Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Index > Claiming for Pets > Pets/Caligo



Type: Magic Polecat (former sorcerer)

Owner: Mark La Rue

History: She was a powerful sorcerer that worship Hecate in the middle ages. But one day, a bishop saw her doing magic and orderer her ejecution. But in the last moment, Hecate appeared and, angered, saved her but it was to late. She had died. Hecate gave her a last gift, she transformed her into a polecat with some of her previous abilities. She stayed with her for centuries, but when a son of Hecate came to camp, Hecate gave her as a gift to protect him and show him the right path.

Abilities: Mist control, shapeshifting

Home:Hecate's cabin

Roderik27 (talk) 17:47, December 22, 2014 (UTC)
