Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Index > Claiming for Pets > Pets/Ziva

  1. Type of Pet: a Labrador Retrievers (Psychiatric Service dong)
  2. Character who owns pet :joy
  3. Pet name:Ziva
  4. Why does the character have this pet:She has a to live with a dissability which is dementia as well as her anxiety and panic disorder which makes it hard for her to do daily chores thus she received the dog (zenna) from her father whom is aware of her condition
  5. Any special abilities:it can open door,understand and listen to most of joy's(and only joy)comands. Is able to do most of what service dogs usually does which is calming her down, telling her to take her meds,making her feel safe and secure (by being with her), as well as finding help when it gets bad. Zenna is also able to help Joy in most or all her chores as she was train to do it.As a service dog zenna wont chase after anything unless joy is the one throwing it as she is very dedicated with her job

6)How She got the pet: Her father gave it to her as a gift

7)Where does the pet stay: With joy

Warning! I have a dangerous disease And its call lazinessSo if you cought it Please go to your nearest hospital in hope it wont spread 15:37, December 9, 2012 (UTC)

How does the dog help with her dementia and anxiety? It can speak?

"You are in every line I have ever read."   -Ruby

no it cannot talk...its been train to know what to do its like a dog for the blind but its not for the blind but for people like her..

Warning! I have a dangerous disease And its call lazinessSo if you cought it Please go to your nearest hospital in hope it wont spread 15:13, December 15, 2012 (UTC)

How does it tell her to take the meds then? And who trained it to do the chores etc.?

"You are in every line I have ever read."   -Ruby

Ziva has been train at a school(which joy's dad sent before sending ziva to joy(it exist))) for dogs to enable her to help joy to either coop or live with her inability and live like the rest as she has anxiety/panic attacks not to mention dementia..

Warning! I have a dangerous disease And its call lazinessSo if you cought it Please go to your nearest hospital in hope it wont spread 17:50, December 18, 2012 (UTC)


"You are in every line I have ever read."   -Ruby
