Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

Julia Ogden
Cabin Counsellor ~ Rage's Little Sunshine
Owned by: Waves Of Wisdom

"Whoever has provoked men to rage against him has always gained a party in his favor, too."
Julia is a 17-year-old child of Lyssa. She tends to have an eccentric yet charming personality that defies her godparent's values by all means. She joined camp in March 2014 and is currently straight and single, living the life.
Julia is warm and enthusiastic, typically very bright and full of potential. She seems to live in a world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. She is a charming, ingenuous, risk-taking, sensitive, people-oriented individual with capabilities ranging across a broad spectrum. She feels that she is living her life as her true self, walking in step with what she believes is right. She has a strong need to be independent, and resists being controlled or labelled. When angered, these statements may easily be contradicted with various limitations.

Parents Meeting/Birth: Jake Ogden met Lyssa on a chilly October night. He was walking back home from a late shift as a policeman, being his station's prime sergeant. During his nocturne stroll, he bumped into none other than the goddess of rage, Lyssa. The deity, furious, started shouting at the man. The officer only replied with common sense, despite the vivid vibes of anger she released. Her aura didn't seem to affect him all that much, which made her interested by the man. She reluctantly left him, letting Jake return home, wondering for some unknown reason who the mysterious woman was. Wonder wasn't needed when the two met again, at a pub, while the young cop was off duty. Lyssa was much more seductive on this encounter, convincing him to join her for a drink. He started getting attracted to her, but it wasn't because of the alcohol delirium. She had a strange, yet fascinating way of showing her affection. Rage somehow showed in form of love, the playful yet alluring kind. After a drink, Lyssa asked if he wood want to head to his apartment for some intimacy. He denied, simply wanting to get to know her a bit more. He goddess agreed afterwards, slightly impressed a man wouldn't accept such an offer. And from that thought, they soon began an honest relationship.

3 months had passed before they had taken the "next step". By then, Jake was head over heels for the goddess, in love. Lyssa had sadly left after the intercourse, without saying anything before her departure, aside from a brief but meaningful I'll always love you. Heartbroken, Jake returned to his ordinary life, forcefully forgetting his former flame. It wasn't long, 5 months to be precise, before that changed. Upon arriving home after a day at work, he found a basket on his house's doorsteps. In the open the basket rested none other than a gorgeous baby covered in woolen sheets. A note hung on the basket's side. This is our child. Take good care of her. I'll always love you, ~Lyssa

The new father was unacknowledged of the fact that Lyssa was actually a goddess. She had decided not to tell Jake anything about the Greek World, as she knew he was skeptical and that he wouldn't take it well, no matter what lengths were taken to prove it. Since the child reminded him so much about Lyssa in her mortal form, he decided to keep her, swooned by the uncanny resemblance. He named the baby girl Julia, after his late sister.

Childhood: Julia lived a fairly ordinary childhood, for what it was worth, being a demigod. Her father had gotten married to another woman, named Lydia, who was oddly a former child of Aphrodite. The old half-blood was unaware that her step-daughter was also the child of a goddess, any less than Jake knew that the two people currently dearest to him were demigods. Regardless of being clueless of each other's heritage, the small family got along pretty well, trying to make Julia's life as happy as possible. Being raised by an enthusiastic mother-figure, she wasn't as morbid as other children of Lyssa, but rather the opposite. The child knew that Lydia wasn't her biological mother, but refrained from bringing up the topic, as his father darkened whenever it came up. Having a wonderful step-mother did the trick. Why wonder about a woman that had abandoned her when she had someone who cared for her more than anything in the world?

Alas, things kept going normally in the beginning. Julia had a fairly high amount of friends in school, always being bright around others. She was likable by many, but whenever she got angered, she would cause a public tantrum. Being constantly enthusiastic made her outbursts of anger stand out in a crowd. That must've been one of the only things she inherited from her mother; rage and fury. Although, these uncontrollable actions didn't appear often and easily got forgotten. Able to talk herself out of anything, she easily got the situations controlled. When Julia reached the age of 12, she got diagnosed with ADHD, slowly getting unconcerned in class. Her condition kept getting worst, as she for dyslexia merely a year later. Because Julia's family lived near the city's dumpster alley, her scent was harder for monsters to track, leaving her safe. Lydia didn't have to fend off any monsters for a while either, except for a few unseen Hellhounds lurking every now and then. She could easily disintegrate them without her husband or Julia seeing them. Being a child of Aphrodite, her scent wasn't very strong either, so the attacks were only a mere obstacle to withstand in order to keep things as ordinary as they could be.

