Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
[12:36] <ShadowOfOblivion7119> Jet Lag?
[12:37] <JustChase> what no
[12:37] <ShadowOfOblivion7119> Lol
[12:37] <JustChase> I just don't care half the time 
[12:37] <ShadowOfOblivion7119> Ah
[12:38] <ShadowOfOblivion7119> Wait you mean about what we've talked about??
[12:38] <JustChase> idk 
[12:38] <ShadowOfOblivion7119> Geez, should've said so
[12:38] <JustChase> I never said idc 
[12:38] <JustChase> I've just been emotionally detached 
[12:52] <Nata Roebot> Aloha! o/ 
[12:53] <JustChase> Pachu*
[12:53] <JustChase> PM DORK
[12:54] <Nata Roebot> DANTE DE DEEVEDRYER
[12:55] <JustChase> I'm santa not dante xD
[12:55] <JustChase> Though I was dante at one point
[12:55] <JustChase> i mean what
[12:55] <Nata Roebot> Oh my
[12:55] <Nata Roebot> How was the Inferno?
[01:00] <JustChase> It happened a long time ago
[01:00] <JustChase> I mean what
[01:01] <Nata Roebot> Oh my oh my
[01:05] <Nata Roebot> test
[01:05] <JustChase> New templates
[01:05] <JustChase> don't show up in activity right?
[01:05] <JustChase> .w.
[01:06] <Nata Roebot> I think they do
[01:06] <Nata Roebot> I'll flood activity with a bunch of categorization for you
[01:06] <DaichiAoi> they don't show up in recent activity
[01:06] <DaichiAoi> but they show up in "all activity"
[01:07] <Nata Roebot> Name it something mysterious just in case
[01:07] <Nata Roebot> Like "ACM42"
[01:08] <Nata Roebot> LEGIT DOCTORE (th) 
[01:08] <DrXax> NATE
[01:08] <Nata Roebot> How's it going, Doc? xD
[01:08] <DrXax> Not bad, not bad
[01:09] <Nata Roebot> test
[01:09] <Nata Roebot> tube
[01:18] <JustChase> pass
[01:26] <Nata Roebot> Gyps! o/ 
[01:29] <DrXax> Hey o/ 
[01:30] <Nat25> CHASE!!!
[01:30] <Nat25> pm
[01:30] <Nat25> ;.;
[01:31] <DrXax> ELEVEN
[01:32] <Nat25> *TWO
[01:32] <Nata Roebot> NAT-TWONSIE (th) 
[01:32] <Nat25> NATA-TWONSIE (th) 
[01:32] <Nata Roebot> How's it going? :o
[01:33] <Nat25> ;.;
[01:33] <Nat25> I'm in a hotel
[01:33] <Nat25> thanks to dad
[01:33] <Nat25> I'm living
[01:34] <Nat25> [[Roleplay:Main Forum/General/Haruki Akiyama%27s Vote on Defecting Back to Camp?t=20161021011807|Roleplay:Main Forum/General/Haruki Akiyama's Vote on Defecting Back to Camp?t=20161021011807]]
[01:34] <Nat25> 
[01:34] <Nat25> *pushes everyone towards forum*
[01:34] <Nat25> Brocky, Dichi, Eleven
[01:34] <Nat25> Nyxil
[01:34] <Nat25> gu
[01:34] <Nat25> GUUU
[01:35] <DaichiAoi> que
[01:35] <Nat25> go
[01:35] <Nat25> post on it
[01:35] <Nat25> if
[01:35] <Nat25> you have a head councilor 
[01:36] <Nata Roebot> Only head counselors?
[01:36] <Nat25> yes
[01:36] <Nata Roebot> I dunno if we have enough people here to win a vote with only heads :'D
[01:37] <Nat25> otherwise I would have voted
[01:37] <Nat25> twice
[01:37] <Nat25> and (OMG) NATA
[01:37] <Nat25> I GOT LT
[01:37] <Nat25> (bounce) 
[01:38] <Nata Roebot> I SAW CONGRATS (bounce) 
[01:38] <Nat25> (squeal) 
[01:40] <DrXax> lt?
[01:40] <Nat25> lieutenant 
[01:41] <DaichiAoi> rhys might abstain bc of past experiences & shit
[01:42] <Nat25> ;.;
[01:42] <Nat25> damn
[01:42] <Brocky292> who even are my head counsellors
[01:42] <Nat25> xD
[01:42] <DaichiAoi> lexi & cody are one of them
[01:42] <DaichiAoi> i know that
[01:43] <Nata Roebot> UNDUE (th) 
[01:43] <Nata Roebot> undue
[01:43] <Nata Roebot> wow
[01:44] <DaichiAoi> undue
[01:44] <DaichiAoi> undue what?
[01:44] <DaichiAoi> UNDUE WHAT, NATA?!
[01:45] <Undead Sparkz> y..yo?
[01:45] <Undead Sparkz> oH
[01:45] <DrXax> ahhhh
[01:45] <DrXax> lt counselor
[01:45] <DrXax> Hey Reeses :)
[01:45] <ReesesPeaces> Allo (wave) 
[01:45] <ReesesPeaces> Just came back from (a very loud) dance
[01:45] <Nat25> o/ Crackers
[01:45] <ReesesPeaces> my ears are still ringing >.<
[01:45] <Nat25> ?
[01:46] <ReesesPeaces> My school had a halloween dance
[01:46] <ReesesPeaces> and some guy asked me to dance but I awkward declined XD
[01:46] <ReesesPeaces> 
[01:46] <Nat25> ah
[01:46] <ReesesPeaces> yup.
[01:46] <ReesesPeaces> aaanywho
[01:48] <ReesesPeaces> working on a maybe char
[01:48] <Brocky292> so um
[01:49] <ReesesPeaces> yeah?
[01:49] <Brocky292> we just wont talk about how I have six head counsellors
[01:49] <ReesesPeaces> you do?? XD wow
[01:49] <Brocky292> ye
[01:49] <Brocky292> and the limit is five
[01:49] <Undead Sparkz> october revolution when tbh seize power from the bourgeoisie 
[01:49] <ReesesPeaces> haha I won't peep
[01:50] <Nata Roebot> Back o/ 
[01:50] <Nata Roebot> Wibbles candy sapling! (th) 
[01:50] <ReesesPeaces> Galaxy Mentor!
[01:50] <ReesesPeaces> (th) 
[01:50] <Nata Roebot> And did I hear someone mention overthrowing the bourgeosie?
[01:50] <Nata Roebot> <span class="me-username">* <span>Nata Roebot</span></span> stares at Santa/Dante *
[01:50] <Nata Roebot> <s>the elven masses will soon rise</s>
[01:50] <ReesesPeaces> Don't what that bourgeosie is
[01:50] <Undead Sparkz> da comrade
[01:51] <ReesesPeaces> *the
[01:51] <Undead Sparkz> october revolution soon
[01:51] <Undead Sparkz> :tm:
[01:51] <Nata Roebot> Santa's oppressing the working class
[01:51] <Undead Sparkz> seize the means of production please
[01:51] <Nata Roebot> we ARE the means of production
[01:51] <Undead Sparkz> uwu