Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
[12:57] <Nata Roebot> Aloha! o/ 
[12:59] <UniPacific16> I'VE GOT THE ARIADNE HEAD
[12:59] <Nata Roebot> I SAW
[12:59] <Nata Roebot> CONGRATS
[01:00] <Nata Roebot> A nine year old head counselor lmao
[01:00] <UniPacific16> that was all i wnated
[01:00] <UniPacific16> plus a 9 year old beating the crap out of an older person, which i didnt get
[01:01] <UniPacific16> fuck , ive got a music exam so gtg
[01:02] <Nata Roebot> cya o/ 
[01:02] <Nata Roebot> Well time to cram like hell for Jane Eyre
[01:03] <Nata Roebot> ping if you'd like to chat
[01:53] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> aye nata o/ 
[01:56] <UniPacific16> o/ 
[01:56] <UniPacific16> ah, ariadne cabin might be going to shit now
[02:02] <UniPacific16> test
[02:02] <UniPacific16> nata
[02:02] <UniPacific16> nata roebot
[02:02] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> aye james o/ 
[02:04] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> jAMES
[02:05] <UniPacific16> yes
[02:06] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> go look at mooyoung >.>
[02:06] <UniPacific16> i would but so much writing
[02:06] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> it's not that much ;;;;;
[02:06] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> jaye's is probably more than mine >.>
[02:07] <UniPacific16> jaye got to explain it to me so i didnt have to read
[02:07] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> ;;;;;;;;;
[02:08] <UniPacific16> explain mooyoung to me
[02:09] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> mooyoung's dad is irresponsible
[02:09] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> and had a one night stand with persephone
[02:10] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> he finds a crib
[02:10] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> in his penthouse
[02:10] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> and he's like wtf
[02:10] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> why is there a baby in my house
[02:10] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> and he reads the note left from persephone
[02:11] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> ugh it's more tiring summarizing tbh
[02:14] <UniPacific16> link me to his claim
[02:16] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> [[Camp:Claiming/Won Mooyoung]]
[02:16] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> wait
[02:16] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> [[Claiming:Camp/Won Mooyoung]]
[02:17] <Nata Roebot> wow pings ain't working for me
[02:17] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol
[02:17] <Nata Roebot> Hello James and Audrey! o/ o/ 
[02:17] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> hallo nata
[02:18] <Nata Roebot> Ch. 35/38 for Jane Eyre
[02:18] <Nata Roebot> Then I gotta write two short essays, create a complete character list, and write down every example of two recurring motifs in this book
[02:18] <Nata Roebot> Oh and I need to finish a Chemistry lab too
[02:18] <Nata Roebot> That's a thing
[02:18] <Nata Roebot> Deadline is midnight go go go
[02:19] <Nata Roebot> James, how did the music exam go?
[02:19] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> why in the world do you need to do that
[02:19] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> istg the american education system is a mess
[02:19] <UniPacific16> eh, pretty good
[02:20] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> how is writing down every example of two recurring motifs in a book going to help you at all
[02:20] <UniPacific16> i was done a long time before it finished and feel asleep
[02:20] <Nata Roebot> AP Lit is killing everyone and it's just a competition to see who can last the longest before dropping the class at this point
[02:20] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> AP Lit sounds like a monster
[02:20] <Nata Roebot> It honestly depends on the teacher
[02:21] <Nata Roebot> My AP Lang teacher had really difficult classes but little homework
[02:21] <Nata Roebot> My AP Lit teacher has really chill classes but a ton of work
[02:21] <Nata Roebot> Mostly writing/annotations which take forever
[02:21] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> oml 
[02:21] <Nata Roebot> And I've got college essays this year, which is Not Fun on top of everything
[02:22] <UniPacific16> omfg, if you two heard what my friends were saying, you would be so offended 
[02:22] <Nata Roebot> Lmao what did he say?
[02:22] <Nata Roebot> Was it about 'murica?
[02:22] <UniPacific16> yeah
[02:22] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> i wanna know
[02:23] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> i don't get offended by things relating to america bc tbh i don't really like america either lol
[02:23] <UniPacific16> they were doing the stereotypical american accent, how we think you guys sound and one of them made an incest joke
[02:23] <Nata Roebot> Tell us so we can have a 2-way insult war across nations with you as our messenger
[02:23] <Nata Roebot> ROLL TIDE
[02:23] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> xD yes
[02:23] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> oml what incest joke
[02:23] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> sure americans are salty and patriotic af but where does incest fall into this
[02:23] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> imma shank some hoes
[02:23] <Nata Roebot> The stereotype about redneck hillbillies marrying their cousins
[02:23] <UniPacific16> not exact but he said "I fuck ed my sister and that how i came out."
