Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Urban Arena

Urban arena
  • This arena is essentially a small abandoned city, overgrown with vegetation and some of the buildings crumbling in decay.
  • Located in the middle of the arena is a small abandoned park, with a pond
  • This arena has all the typical things you'd find in an abandoned overgrown city, everything from flat surfaces to small buildings to tall skyscrapers, some crumbling, some still standing, lots of dark places to hide, including an underground subway tunnel. There are abandoned cars, and things can still be found within the buildings, perhaps even a few stray cats or dogs, or some smaller creatures such as rats and spiders.
  • The arena is open to the sky and elements
  • This arena also possesses a more rural arena, possessing large mansions, estates and houses.


Cody ~ Son of Hades 地獄

"We all have demons begging to be unleashed."
#GoodVibes is the perfect status for Cody's mood. After his fight with Joachim, the son of Hades, along with his competitors, were given a day to rest and prepare. Though he had fought in the arena frequently, Cody remained vigilant. He wore an all black outfit: shirt, jeans, and rubber shoes. The son of Hades also wore his leather breastplate and arm guards. His twin fu tao's were strapped to his back. His steel cards and ambrosia cubes were hidden in his deck. At the moment, being on the last floor of an 18-story condominium, the confident son of Hades overlooked the whole area and further strategized. He knew his partner Chase, who he met prior to the match, would shortly arrive as well. The building was conveniently located in the middle of different establishments: a 5-story mall, the city park, another housing complex, a recreation center, and an entrance to the subway station. There were also a few stray animals, abandoned motorbikes, and other useful pawns he could use for the match. Such findings caused him to smile even wider.
Character's Bio

 Age: Immortal  Height: 6'1  Weight: 160 lbs
 Sexuality: Heterosexual  Relationship Status: Single NOT looking
 Birth Place: New Zealand  Main Weapon: Inferno: Twin Hooked Swords; Throwing Cards
~Hell's Knight in Shining Armor/ Head Counsellor of Cabin #13

Character's Powers

 Powers of a son of Hades:


  1. Children of Hades can create and launch long shards of obsidian from their palms.
  2. Children of Hades can create small fissures in the ground which spew plumes of hellfire for a few moments before closing. The hellfire is more powerful than normal fire, but can also harm the user, so this power must be used carefully.


  1. Children of Hades have the ability to create a dome of hardened earth and gemstones, roughly two or three times the size of the user, which can be used to block attacks for a short time.
  2. Children of Hades can conjure a set of very durable bone armor around themselves which grants enhanced protection against physical attacks. After a time, the armor grows brittle and falls off the user’s body.


  1. Children of Hades are able to communicate with and command the dead, and are able to sense spirits or other undead beings.
  2. Children of Hades are able to communicate with and command hellhounds they encounter.
  3. Children of Hades can sense when a mortal, half-blood, nymph/spirit that they know has died through a "buzzing" in their ears.
  4. Children of Hades are able to instantly destroy undead in a single attack.


  1. Children of Hades have the ability to Shadow Travel, to teleport from shadow to shadow; the further the distance, the more energy drained.
  2. Children of Hades have a heightened control over undead and can usurp dominance from others who control undead who aren’t also children of Hades.
  3. Children of Hades can telekinetically shape and control dead matter. The more matter moved, the more the user is drained.
  4. Children of Hades can perform rites to summon a specific ghost from the underworld for a time, using offerings of their choice. The more offerings given and the more specific they are to the intended ghost, the more likely they are to appear. Ghosts that have been granted reincarnation, or are trapped Tartarus or the Fields of Punishment, cannot be summoned.
  5. Children of Hades can bend shadows around them, concealing them for a short time.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Hades are able to summon skeletal/zombie humanoids/animals to do their bidding. The more animals summoned and the bigger they are, the more energy is drained. Any armor/weaponry the undead possess increases the strain of the summoning. The undead can then be commanded telepathically their summoner. The longer they are summoned, the more the summoner is drained of their energy.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Hades are to project their consciousness into any undead minion they command, taking direct control of their senses, movements and actions. However, their own body is left vulnerable for the duration.

