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Index > Camp Claiming > Camp/Cole and Aubin Treman

Name: Cole Treman and Aubin Treman

Gender: Both are males

Cole and Aubin

God Parent: Nemesis, Tyche, Aphrodite

Mortal Parent: Hunter Treman

Appearance: Cole has ear length raven black hair and piercing black eyes. He's 5'9 and has a lean build although he's a little more muscular then his brother. He has a black long sleeve shirt with a wide open coller and red strips going down, he wears a dark green sweatshirt around his waist and worn navy blue jeans. Aubin has neck length white hair with black eyes. He's 5'9 with a lean build. He wears a casual collered white shirt with a black undershirt and greyish brown pants.

Personality: Cole- is a cofident self-motivated person he feels supior to everyone and is very serious. He's extremely ambitious and can get quite passionate about certain topics almost to an obsessive degree. This can lead people to believe that he's emotionally erratic, and oftentimes he can be. He's highly intelligent and due to this can be quite arrogant and has a huge ego. When someone insults him he gets extremely anger and harbors resentments years on end. He always gets revenge on the people that have wronged him. When he has relationships he's prone to intense jealousy and this tends to push those people away. Aubin- is the complete opposite of his brother. He's very kind, humble, and considerate of others. He shows compassion and love to those who least deserve it, he's the person people come to with their problems. Even though he shows kindness to others he prefers to be alone and is a very spiritual person, spending much of his time meditating and calming his mind. Together these two complete each other. They bring balance to each, but when separated they become chaotic. Aubin becomes over considerate and caring to the point of emotional instabability and Cole becomes overly arrogant and greedy to the point of phycopathy.

History: Hunter was born in a small country town. He felt smothered by the closeness of everyone and longed to move to the city. When he turned 18 she finally left the country and moved to New York City. He got a job as a builder and worked at the conctruction sites. One day after a long hot day he went to the pub to go get a drink. He sat next to a relatively young woman and started chatting her up. They clicked immediately and slept together. They continued to go out for 10 months then one day the goddess announced that she was pregnet. She sat Hunter down and explained that she was a goddess and that his children would be demigods. They continued to date and 9 months later congoined twins were born. The doctors suggested to the parents that they agree to a surgery that would remove the twins from each other. They agreed and the twins were separated. The surgery was a success and the babies were taken home a couple weeks later. Soon after Nemesis disappeared without a trace.

Hunter raised the children by himself, but he never got over Nemesis's disappearance. When the twins were 5 years old they were enrolled in kindergarten they both excelled in school and were pronounced as gifted students and offered scholarships at a presteges school. A month before they were sent to the school Cole was attacked by a harpy Cole hit the beast over the head repetedly with his backpack and then strangled it, momentarly stunning it and giving him a chance to run away. When he told the teachers what had happened they didn't believe him and he was kicked out of school for vandalism. Thus he was separated from his brother and enrolled in another public school.

Although the brothers saw each other on the holidays they were rarely together anymore. Cole continued to get more violent at school with or without monster attacks. He would not stand for criticism. Aubin on the other hand was involved in various charities and other fund raising organizations. The brothers continued to grow each becoming more and more extreme in their acts of hatred and kindness. Because of their separation at birth they had become unbalanced.

Meanwhile Cole had made his first friend a boy named TJ who was a demigod (although he was not year round). They became close friends and TJ put up with Cole's arrogance and egotistical personality. When Aubin was 16 he graduated from school two years early and moved back home. Cole was overjoyed to be reunited with his brother and introduced him to his friend TJ.

That Christmas the brothers, TJ, and their father went out to cut down a Christmas tree (by this time both boys were 16). While were looking for the perfect tree a minataur attacked them. TJ pushed Cole out of the way. TJ tapped his watch twice and clicked a pen, suddenly a shield and sword appeared and he began to battle to beast. The father rushed is boys behind some bushes into safety. He explained that their mother was a god and that they were demi-gods. By the time he had gotten though all of their questions.TJ had defeated the minatuar. They told the father it was time and he agreed. Together TJ took Cole and Aubin to camp half-blood where they are currently residing. When they arrived at camp they were told to pick their weapons. Cole chose a celestial bronze long sword with a celestial bronze shield, and Aubin chose a wooden oak staff.

Weapons: Cole has a long sword and shield. Aubin has a wooden oak staff.

Please sign this. And I'm confused, so the twins were separated at birth? Or what? And then do they live with each other, go to the same school? Will you have both characters? How did Cole know how to defeat the harpy? And the separation wouldn't cause them to get unbalanced, they were so young they wouldn't know anything was different. "I need you to teach me How to trust you. ღ" 19:14, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

They were separated at birth. Aubin went to a boarding school, but Cole was kicked out of school so he lost the scholarship. Yeah both of the characters are mine. And I don't think Cole really knew it was more like instinct. FloatingInDarkness 19:20, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

Why did Cole get kicked out of school and I don't think that would have killed the harpy, maybe just stunned it a little "I need you to teach me How to trust you. ღ" 19:20, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

Some of the lockers were damaged so he was kicked out for vandalism FloatingInDarkness 19:25, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

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"You are in every line I have ever read."   -Ruby