First Monster Attack:

That all changed after the Julia turned 14, on her first monster attack. Since her scent was hidden, it had taken long before any monster could notice her. While having a quick stroll in her neighborhood with her step-mother, a strange woman approached the two. Her clothing was dark, and she had her face covered as well. She was only confused from her presence, before her expression turned horrified, as she realized that a perturbing creature stood in the previous position of the odd lady. Before she could lift a finger, the monster, that was an empousa, lunged at Julia. The trained daughter of Aphrodite only has to take out her sword and slash it on the unarmed monster before it dissolved into dust, leaving a stunned Julia dazed.

After realizing that Julia was a demigod, she took her home, and explained the young girl about everything there was to know. (Camp, Olympians, monsters, etc.) She even offered bringing her to camp, getting an immediate decline. She refused leaving her family no matter what. After arguing for a while on the matter, the father shortly came home. Lydia, already convinced that there wasn't anything she could do to change her step-daughter's decision, kept her mouth shut. Shortly after the incident, Lydia gave Julia a Celestial Bronze sword she kept as a backup. She told her to try and use it when it was needed. The weapon had the ability to morph into a necklace.

Lydia decided to homeschool Julia, fearing for her safety. Jake didn't have many suspicions, as he thought that his wife was only trying to spend more time with his child. And so, it went on. For the next few years, monster attempted to attack with no success, all unnoticed by the father. Lydia would always end up killing the monsters. Julia, in her part, had began training with her sword in secrecy, often when her father was at work. She once even managed defeating a weak hellhound alongside her step-mother, though it was all she could manage at the moment. She wasn't much of a fighter, despite her constant efforts and her guardian's help. The charade continued until Julia eventually turned 16. A harpy had attacked the two demigods while Jake was out. Lydia, at the time, was very ill. The battle was short, and Lydia had gotten severely injured by the time she managed to kill the beast. Her time protecting Julia was over.

Getting to Camp: The father had gotten home by the time it was over. All he could see was an injured woman, as he didn't have the possibility to see the pile of monster-remains through the mist. He demanded an explanation, soon getting one. It took him a while to believe them, but eventually did. Without another word, betrayed that they had kept this secret for so long, he took Julia. Since Lydia couldn't protect her anymore, he decided to take her to this "camp", following Lydia's directions. He knew that his daughter needed training, since she was unable to defend herself in small attacks. Living in NYC, the car trip wasn't long and safe. Soon after her goodbyes, she entered camp, getting claimed by none other than Lyssa.

I got to camp a couple of months ago in March 2014. I've made a couple of friends and things seem peaceful. 02:41, July 15, 2014 (UTC)
Basic Info
Full Name: Julia Emily Ogden
Titles: Child of Apathy
Rage's Little Sunshine
Current Location: Lyssa's Cabin/Julia Ogden/Bedroom
Affiliation(s): Camp
Current Status: Alive, healthy
Relationship Status: Single
Born or Created On: November 13th 1997
Current Age: 17
Species: Demigoddess
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Bi
Accent: Neutral, but can manage a New Yorkan accent
OOC Plans & Info
Owned By: Waves Of Wisdom
Inspiration Behind Creation: ?
Love Interests Char/Owner: N/A
Active RP's: -
Created Page On: March 2014
Page Last Updated On: 02:03, June 22, 2014 (UTC)
Plans: See below
3/6/9 Month Powers: 3

One day challenge for Lt/Go for it on a quest

Word Bubble
Julia ~ Lyssa Cabin's Lt.

