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Index > New Athens Claiming > New Athens/Eunike Athansieu

Name: Eunike Aristomache Olympias Athansieu

Age (all New Athens characters must be eighteen or older): biologically 2750, physically 19

God/Titan Parent: Tartarus

Mortal Parent: Aristomache Athansieu

Appearance (optional): Not sure yet, working it out

Personality (at least a sentence or two): Eunike grew up in a family that was full of generals and politicians, so she was taught to be fair, but at times a cold-hearted person. She grew up a warrior, not allowed to have friends or communicate with others that were not her trainer, guardian, or certain family members, and because of this she barely finds the need to make friends or have them. Eunike is the same in real life as she is on the battlefield; cold, quick, impatient, and practical.

History (at least two paragraphs): Aristomache Athansieu didn't follow what her family expected of her. Her family -rich generals and politicians, all-around boring people, but also legacies from certain gods- wanted her to marry a rich general or soldier, while Aristomache opted for getting gifts from bachelors she would see for one night, never to see them again. Aristomache was also fascinated by magic and wanted to learn about it. She met a soothsayer he offered to teach her a few spells, and Aristomache agreed. She asked the soothsayer to teach her how to summon monsters since it was the thing that fascinated her the most. Aristomache learned the spell and spent a lot of time seeing all the monsters she could summon. Tartarus was angered by all the monster summoning that was happening and decided to pay a visit to the person who was doing this. Tartarus's intention was to crush the mortal who dared do such a thing, but when he met Aristomache, he was instantly enchanted. Aristomache was shocked when a deity appeared before her but was curious to get to know him more. Tartarus spent a week with Aristomache, having to leave soon after that. Aristomache later found out that she was with child, and later died during the birthing. Her family, being told that this child was a demigod before Aristomach died, took the infant in. They named her Eunike Aristomache Olympias Athansieu, hoping that the name would bring her great victory and good luck. 

Eunike grew up with her grandparents and extended family, who intended her to be a strong warrior. It is barely fair to say that Eunike had a childhood since what she experienced was barely one at all. She was constantly drilled with information about battles, strategies, and fighting. She was not allowed to make friends or talk to people outside her home, being told that they would distract her from her goal. She was given a dagger and a sword and instructed to practice with them until she was the closest to flawless as she could muster. Eunike was also told that she was a Demigod, and she accepted this throughout her life. When Eunike turned nine, she was attacked by a harpy. She was able to kill the monster, and throughout the next years, she would have more encounters such as this. By the time Eunike turned eleven, she already knew how to formulate battle plans and fight well with her sword and dagger. This drew the attention of Athena, who thought that this young girl would be a good asset to the gods. Satyrs were sent to get Eunike and bring her to Athena. Eunike was trained for the next six years under Athena's supervision and was later tasked with quests from the gods. Eunike was exited to be trusted in this way, wanting to prove her worth. For the next three years, Eunike would constantly go on quests that were requested by the gods, as well as fight off the monsters that attacked her. By the time she turned nineteen, the gods were impressed by all she could handle and granted her a gift. Eunike asked the gods for immortality (unless she died in battle), and to be allowed to live on the mortal earth, still serving them if they needed her for a quest or mission. Eunike was granted this, and she returned to her home for a short while, later to move o to other parts of the world. 

Over the centuries, Eunike was tasked with fewer things to do. Athena told her that it was because new heroes had risen and that there was now a camp full of Demigods as well as a town were Eunike might be able to live in. Eunike asked the goddess were this camp was and was given directions. Eunike arrived at Camp Half-Blood one day ago, hoping to be able to establish a normal life, hence why she wishes to live in New Athens.

Weapon(s) (optional): CB dagger and sword

Message Me!A life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?- HippoMessage Me!

09:22, May 15, 2020 (UTC)HippoNike22
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This claim has been approved as a child of Tartarus. You now need to make a page for them and a word bubble, if you aren't sure how to do this you can see the guide here. Once you have done that you can add your character's name to the cabin list located on the cabin pages and start role playing with your new character. If you have any questions feel free to ask a member of the Admin team.

⌜ Look at your heart, and not at what the world wants. ⌟
