same on every wiki everywhere) that you have the capability to rollback edits in one click. This is most effective if the wiki is getting hit by vandals, though we don't have a huge problem with that in general. It also means that you can vote for user rights and in the Rollbacks and up voting forum, as well as approving Claims (however you still won't be allowed to approve BC claims as Heinrich).

Being a Rollback is a responsibility, you are agreeing that you will help the wiki. You will be expected to fulfil the duties and be accountable to give notice when you will be too busy to do so.


  • Your Duties will be to assist in one of the four departments, Aid & Support, Activities & Development, Claiming, or Human Resources. Your first duty will be to the department you choose, your second duty will be to the wiki in general and helping to uphold the policies and helping the wiki to run smoothly.
  • You must either 3 to 7 department edits a week or 6 to 14 edits every two weeks. Department edits are pretty much anything that isn't personal (personal edits would be things like your roleplays, personal talk page messages, your user page, your characters, etc).


  • You must have rollback rights.
  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • Upon running for Administrator, you must pick a department ahead of time, that has an opening: Aid & Support, Activities & Development, Claiming, or Human Resources. Once you run, if you are successful, depending on which department you are in, you will perform the duties necessary in that department, and assist the Bcrat leading that department. In a case of a Bcrat going on vacation, you may be asked to cover running that department while they are gone.

What it Means to be an Administrator

Being Administrator means that you are both willing and have time to commit to helping the wiki in a higher capacity than just Helper or Rollback. More is expected out of Admins, both in edit counts and in the example you set for the wiki. Administrators work in cooperation with the Bcrat heading the department they are in. Where the Bcrat has to oversee multiple projects, they assign Admins to specifically head up certain projects.

Being an Administrator is a responsibility, you are agreeing that you will help the wiki. You will be expected to fulfil the duties and be accountable to give notice when you will be too busy to do so.


  • Your Duties will be to assist in one of the four departments, Aid & Support, Activities & Development, Claiming, or Human Resources. Your first duty will be to the department you choose, your second duty will be to the wiki in general and helping to uphold the policies and helping the wiki to run smoothly.
  • You must either 15 to 20 department edits a week or 30 to 40 edits every two weeks. Department edits are pretty much anything that isn't personal (personal edits would be things like your roleplays, personal talk page messages, your user page, your characters, etc).


  • You must have administrator rights.
  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • The only way a Bcrat spot will ever open up, is if one of the current 3 Bcrats leaves, steps down or is demoted.

What it Means to be a Bureaucrat

Being a Bureaucrat means being in the highest obtainable position on the Wiki. On some wiki's being a Bcrat may seem to only mean being able to give and take away user rights that are voted on by the community, but on our Wiki it means so much more. Bcrats must be accountable for their actions, uphold the policies of the wiki, guide and help all the users underneath them, and lead an example above reproach. A Bcrat caught flippantly breaking policies, being consistently rude to others (not just once or twice because they are human too and lose their tempers, but consistently, repeatedly and severely), or any other rude or obscene behaviour, will have the most to lose and the least wiggle room for exceptions.

A Bcrat runs a department, either Claiming, Activities & Development or Human Resources. Your first priority is to your department and second priority to the Wiki as a whole.

Being a Bureaucrat is a responsibility, you are agreeing that you will help the wiki. You will be expected to fulfill the duties and be accountable to give notice when you will be too busy to do so.


  • Your Duties will be to run one of the three departments, Claiming, Activities & Development or Human Resources. Your first duty will be to the department you choose, your second duty will be to the wiki in general and helping to uphold the policies and helping the wiki to run smoothly.
  • You must either 20 to 45 department edits a week or 40 to 90 edits every two weeks. Department edits are pretty much anything that isn't personal (personal edits would be things like your roleplays, personal talk page messages, your user page, your characters, etc).

