Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
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Forums: Index > Claiming > Camp/Chase Enderson

Name: Chase Enderson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

God Parent: Hermes/Zephyrus/Prometheus

Mortal Parent: Louise Enderson

Appearance: Dark hair and piercing blue eyes, around 5'10" in height. He has a cheeky smile to.

Personality: He's laid back, honest, and very cheeky for his age. Chase is your typical teen, he loves to prank, when he feels like it. Around strangers, he's an awkward penguin, and when around friends, he's a jokester. Chase has a brilliant mind, just like his mother, only he sort of hides that side of him because he has slight trust issues.

History: Louise Enderson, the name that brings everyone to silence when spoken. Louise is a master of disguise, a brilliant escape artist, and cunning theif. Along with her brother Amos, she sprinted around the country stealing from banks and mansions and whatever else that I didn't say of. Louise is admired and despised at the same time. What else, she was actually a very beautiful woman. And that was another reason why Lord _____ fell for her. He had tried to ask her out, but she declined every time, so one night, he had brought her to a local pub as "friends" (Louise disguised herself, of course). Louise had gotten drunk enough for _____ to take advantage of her, which he did. And the next day Louise woke up knowing nothing of what happened that night. So she just shrugged it off, and went out for her daily raids and all. A few weeks passed, Louise found that she was pregnant.

Chase was born after nine months or so, he turned out not to be such a troublesome child for Louise and Amos. He followed them around the country, hiding in their cars or other vehicles they'd stolen while they raid houses, and other places. Many years later though his Uncle Amos was caught by the international police, and got sentenced for life in prison. And there was no way Louise was gonna risk her life to try and get him out, she said so herself. So there they were, herself and Chase, honestly not sure what was ahead of them. So they just kept running around the country, hiding in the most.... Interesting places indeed.

Chase did have an encounter with a monster when he was 14, while Louise and him were at New York. He was waiting for his mom again while leaning against one of their stolen cars. He heard a growl coming from an alleyway, he grew curious and decided to go and check. It really was a hellhound, a big one. It didn't see Chase, but it sensed him, it growled. Then Chase got back to his senses and ran as fast as he could, all the way back to their car, where Louise was waiting impatiently. They then took off immediately. Chase didn't have many encounters since then, he was glad of that.

When Chase turned 16 he and his mom were on their way towards Long Island! then they had to stop because their car had a flat tire. Louise decided to go and find a replacement one at some shops nearby, that left Chase to stay with the car. Nearby, he heard sounds, like yelling and hissing. Again, he became curious and decided to investigate. There... he saw an empousa fighting against a boy who looked about Chase's age. He was using a sword to fight against them. Chase prayed that he wouldn't be seen, but alas, the empousa did. It smiled cruelly at him and pounced, but then there was a sword... A few seconds later a pile of dust. The boy ran up to him and asked him if he was okay. Then he explained everything to him about the Greek world, and that Chase was a demigod, he was supposed to go to Camp Half-Blood, the only safe place for demigods like him. It was a lot to digest in, but Chase managed. As for Louise, when Chase got back to her, with the boy (his name was Joe, Chase found out) explained everything to her too, which she found hard to believe in too. But she let him go to stay in camp. After a fixing the car's tire and a hug, Louise drove away, and Chase went with Joe to Camp. They reached within a few hours, And Chase was claimed by _____ a few hours after crossing the borders.

Weapons: None at the moment

This is WIP ~ Cloudsies Riri ye ye ye Special:EditCount/Riri25Cloudsies

It's done ~ Cloudsies Riri Where the clouds are swimming? Special:EditCount/Riri25Cloudsies

Just to be sure:Are Amos and Louise mortals? How could they have not been caught every time? How did they live after Amos was caught? Was Louise known for being a theif? If so, it would be very difficult to hide him and herself.. from the police especially being a kid. Was the half-blood boy merely guessing Chase was a half-blood?There is a crime, but no criminal. ★❣Broken❣★Jap32

Yes, Louise and Amos are mortals, and the reason they haven't been caught was because they moved around and never stay in one place for long. And yes again, Louise was known for being a theif, it's said in the first paragraph she's a cunning escape artist. And once again yes, the half blood merely guessed.

Cloudsies Riri Where the clouds are swimming? Special:EditCount/Riri25Cloudsies

How did he get to 16 with no monster attacks before that?

My name is Bach, I founded this WikiLeave a Message here!CutepinkclockTardis pixel my first dd by aqua spirit22-d69l8fwBig Bouncy Aristocrat by LeoLeonardo

They kept moving around the country and never stayed in one place for long.

Cloudsies Riri ye ye ye Special:EditCount/Riri25Cloudsies

Why ever go to camp then, if she's never had monster attacks

My name is Bach, I founded this WikiLeave a Message here!CutepinkclockTardis pixel my first dd by aqua spirit22-d69l8fwBig Bouncy Aristocrat by LeoLeonardo

Fixed ~ Cloudsies Riri Where the clouds are swimming? Special:EditCount/Riri25Cloudsies