[02:23] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> james tell them to run im booking a flight rn
[02:24] <Nata Roebot> Well tell your friends that everyone in Australia looks inbred enough anyways even without screwing their siblings, so they don't need to try and flatter us
[02:24] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> XD DAMN NATA
[02:24] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> SLAY
[02:24] <Nata Roebot> Disclaimer: these are not my actual views on Australians I am just following the rules of the roast war
[02:25] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> xD
[02:25] <Nata Roebot> Please don't send your poisonous spiders after me, Australians
[02:25] <UniPacific16> hey, thats not NSW, more like queensland and tasmania 
[02:25] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> XDDD
[02:25] <Nata Roebot> We'd probably use our home arsenal of guns to shoot the spiders and cause a mass extermination in the process
[02:25] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> you live in new south wales
[02:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> XD nata
[02:26] <UniPacific16> nothing can end australia 
[02:26] <Nata Roebot> Do your friends have any new insults for us?
[02:26] <Nata Roebot> brb flossing my teeth
[02:26] <UniPacific16> nah, they;re talking about something different 
[02:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol
[02:27] <UniPacific16> that's how aussies are, racist one second, normal the next
[02:28] <UniPacific16> one question audrey, why didnt Mooyoung go to camp as a teen?
[02:30] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> bc he didn't know it existed
[02:31] <UniPacific16> ok, just making sure i read it right
[02:32] <UniPacific16> mooyoung's claimed
[02:33] <UniPacific16> i so wanna rp adelaide now she's the head of Ariadne cabin
[02:34] <UniPacific16> up for an rp audrey?
[02:35] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> k
[02:35] <UniPacific16> Adelaide and Mooyoung?
[02:36] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> yeah
[02:36] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> you know what i think i'd be interested in watching
[02:36] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> rupaul's drag race
[02:38] <UniPacific16> can you start?
[02:38] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> ye
[02:39] <UniPacific16> thank you
[02:41] <UniPacific16> ah, i cant believe a 9 year old is running a cabin
[02:42] <UniPacific16> gtg
[02:43] <Theharlequin> Where?
[02:44] <Nata Roebot> Ariadne
[02:44] <Nata Roebot> James challenged Yorkie to Ariadne head and Yorkie conceded without having the fight
[02:44] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol
[02:44] <Nata Roebot> Yorkie's probably really busy nowadays tho ;-;
[02:44] <Nata Roebot> Poor Manololololo
[02:44] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> rip
[02:45] <Theharlequin> Ah
[02:46] <Theharlequin> I'm currently contemplating on having my char's leave camp with one of Barbie's chars and call him good
[02:49] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol
[02:49] <Nata Roebot> I've been working towards Aria leaving camp next year tbh
[02:49] <Nata Roebot> But I also want to keep RPing and she's my only camp charrie
[02:52] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> the struggle
[02:57] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> aye o/ 
[02:59] <Theharlequin> Honestly I could just say it now since all of Barbie's chars are mine technically, but I'f like to talk to her about it
[03:01] <Nata Roebot> Undude! o/ 
[03:06] <LegionofOpium> aye
[03:19] <Theharlequin> Hey Demy
[03:19] <Yukaronachan> Hey Harles
[03:21] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> yUKA
[03:21] <Yukaronachan> Malfoy~
[03:21] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> DO A FIGHT RP WITH ME so i can get ready to beat sera (or russell) into the ground to get persephone head councilor 
[03:22] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> in a month or two
[03:22] <Yukaronachan> Okay will do. Let me know who you wanna go up against :p
[03:25] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> i half want to do sylvio
[03:25] <Theharlequin> brb
[03:25] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> but then there's lilith
[03:25] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> hmmmmm
[03:26] <Yukaronachan> Lilith is the one I use to train people tbh.