Helmetgreek ~ Policy Guide ~ Helmetgreek
A List of All Our Policies

User Levels | Chat | Characters | User Activity/Inactivity | Images | Warnings & Blocking
Roleplay | Canon | Quests & Missions
Adoption | User Blogs | Voting | Multiple Accounts | User Sigs | Admin CoC

NOTE: To edit this list go here.

One of the most important parts of moving up on the Wiki, is knowing and understanding our policies. The higher the position you obtain, the less leniency if you neglect to uphold, misquote or even break a policy yourself. Here is a brief overview of the wiki's policies and links to the full pages.


User Levels
A user starts out as entry Level from the second they make an edit on the wiki, but they will not start to level up until they either adopt a character or get their own character through claiming. Once that happens, they will automatically level up each week after that simply by being active on the wiki, however, if a user stops editing without notice while still in the leveling up process, they will not continue to level up until they become active again. Once a user does reach level five, that is the end of the user levels. After that, the only other "levels" this wiki offers are positions of power on the wiki, and those must be earned through hard work and then being voted on by their peers.

To see the full policy go Here.

Chat is one of the main forms of communication for our wiki outside of talk pages. In general Chat should be treated with respect to those others in chat. Conversations kept friendly, no bullying, spamming, screaming, crude or rude behaviour, etc. In other words, treat people in chat like you would like to be treated. Enforcing chat rules can be hard, as there are lots of grey areas as to what is acceptable behaviour at times, especially with so many people in so many age groups from so many walks of life. What is funny to one person, might be hurtful or crude to another person, so if a user asks you to change topics because they are uncomfortable, please respect them.

To see the full policy on Chat, please go here.

Characters are an essential part of role playing. They are the very base of everything that happens. But when there are such important things, there must be regulations. On this wiki, as we try to maintain fairness for all users, we have all characters go through a claiming approval process to ensure that they all adhere to our rules and standards, (For users who are Level Three or higher, may make characters for the Broken Covenant). Apart from the individual roleplays that take place here, we work to also run the wiki like one big joint event going on at all times. This of course means that characters must remain balanced, fair and on topic.

To see the full policy on Characters, go here.

User Activity/Inactivity
"We are only as strong as our least active user."

Obviously we encourage all our users to remain active, but life doesn't always allow for people to be as active as they would like, it is even more paramount for users in positions of power such as chat-mods, rollbacks, Admins and Crats, as they help lead the wiki. The most important rule of thumb is, when in doubt, either mark your user page and/or let someone from the Admin team know that you will potentially be less active. However, if you are unable to give notice, it is a simple task to un-archive pages or restore deleted pages.

To see the full policy on User Activity, go here.

In the process of making characters, most users like to find pictures from somewhere around the internet to represent their character. Because doing so is very popular, it is necessary to have a few ground rules for the use of pictures. One important basic rule to always keep in mind, is copyright, there is lots of free use and fair use images out there, but if you find images that have blatant copyright and water marks over the image, you shouldn't use the image. There's also the problem with potentially over recognisable models such as Singers, Actors, Video Game Characters, Anime, Manga, Models, etc. We have a Image Voting Page, where the users of the wiki will vote whether or not they recognise a model in question, this is generally quite controversial still, but we do the best we can to try to be fair to all.

To see the full policy on Images, go here.

Warnings & Blocking
Blocking is the means by which an administrator prevents a user account from editing here on the Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki. Blocks are preventive rather than punitive measures used to prevent damage by dealing with vandalism and enforcing Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki policies. Block durations may vary, depending on the severity and longevity of policies broken. Sufficient written warnings should always be given before resorting to a block, unless the severity of the rule breaks demands coarser action. Over time, depending on the severity of warnings, a user's slate may be considered wiped clean, but only if they go at least 6 months with no further rule breaks.

To see the full policy on Warnings and Blocking, go here.

Now in general role play can be a lot of fun, but sometimes people may take things a little far, feeling like that because this is a fictional world that has been created, the real world rules of etiquette don't apply any more. This however is far from the case, there is a wide range of ages that participate here, and because of this we try to maintain a pg-13 atmosphere so all users feel welcome and comfortable role playing here. Aside from general rules of etiquette, we also have to have rules in place to keep things fair to all users involved, this involves having policies in place to ensure fair play by avoiding things like meta-gaming, godmodding and being generally OP with roleplay and characters.

