Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
LL Phase Two: Camp Team One

Note: If a user who is on this team needs to go inactive for more than a few days, please find give your team mates a heads up and try and find someone you trust to rp your characters. If you can't find someone to rp your character for you, you may be skipped over in the rp, and you will have to rp accordingly. If you feel you will suddenly be gone inactive for more than a week or two, and can not find a replacement or someone to rp your character, please remove yourself from the team and the team will have to go on without you.

Also, as the team progresses, please post OOC updates on your team's status here, User:Flamefang, User:BachLynn23 and User:Nhlott will use this page to keep track of where they need to help post or encourage activity.


Type: Combat

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Objective: Fadel Hassan left this team a mysterious message, the contents of which are still unknown. Trading for this item is risky, because it may lead anywhere and the objectives it contains are unknown.

Team Members

  1. Fred Rhodes/Averagekid
  2. Tori Mist/ShadowGoddess
  3. Derek McKinney/Cosmiggy
  4. Iko Devian/Kingbirdy


Iko: he waits by a van near the exit to camp

Freddie: He jogs over to him. Hey, I'm not late right?

Tori: Walks up. Hey guys.

Iko: No, we're still waiting on one last guy.

Derek: He walks toward them. Hi guys. Sorry if I'm late.

Iko: Nah, you're fine. Let's get loaded up. My balloon got a bit destroyed last time, so we're just taking a plane.

Tori: I'm fine with that. Climbs into the van and sits in the back.

Freddie: Same here. We're going to Cairo correct? Says as he gets on the van and sits behind the shotgun seat.

Tori: Yeah, we're going to Cairo. My hometown.

Freddie: His eyes widen slightly at home town, but shakes it off Alright then, I was just checking...

Derek: He climbs into the van and sits next to Tori.

they drive to the airport

Iko: Everybody out, let's go, we've got a plane to catch!

Tori: Jumps out and heads inside of the airport.