[03:26] <Yukaronachan> She's more likely to give you a fighting chance XD
[03:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol
[03:27] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lillith it is then
[03:27] <Yukaronachan> Kk
[03:28] <Yukaronachan> Someone wanna save me from this creepy guy who wont stop messaging me? I don't have the heart to tell him I don't wanna talk to him anymore but I keep leaving him on seen and he doesn't get the fuck ing hint ~_~
[03:28] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> i will
[03:29] <Yukaronachan> I need to just mute notifications from him tbh so I can quit being polite its getting to be taxing :/
[03:29] <Nata Roebot> Yucca I've dealt with people like that before and it sucks majorly :/ mute him, ignore him, don't let him wear you down
[03:29] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol
[03:30] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> go girl go
[03:30] <Nata Roebot> Sometimes you need to tell these people outright that you're not interested in talking any more
[03:30] <Nata Roebot> Otherwise they don't get the hint
[03:30] <Nata Roebot> But if they continue after you respectfully tell them you don't want to talk, drop em, block em, and walk (away from) em
[03:30] <Nata Roebot> Harle! (th) 
[03:30] <Yukaronachan> He's so draining on my energy. Like you say I probly just need to tell him. Which I did once and he popped back up about a month later saying "hey" :p
[03:31] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> you protec
[03:31] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> you attac
[03:31] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> and you don't reply bacc
[03:31] <Nata Roebot> ^^^
[03:31] <Nata Roebot> For my first 2.5 years of high school I dealt with two people kinda like that
[03:32] <Yukaronachan> It'd be different if I didn't feel so drained of any desire to speak to another living being every time I chat with him XD
[03:32] <Nata Roebot> Is it draining because he's rude, or because he expects too much from you, or just that you and he don't get along with each other personality-wise?
[03:33] <LegionofOpium> heh
[03:33] <LegionofOpium> ive made
[03:33] <LegionofOpium> toxy upsetti spaghetti
[03:33] <LegionofOpium> and he now is refusing to talk to me
[03:33] <Nata Roebot> That's the exact wording he used yesterday when he was talking about how he made you "upsetti spaghetti"
[03:33] <Nata Roebot> ripperoni pepperoni to you 
[03:33] <LegionofOpium> heh
[03:33] <Nata Roebot> Lord Brocktree! (squeeze) 
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> yeah he was in a discord
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> with some of his RL friends
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> for some god forsaken reasons
[03:34] <Brocky292> Nata! (squeeze) 
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> he listened to me when I said "give me a invite"
[03:34] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> bROCKKYYYY CHANNN
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> I ended up making a copy invite and leaving
[03:34] <Brocky292> AUDREY CHAN
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> I left it in my PMs with a friend since they havent been on in fuck in ages lol
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> of all the nights to get on
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> he got on tonight
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> he joined
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> so I joined
[03:34] <LegionofOpium> and toxy is now upset ;^)
[03:35] <Nata Roebot> Oh no
[03:35] <Nata Roebot> Did you/your friends do anything horribly embarassing in front of his friends?
[03:35] <LegionofOpium> nah I just
[03:35] <LegionofOpium> the only thing I said was
[03:35] <LegionofOpium> "eeeeee"
[03:35] <LegionofOpium> in reply to someone saying "wtf" to me, my alt and friend joining
[03:35] <LegionofOpium> im just annoyed right now ; = ;
[03:35] <LegionofOpium> I have a collab going with toxy
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> I am in a writing mood
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> but I have nothing left to write for our characters
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> all I can do is wait for him to write his part of the history
[03:36] <Nata Roebot> Maybe Toxy just wants to keep his secret Internet friends away from his RL friends out of fear you'll scare them off with weirdness or something
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> I dont think so tbh
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> he did willingly
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> invite me
[03:36] <LegionofOpium> for some reason
[03:36] <Nata Roebot> Maybe it's because you shared it and he thinks more people will crash the chat room?
[03:37] <Yukaronachan> To answer your question @Nata he's not a bad guy he just drains me. I don't know how to put it in to words but something about his personality and the way he types just really makes me wish he would go away.