To see the full policy on roleplay, go here.

Quests and missions are important features on the wiki. They give us group roleplays and chances to not just develop our own characters, but to advance the overall story line on the wiki and to help build relationships with other characters. Quests are for campers and can either be personal quests based on things from a character's story line or past history, a rescue mission to save someone, a task presented to the character by a god/goddess, or perhaps other options I have yet to think of. They often involve a prophecy, especially if the task was given to them by a god. Missions are for Broken Covenant characters, like campers they can be personal missions based on a character's story line or past, or a rescue mission. However, they cannot be a task by a god, at least without permission from an Admin. They can also be specific tasks given to the character either by their faction leader, or by Heinrich himself, in order to further the plans of the Broken Covenant to war against the gods and all who stand in their way.

To see the full policy on Quests/Missions, go here.

As this Wiki is based on the Percy Jackson books, which themselves were based on Greek Mythology, this wiki follows a basic and simple canon tier. 1. Our Policies 2. PJO Books 3. Greek Myths and 4. Real Life.

For the full canon policy, go here.

A character may be put up for adoption at any time. To do so, simply go to the Adoption List and edit their name into the list, add the {{Adoption|user name}} template to their page. After that, either fix your section of the User/Character List yourself, or message an Admin for help. It is imperative that when someone adopts your character that you remember to move ownership on the User/Character List, otherwise it will be assumed the character is still yours. If you don't know how to do this, contact an administrator for help. Please do not roleplay them any more once they are up for adoption, otherwise they will still count as taking up one of your character spots. If they hold any titles, they will be stripped of the position. You may put one major character (i.e. demigods) up for adoption every two weeks. As far as minors, as there are no limits to how many you can have, there's no limits on how often you may put them up for adoption, within reason.

For the full policy on Adopting, go here.

User Blogs
Blogs are a popular feature on many wiki's. Sometimes though, blogs can get out of hand. In general some level of common sense should be used with blogs, they should be appropriate, polite, on topic, they should have a point to them, and so forth. Some good reasons to create a blog might be to talk about a major event in your life like a birthday, or to announce a roleplay idea you'd like help with, or to announce having to go inactive. Bad reasons to make blogs would be things like asking for help with something (we have a Help forum for questions), just to say hi, roleplaying, or worse trying to do a roleplay that has nothing to do with our wiki, such as Pokemon.

For the full policy, go here.

When discussions or debates take place, often the outcome might be holding a vote. Votes take place for a variety of reasons. When a vote is taking place, users will vote for one of the options. If the user chooses, he/she can give a reason why he/she votes for one. Some voting will be open to users level five and up, some only for rollbacks or higher. However, all users are entitled to adding their opinions under comments, even if they can't vote. Just because the vote may not count, doesn't mean your opinion shouldn't be heard or taken into consideration.

To see the full policy, go here.

Multiple Accounts
All the accounts a user controls will be treated as the same person. In short, registering another user name does not allow someone to create a new identity for themselves: it won't allow a user to circumvent a block or vote more than once. It also won't allow a user to have more characters than they are allowed, that are detailed in the user levels policy. Being caught using a second account on our wiki, that wasn't declared, especially one used to circumvent policies or use in a malicious manner, will be an automatic permanent block from our wiki.

To see the full policy, go here

User Signatures
Always remember to sign messages you leave on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~) This lets readers know who said what and makes discussions easier to follow. Signatures are also used for voting on things and in debates and various other things around the wiki, because of this it is important that they are properly coded and remain tasteful and appropriate. It would be better to have a boring signature, than to have one that is coded so poorly that it breaks the coding of everything around where it is used.

To see the full policy, go here.


If you still feel a bit lost or have questions that weren't answered, please don't hesitate to contact an Admin.
