Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Killer by riingo-d6229iw

Nyxil -Child of Nyx
Black-Blood Nightingale
 Age: 21  Height: 6'1"  Weight: 125 lbs.
  Main Weapon: Chakrams, Daggers, Electrified Sword, Steel Crossbow, Poisons
  Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mangled spirit.

*Nyxil is mildly surprised at Jordan's ability to move away from him without knowing where he was, but takes it in stride. Ropes of shadow materialise to bind Jordan's feet to the ground. He takes a step forward, shadowtraveling mid-step to cover the distance Jordan had put between them whilst bypassing the thrown sword altogether, and fires the crossbow point-blank at Jordan's chest. Simultaneously he twists and swipes the chakram in his other hand toward Jordan's throat. Shadows around his feet swirl and twist in anticipation to be called upon.