[03:37] <Nata Roebot> ^^^^^^^^
[03:37] <Nata Roebot> 100% relate
[03:38] <Nata Roebot> Drop him nicely but drop him very resolutely
[03:58] <LegionofOpium> and I dont wanna write like
[03:58] <LegionofOpium> but im tired
[03:58] <LegionofOpium> and that requires effort
[03:58] <LegionofOpium> fuck not edgy characters
[03:58] <LegionofOpium> edgy factions
[03:58] <LegionofOpium> liberi superum 
[04:00] <Brocky292> BINSEUHUBBYBAEPOOOOOO (Squeeze) 
[04:03] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> OSOLIHUBBYBAEPOO (squeeze) 
[04:04] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> hYUUUUUUUUU (th) 
[04:08] <Nata Roebot> Aloha! o/ 
[04:09] <Yukaronachan> Welcome back Natary
[04:09] <Nata Roebot> Welcome Hyu, Migs! o/ o/ 
[04:09] <Nata Roebot> Thank you Yucca :D
[04:09] <Nata Roebot> I think my chat lagged out or something bc I wasn't getting any messages
[04:09] <Eternal Sterek> BAKS (squeeze) 
[04:09] <Yukaronachan> Rip
[04:12] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> quibba nata
[04:12] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> tbh how did i get from reading to watch exo videos
[04:12] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> when did procrastinating get this bad
[04:15] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> HELLO TO EVERYONE
[04:15] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> BAKS (squeeze) 
[04:16] <Brocky292> BLUEGIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Squeeze) 
[04:17] <AoCatrene> BROCKHYUUUUUNN (squeeze) 
[04:17] <Eternal Sterek> BLOOOOOO (squeeze) 
[04:17] <The Highland Lady> Yuka, your post on Pyrrha's page ~
[04:17] <Yukaronachan> kk
[04:17] <Eternal Sterek> Hi Time :)
[04:17] <Eternal Sterek> nice to see you around 
[04:17] <The Highland Lady> Oh Miggy, I posted on Apollo's cabin :D
[04:17] <AoCatrene> MIIGYYYYYY (SQUEEZE) 
[04:17] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> wow chat is alive again
[04:17] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> BLUEKHYUN (squeeze) 
[04:18] <Nata Roebot> Blue! Froyo! Time! o/ o/ o/ 
[04:18] <AoCatrene> JONGHYUUUUUU (SQUEEZE) 
[04:18] <TimeLord15> Heeey 
[04:18] <AoCatrene> Nataa (wave) 
[04:18] <Eternal Sterek> oooh okie @frost
[04:19] <The Highland Lady> Nataaaaa (th) 
[04:09] <Nata Roebot> Welcome Hyu, Migs! o/ o/ 
[04:09] <Nata Roebot> Thank you Yucca :D
[04:09] <Nata Roebot> I think my chat lagged out or something bc I wasn't getting any messages
[04:09] <Eternal Sterek> BAKS (squeeze) 
[04:09] <Yukaronachan> Rip
[04:12] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> quibba nata
[04:12] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> tbh how did i get from reading to watch exo videos
[04:12] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> when did procrastinating get this bad
[04:15] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> HELLO TO EVERYONE
[04:15] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> BAKS (squeeze) 
[04:16] <Brocky292> BLUEGIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Squeeze) 
[04:17] <AoCatrene> BROCKHYUUUUUNN (squeeze) 
[04:17] <Eternal Sterek> BLOOOOOO (squeeze) 
[04:17] <The Highland Lady> Yuka, your post on Pyrrha's page ~
[04:17] <Yukaronachan> kk
[04:17] <Eternal Sterek> Hi Time :)
[04:17] <Eternal Sterek> nice to see you around 
[04:17] <The Highland Lady> Oh Miggy, I posted on Apollo's cabin :D
[04:17] <AoCatrene> MIIGYYYYYY (SQUEEZE) 
[04:17] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> wow chat is alive again
[04:17] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> BLUEKHYUN (squeeze) 
[04:18] <Nata Roebot> Blue! Froyo! Time! o/ o/ o/ 
[04:18] <AoCatrene> JONGHYUUUUUU (SQUEEZE) 
[04:18] <TimeLord15> Heeey 
[04:18] <AoCatrene> Nataa (wave) 
[04:18] <Eternal Sterek> oooh okie @frost
[04:19] <The Highland Lady> Nataaaaa (th) 
[04:23] <Theharlequin> Blue! *huggles*
[04:25] <AoCatrene> Harle! *huugss*
[04:23] <Theharlequin> Blue! *huggles*
[04:25] <AoCatrene> Harle! *huugss*
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> i don't have the energy to say hello to everyone indiviually
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> so
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> just
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> hi
[04:27] <Eternal Sterek> lmao
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> i don't have the energy to say hello to everyone indiviually
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> so
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> just
[04:26] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> hi
[04:27] <Eternal Sterek> lmao
[04:33] <Brocky292> me: finished and made a char two days ago
[04:33] <Brocky292> also me: has already finished a new char and wants to make the page
[04:33] <Yukaronachan> XD
[04:33] <Yukaronachan> <span class="me-username">* <span>Yukaronachan</span></span> lightly pushes [[Rihan]] out there slowly
[04:34] <Yukaronachan> Someone love my lil bean xD
[04:34] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> id volunteer but like currently stressed rn
[04:34] <Eternal Sterek> omg brocky
[04:34] <Eternal Sterek> i wish i could do that too lmao
[04:34] <Eternal Sterek> i have about three chars i already had planned about two years ago
[04:34] <Brocky292> [[Template%3ACian Moon/Page|Template:Cian Moon/Page]] look at my next smol child :')
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> still not done with them xD
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> cutie
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> and yay boreas
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> pls dont challenge kat for counselor .-.