"Anger is only one letter away from danger."
Character's Bio

 Age: 16  Height: 5'6  Weight: 125 lbs
 Sexuality: Bi-curious  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: NYC  Main Weapon: CB Sword
 Accent: Neutral
 – "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

Character's Powers

 Powers (6/9 Locked):


  1. Children of Lyssa have the ability to focus an energy beam out of their rage which will burn anything it touches.
  2. Children of Lyssa can cause nearby animals to become rabid and, once in this state, can command them to attack an enemy. This ability can only be used on up to 3 animals at one time. The larger the animal, the more energy it drains.


  1. Children of Lyssa, when enraged, can ignore damage sustained in battle temporarily Once they have calmed down, however, the pain from the damage is intensified.
  2. Children of Lyssa can generate a veil of the emotional energy of rage, the veil would protect them from damage for a short time and cannot be used if the child doesn't have the rage to fuel it.


  1. Children of Lyssa can cause people near them to temporarily develop symptoms of rabies, including agitation, hallucinations, and an inability to swallow, incapacitating the victim for a short period.
  2. Children of Lyssa can channel their rage to supplement their strength and speed for a short time. The longer this is sustained, the more energy the child of Lyssa is drained.
  3. Children of Lyssa can cause people near them become enraged and frenzied, reducing their competency and effectiveness in battle.
  4. Children of Lyssa can cure rabies in both humans and animals at will.


  1. Children of Lyssa are stronger when those around them are angry

3 Months After Character is Made:

  1. Children of Lyssa are able to drain the rage and anger from those around them, using it to empower themselves for a short time, while also weakening the will of those they drain to fight, but once it has worn off, they are substantially drained

6 Months After Character is Made:

  1. Children of Lyssa are able to transform into a dog, the longer they maintain this form the more energy it drains and the more time they need between transformations

9 Months After Character is Made:

  1. Children of Lyssa are now able to channel their volatile emotional energies to construct combative and non-combative objects, formed one at a time and no more than 2 to 3 times the size of the user, which takes on fiery and intimidating appearances depending on the user's preferences. However, their ability to use the power is hindered before or during use when they experience emotions in relation to peace and happiness. As more positive and serene emotions are felt, the strength of the object begins to fade, becoming dull and brittle.


  1. Children of Lyssa are often irritable and easily angered.
  2. Children of Lyssa are often fond of dogs, and can more effectively control them when rabid.
  3. When in a calm state, children of Lyssa are often lethargic and apathetic, showing more emotion when angered

Owned by: Waves ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}
Julia ~ Lyssa Cabin's Lt.

"Anger is only one letter away from danger."
Character's Bio

 Age: 16  Height: 5'6  Weight: 125 lbs
 Sexuality: Bi-curious  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: NYC  Main Weapon: CB Sword
 Accent: Neutral
 – "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

Character's Powers

 Powers (6/9 Locked):


  1. Children of Lyssa have the ability to focus an energy beam out of their rage which will burn anything it touches.
  2. Children of Lyssa can cause nearby animals to become rabid and, once in this state, can command them to attack an enemy. This ability can only be used on up to 3 animals at one time. The larger the animal, the more energy it drains.


  1. Children of Lyssa, when enraged, can ignore damage sustained in battle temporarily Once they have calmed down, however, the pain from the damage is intensified.
  2. Children of Lyssa can generate a veil of the emotional energy of rage, the veil would protect them from damage for a short time and cannot be used if the child doesn't have the rage to fuel it.


  1. Children of Lyssa can cause people near them to temporarily develop symptoms of rabies, including agitation, hallucinations, and an inability to swallow, incapacitating the victim for a short period.
  2. Children of Lyssa can channel their rage to supplement their strength and speed for a short time. The longer this is sustained, the more energy the child of Lyssa is drained.
  3. Children of Lyssa can cause people near them become enraged and frenzied, reducing their competency and effectiveness in battle.
  4. Children of Lyssa can cure rabies in both humans and animals at will.


