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Superior Kit and Inferior Tony

  • Anthony: Anthony had still been settling down, trying to adjust to being back in his human form and it was a little more strenuous than he thought it'd be. Technology gave him migraines, and keeping up with the lingo was hard enough. That being said, when the New Athens Ball was announce, the son of Dionysus saw it as an opportunity to unwind. Maybe spread his wings a little while making connections so, there he was with a drink in hand and roaming about the party. He didn't recognize anyone, some part of him cursed himself for not forcing a member of his pack to accompany him but, he hadn't. Anthony definitely wasn't one to hide in a corner though, instead he mingled about till someone caught his interest
  • Kit: Kit walked into the room, holding a purse in her grip, and looked around the room with a frown. She was, of course, looking for Willa. She shouldn't be but she was. Maybe Willa didn't turn up to this. Kit suspected she only went along with Kit's plans to go together was to make Kit happy. Now? Well, Willa probably did a hard pass. Maybe something Kit should have also done. She hated going to these things alone-it was embarrassing, quite frankly. However, as she walked deeper into the crowds, her eyes landed on-no. Kit stopped dead. Her heart dropped to the ground. For once-her thoughts weren't so focused on Willa. It can't be. She began to walk but she barely registered her movements. She pushed people aside, ignored them when they protested. It isn't. His name was on the tip of her tongue but her mouth wasn't opening, wasn't working.
  • Anthony: Anthony's attention was draw to that of another, short lived laughs escaping his lips as the others told corny jokes but, the instant he noticed a flash of blonde pushing past the crowd his eye averted towards her. It reminded him of Katherine and as fate would have it, the blonde turned out to be his ex-fiance. He could see the emotions plainly written all over her face, his feet beginning to move in her direction and only stopping once he was a foot in front of her. The world around him faded away as he locked eye with the daughter of Nemesis, memories flooding back to him and for a moment he could easily find himself falling for her all over again. Their time had passed though, Anthony had already let her go years ago and while he would always love her... He didn't love her romantically anymore. "What's wrong Kit... looks like you've seen a ghost?" The words flowed out of his mouth easily. While it's true this was Kit first time see Anthony in over a hundred years or so but, Anthony had been by her side all along.
  • Kit: Kit wanted to slap him. Alas, she was in a public place. So to rectify this..."Maybe I have," she responded, her eyes running over his face. It was him. She hadn't seen him since...since that night. "I think I have." Kit held out her hand, "come with me? Somewhere private. I don't like an audience." Not once did she consider if anyone was watching them but even the idea of people glimpsing Kit in a vulnerable state put her on edge. No, she couldn't speak her. She couldn't think her.
  • Anthony: While Kit might not have liked it, Anthony could read her like a book. He’d planned to confront her privately knowing Katherine wouldn’t be able to open up honestly in front of others so, he happily obliged. “Of course, lead the way?” He asked before slipping his hand into hers, a natural instinct from way back when.
  • Kit: Kit held his hand. Like him, it was subconscious. How many times had she reached out to grab him growing up? Held his hand, held onto him when she was weak. The moment he slipped his into hers, she intertwined her fingers with his. And then she dragged him out of that ball as fast as she could. The air was warm and she could tell they were heading towards summer. But it wasn't sticky hot-she couldn't hand the heat here. It was terrible. She melted. However, it was nice being able to walk onto the street and worry about a jacket and an umbrella. Down and down they went, weaving through the streets, wanting to make sure there was no chance of being followed. Then finally, in a small alley way where the only light source was a flickering light, did she stop. She faced him, staring up at him with wide eyes, before raising her free hand to slap him right across his cheek, certainly not holding back.
  • Anthony: Anthony allowed Kit to pull him along, following closely behind and wait for her to at some point stop. They'd already walked so far away from the ball, Tony didn't see the point since he didn't think anyone would be following them. Unless Kit had made some enemies recently, the thought sparking his protective nature and his hand clenching into a fist. Finally they stopped, Anthony was ready for the woman to throw his arms around him and express her relief that he was still alive but, instead he was met with a loud smack and his right cheek stinging. Naturally, Anthony cupped his cheek, rubbing it gently as he turned back towards Kit. "Dammit Katherine... What the hell!" His voice raised an octave, still processing the well served slap. "You sure didn't hold back... You've gotten much stronger though, i'll give you that. I remember when I could pin you to the wall and well I won't go on..." He caught himself slipping away from the main topic, having to pull himself out of the pool of memories. "Anyways, did you get that out of your system? or would you like to take another shot at me?"
  • Kit: "Being alive for a couple of hundred years helps with that," Kit responded before he began to clear and her expression cleared. She did remember those moments. Of course, she did. The hunt was a blur now, the memories fading away, but those years with her family and Anthony? No, they were still as clear as always. "You wouldn't be able to do that now," Kit finally said, meaning two things with that sentence. "I don't know, keep talking and we'll see. How long have you been in camp?"
  • Anthony: His hand had moved up to scratch the back of his ear as he contemplated his answer. "It's hard to tell... my sense of time is kind of off, guess spend so much time as a wolf will do that to you... However, I haven't asked the rest of the pack if they're having the same symptoms" The transformation back to his human form proved to effect Anthony more than he thought it would, he was more scatterbrained than he was before and easily lost focus on the conversation, clearly. "I wanna say a couple of weeks but, maybe it was more like a few days?"
  • Kit: Kit's eyebrows drew together as she processed what he was saying. "When you were a wolf?" She asked. "Tell me you're not the next Jacob Black." As soon as she said it, she realised Tony probably didn't know what she was talking about so Kit quickly moved on. "So...not that long. I guess that's alright. You look good. Really good. I...I thought you were dead. I always hoped you found someone else and had a peaceful life. But dead nonetheless."
  • Anthony: His attention snapped back to Katherine, her voice literally dragging him out of his thoughts. As expected, He Anthony drew a blank at the mention of Jacob Black, not yet being introduced to the twilight saga. "Is he handsome? If so they I'd say yes for obvious reasons." He paused, processing they other half of Kit's words. "Nope!" Anthony spouted rather nonchalant. "I followed you around for a while after you abandoned me, not cool by the way and when you joined the hunt i asked to join as well but they don't take men! Can you believe that! So naturally I made the decision to have the goddess turn me into one of the wolves so i could stay by your side. I was pretty obsessed with you. Wasn't ready to let you go."