[04:35] <Brocky292> I would never
[04:35] <Brocky292> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i think</span>
[04:36] <Eternal Sterek> ;-;
[04:36] <Eternal Sterek> im gonna die in a match with you
[04:36] <Yukaronachan> Hes too cute @Brocky &lt;3 
[04:36] <Brocky292> ty &lt;3 
[04:36] <Brocky292> and no you wouldn't Migglyhorn xD
[04:33] <Brocky292> me: finished and made a char two days ago
[04:33] <Brocky292> also me: has already finished a new char and wants to make the page
[04:33] <Yukaronachan> XD
[04:33] <Yukaronachan> <span class="me-username">* <span>Yukaronachan</span></span> lightly pushes [[Rihan]] out there slowly
[04:34] <Yukaronachan> Someone love my lil bean xD
[04:34] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> id volunteer but like currently stressed rn
[04:34] <Eternal Sterek> omg brocky
[04:34] <Eternal Sterek> i wish i could do that too lmao
[04:34] <Eternal Sterek> i have about three chars i already had planned about two years ago
[04:34] <Brocky292> [[Template%3ACian Moon/Page|Template:Cian Moon/Page]] look at my next smol child :')
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> still not done with them xD
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> cutie
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> and yay boreas
[04:35] <Eternal Sterek> pls dont challenge kat for counselor .-.
[04:35] <Brocky292> I would never
[04:35] <Brocky292> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i think</span>
[04:36] <Eternal Sterek> ;-;
[04:36] <Eternal Sterek> im gonna die in a match with you
[04:36] <Yukaronachan> Hes too cute @Brocky &lt;3 
[04:36] <Brocky292> ty &lt;3 
[04:36] <Brocky292> and no you wouldn't Migglyhorn xD
[04:37] <The Highland Lady> Afk, gotta make my lunch
[04:37] <Eternal Sterek> well let's hope i dont xD
[04:37] <Eternal Sterek> also, when will BB CHB start?
[04:37] <Eternal Sterek> i wanna start scheming
[04:38] <Brocky292> I could technically launch it right now
[04:38] <Brocky292> not the right button >.<
[04:37] <The Highland Lady> Afk, gotta make my lunch
[04:37] <Eternal Sterek> well let's hope i dont xD
[04:37] <Eternal Sterek> also, when will BB CHB start?
[04:37] <Eternal Sterek> i wanna start scheming
[04:38] <Brocky292> I could technically launch it right now
[04:38] <Brocky292> not the right button >.<
[04:39] <Yukaronachan> My cat is looking at me like I'm nuts cuz I'm dancing in my seat XD
[04:45] <The Highland Lady> And back~
[04:45] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> IS THAT MARK LEE I SEE
[04:46] <Eternal Sterek> y'all Hyu doesn't wanna sleep over at my house
[04:46] <Eternal Sterek> and I'm mad
[04:39] <Yukaronachan> My cat is looking at me like I'm nuts cuz I'm dancing in my seat XD
[04:45] <The Highland Lady> And back~
[04:45] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> IS THAT MARK LEE I SEE
[04:46] <Eternal Sterek> y'all Hyu doesn't wanna sleep over at my house
[04:46] <Eternal Sterek> and I'm mad
[04:47] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> it's my mom who doesn't want to
[04:47] <Eternal Sterek> e.e
[04:47] <Eternal Sterek> jk
[04:47] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> it's my mom who doesn't want to
[04:47] <Eternal Sterek> e.e
[04:47] <Eternal Sterek> jk
[04:50] <Eternal Sterek> does anyone know which fonts work in wikia in general
[04:50] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> idk
[04:50] <Brocky292> YE IT IS MARK LEE @ BINSEU
[04:52] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> tbh the unused nct members in this wiki are going extinct
[04:53] <LyreOfOrpheHyus> fuq i need to work on keanu
[04:56] <TheRebelOfSlytherin> lol