Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Music Spirits of the Wiki
Page Created By Last Edited On Last Edited By
Célestin LoupEvilhariboMadness19:13, 3 October 2021EvilhariboMadness
CameronBrocky29201:45, 21 February 2018Brocky292
Music PowersBachLynn2311:03, 2 January 2014LyreOfOrpheHyus


  1. They can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off (depending on strength and number of people in the spell), the longer it lasts the more energy it drains
  2. They can curse others to sing everything, that can take days or even weeks to wear off (depending on strength and number of people in the spell), the longer it lasts the more energy it drains
  3. They have a minor ability to inspire the musical talents in those around them
  4. Their music can calm those around them for a short time
  5. As they are nymphs they do not age, remaining eternally young.
  6. They have a telepathic/empathetic connection with nature and other nymphs
  1. They can sustain a high pitch with their voice, that is so loud it will temporarily stun anyone around them, its effects are temporary and it effects everyone around them, friend or foe. They can also do this with a musical instrument as well.
  2. They can infuse magic into their song and ‘charm-sing’ another into doing their will or revealing a secret to them; the person will remain under the control of the charm-sing for a few minutes or until control is relinquished
  1. They have such a beautiful voice, that when they sing, people can't help but listen, this can often distract enemies while in battle
  1. They can play any musical instrument, even if they have never seen it before
  2. They have pitch perfect singing voices

All items (3)