  1. Children of Lyssa are stronger when those around them are angry

3 Months After Character is Made:

  1. Children of Lyssa are able to drain the rage and anger from those around them, using it to empower themselves for a short time, while also weakening the will of those they drain to fight, but once it has worn off, they are substantially drained

6 Months After Character is Made:

  1. Children of Lyssa are able to transform into a dog, the longer they maintain this form the more energy it drains and the more time they need between transformations

9 Months After Character is Made:

  1. Children of Lyssa are now able to channel their volatile emotional energies to construct combative and non-combative objects, formed one at a time and no more than 2 to 3 times the size of the user, which takes on fiery and intimidating appearances depending on the user's preferences. However, their ability to use the power is hindered before or during use when they experience emotions in relation to peace and happiness. As more positive and serene emotions are felt, the strength of the object begins to fade, becoming dull and brittle.


  1. Children of Lyssa are often irritable and easily angered.
  2. Children of Lyssa are often fond of dogs, and can more effectively control them when rabid.
  3. When in a calm state, children of Lyssa are often lethargic and apathetic, showing more emotion when angered

Owned by: Waves ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}
Skills & Weapons
Special Skills: Swordsmanship
Preferred Weapon: Sword
Strengths: Offensive
Weaknesses: Defensive
Quests/Missions Led: 0
Quests/Missions Been On: 0


Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there really is no bad weather, only different kinds of good weather
Possessions & Favourite Things
Bedroom: Julia Ogden/Bedroom
Pets: None


Likes: Sunshine, music, hanging out
Dislikes: Apathy, her cabinmates' mood, snow is exhilaration; rain is refreshing
Colour: Red
Music: Indie
Food: Pizza
Animal: Birds
Book: TMI
Quote: Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on the things that excite you.
Drink: Sodas
Song: Royals
Movie: The Host
Sport: Soccer and basketball
Other Favs: WIP
Appearance & More Images
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120 lbs
Ethnicity: White
Handedness: Right-handed
Shoe Size: 7
Blood Type: B-
Voice: Mezzo
Distinguishing Marks: Scars
Body Style: Athletic
One Word to Describe: Perky
Best Physical Trait: Her 10th birthday
Worst Physical Trait: ?
Mental/Emotional State: Stable
Things to Change: WIP
Mental/Emotional disorders: None
Medical Problems/Ailments: ADHD

Family & Childhood Info
Mother: Lyssa
Father: Mr. Ogden
Creator: None
Half-Siblings: Lyssa's Cabin
Full-Siblings: None
Other Relatives: Lydia Ogden (stepmother)
Home: NYC (previously)
Earliest Memory: Learning how to ride a bike
Best Memory: Her 10th birthday
Schooling: Public
First Kiss: N/A
First Love: N/A
First Sex: N/A
Other Firsts: N/A


General Info
Nicknames: Jules (by Santi)
Native Language: English
Character Flaw: Can be too forgiving
Fears/Phobias: WIP
Hobbies: Reading, strolling
Personal Motto: Mess with one of us, mess with all of us
Things He Won't Do: Betray her friends
Most Admires: N/A
Most Influenced By: Herself only
Moral Compass: North
Most Important Person Before: Parents
Most Important Person Now: N/A
Reacts to Crises: Nervously
Faces Their Problems: Head on
Reacts to Change: WIP
Alignment: Neutral Good
Dream Job: Fashion Designer
Current Job: None
Vices: She can get high
Bad Habits: Tends to drink now and then
Sleeping Habits: Deep as it gets
Quirks: WIP
Attitude: Balanced
Special Talents: Couture
Social Skills: Sociable
Other Info
Most at Ease When?: With friends
Main Priorities: Go on a quest
Past Failures: Not being able to defend her stepmother
Biggest Accomplishment: Getting to camp
Darkest Secret?: WIP
Secret Known by Anyone?: WIP
Personal Tragedy: Lydia's accident
One Wish: Get stronger
Relationship Info
Ever Cheated? No
Relates to Others? Depends
Perceived by Strangers: Bubbly
Perceived by Lover: N/A
Perceived by Friends: Chilled
Perceived by Family: Gentle
First Impression: Decent
Family/Friends Like Most? Her enthusiasm
Family/Friends Like Least? Her cheekiness and sarcasm

Name Relation Feelings
Lyssa Mother "No idea."
Mr.Ogden Father "I love him."
Lydia Ogden Step-Mother "She protected me and I love her for that. I will make it up to her."
Santiago Diaz Best Friend? "He's nice and all."
