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Erin and Raph


Raphael: He walks around the hallways of the Civitas Dorm House. He seems to be looking for someone subconsciously when he was really trying to remember where his room was. Today, he was dressed in simple jeans and a black shirt, wearing glasses provided to him to help his eyesight.

Erin: She walks in from the direction of her own room, humming a song under her breath. Each step she takes seems to have a small skip in it.

Raphael: He turns around, remembering that it was in that direction, when he sees Erin. His eyes light up and his heart rate speeds up a little. He gives her small wave from his spot, hoping she would see him. "Hello again, Erin."

Erin: She looks up and sees him and she smiles straight away. She returns the smile, "Hey Raph."

Raph: He walks in her direction. "I hope you are well. I have not seen you since our last encounter." He pushes his glasses up further to his face.

Erin: She walks towards him and nods, "I've been fine, you?"

Raph: He nods "I am well. I've finished with the work I had with Lionel and I wanted to, how they say, "hang out" with you. If that is okay?"

Erin: She giggles at him saying what he said, her smile growing, "That'd be great! I mean...nice. On the topic, how did your meeting go?"

Raph: He sighs "It was dull. I'm forbidden to say anything but I can tell you it was very dull. I am hoping I do not have to experience a meeting like that again."

Erin: She pouts like super cutely, "Awwww, that sucks. I had fun doing nothing." She smiles cutely at him.

Raph: His heart starts beating faster than before, but he hides his emotions. "Er, I am glad you had a wonderful time. I hope we can find something to do today."

Erin: She tilts her head slightly, her smile getting bigger, "Likeee?"

Raph: "Well, um, I heard there was a type of dining pavilion in a town not far from here. Perhaps we could go there?"

Erin: Her eyes light up, "T-That'd be fun..."

Raph: He smiles "Wonderful. Shall we go now?" He offers her his hand.

Erin: She flashes him a small smile and takes his hand, blushing madly at the same time, "Sure."

Raph: His heart pounds as he walks her to the restaurant all the way there, while intertwining his fingers with hers.

Dinner at La Lumiere

Raph: As they enter La Lumiere, Raph takes in the decor of the building. He has never seen anything like it so he's a little excited to experience it. He had been given money from residents of Civitas to pay for dinner. And he could not take his eyes off Erin the whole way there. Her eyes, her smile, it made him feel...warm.

Erin: She smiles as they enter and she looks around, muttering about how amazing and perfect is. She turns to him, "So, erm, we go to the place where they give us a table, right?"

Raph: "That is what they told me. " The waiter nods to them and ushers them to a small table for two. He hands them both a menu and leaves. Raph looks through the menu, reading the names of the food they have. Most of it he has no idea what it is. "These are delicasies in the 21st century?"

Erin: She looks over her menu and giggles, "In France probably, not in the rest of the world. Personally, I find the food from Britain and Germany to be nice."

Raph: He blinks at her, not knowing what those are because, you know, he's old as f*ck "Britain? Germany? What are those?"

Erin: She giggles again, "Countries. Specifically in Western Europe."

Raph: "Really? Fascinating..." He pushes his glasses up to his face, reading the rest of the menu.

A waitress comes to their table, ready to take their order. She seems to be eyeing Raphael intently, taking interest in his looks "Bonjour, apatizers are on the way, but in the mean time, what would you two like to order?" She takes out a little notebook and a pen.

Erin: She shrugs, "Erm, Raph? Can you order?"

Raph: He nods "Of course. I would like to taste this...Le poulet grille aux fines herbes? That sounds interesting. What about you, Erin?"

Erin: She shrugs, "Erm, can I have the same please?"

'The waitress nods, writing down their orders on her little notebook. She smiles, "Your meals will be with you shortly, as are your apatizers." She gives Raph a flirtatious smiles before leaving with their order.

Raph: He looks at the waitress strangely as she walks away. "That woman...she smiles at me a lot...why does she do this?"

Erin: She laughs, "Because she's flirting with you silly."

Raph: He looks at her innocently, eyes shining unintentionally "Flirting with me? You mean she's trying to...draw my attention?"

Erin: She nods, blushing slightly, possibly because of jealousy, her eyes seeming to lose some of their previous sparkle, "Yeah. She finds you attractive and wants you in short."

Raph: He sees Erin's expression and realizes what she's saying. Little does she know that he has no attraction toward the other woman. "But...I do not want her...I want..."

He's cut off as the waitress returns with their meals, setting a plate down in front of both of them. She also gives them a basket of bread sticks and a glass of water each. She smiles at both of them, a little more at Raph, and says "Enjoy your meal."

Erin: After seeing the woman smile at him again, she sighs quietly, her eyes losing even more of the sparkle they had when they entered. She looks at the woman and senses the shoes she's wearing are hurting her. Smirking, she increases the pain by a little and laughs as she hobbles off. She turns back to Raph, "You were saying?"

Raph: "Er..., well, I was saying that I did not want the waitress. I feel no attraction toward her. However, I do feel attracted to one woman..." He looks down, not wanting to meet Erin's eyes as he spills his heart out to her. "She...she makes my heart hurt. Her eyes are like jewels, always sparkling brighter than the eyes of Aphrodite herself. Her voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard and I would rather die than not hear it again..."