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Hades are capable of entering into a contract with a willing soul, either prior to their death or after meeting them as a ghost. Once a contract is made, the user gains the ability to summon the spirit into an undead recreation of its former body, formed from the earth, to fight alongside them for a time. The undead would retain all of the skills and physical abilities they had in life, including weaker versions of any special powers. When the summoning ends, or the spirit's summoned body is destroyed, the user is left heavily drained and could possibly faint. Only one contract can be held at a time.


  1. Children of Hades have innate knowledge of the Underworld, able to guide themselves and allies to how to enter,explore and escape the Underworld. (as long as they aren’t already dead)
  2. Children of Hades tend to have dark attitudes and appreciate shadowy places.
  3. Children of Hades typically have an appreciation for the earth, feeling more comfortable on the ground rather than being in the sky or the sea.
  4. Children of Hades often grow up to make great morticians.

Owned by: Broken ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}


Chase Whittemore - Son of Zeus
bottled lightning • eagle eye • head counselor ⚡️
- You can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been.

Message Me – 05:40, October 30, 2016 (UTC)
Chase descends to where Cody is standing on the rooftop of the 18-story condominium building, nodding at him as a form of greeting. He's not wearing any type of armor, as he prefers to be light on his feet and his movements not restricted. He has a light blue shirt on, athletic shorts, running shoes and a belt around his waist where a scabbard - where his CB sword is sheathed - is attached to. Chase hums as he looks around the abandoned city below them, confident that his partner is already cooking up a strategy for the both of them. "So, any sign of our opponents?" He asks.

Round Three
Character: Aria Shen

Possessions: Backpack (containing a tactical flashlight, a water bottle, a miniature first-aid kit, and ambrosia squares) and CB sword

Outfit: Gray hoodie, basketball shorts, running shoes, no armor

Aria was immensely relieved that her match against Alaska had ended in a draw. Since neither of them had been eliminated, her former opponent could now be her teammate for this group battle! Having clashed swords before, they had learned each other's strengths and weaknesses from first-hand experience, forging an unlikely friendship while recovering in the infirmary together. The two girls had spent much of yesterday eating the Apollo cabin's food and discussing strategies for today's battle. Despite her reservations about fighting the Hades head counselor and his Zeus teammate, Aria was feeling optimistic that her Astraeus and Iris team could put up a strong resistance.

The atmosphere of the abandoned city felt oddly familiar to Aria. Last year, she had fought twice against other campers here. None of her fights had taken place in this part of town, however. Alaska and I agreed to meet inside the second-floor food court of this abandoned mall, but I haven't seen her yet. I haven't seen our opponents, either, and I've been waiting for twenty minutes. Did they start without me? Am I even in the right place? Aria glanced through the food court's broken windows to check. The skyscraper across the street blocked most of her view, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer and see.

Timestamp: 03:13, October 30, 2016 (UTC)

Alaska Eira ~ Dark Snow
Sarah 10

I'm not heartless; I've just learned to use my heart less.

Where in the world is that stupid mall? she asked herself, roaming around the arena full of rotten and derelict buildings. She hasn't seen her opponents yet, nor does she have any hint that the fight might be starting already. She knew her former opponent, Aria, was now her partner in this round. Maybe her opponents have met up. And she'd seen something helpful. Alaska focused herself on finding the abandoned mall and meet up and strategize. Sooner than she knew it, she found the mall and dashed up to the second floor. Trying to figure out which was the food court in the rubble of a building, she whispered to herself unintelligible stuff and made sure her weapons are with her.

She arrived at the food court and spotted Aria. She ran toward her and waved. "Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting. Got a little bit lost outside." She shook her head and caught her breath. "I don't know this arena." Once she's all good, she stood up straight and cleared her throat. "Our strategies? I think they have met already," she said.

Character's Bio

 Age: 17  Height: 5'7  Weight: 117 lbs
 Sexuality: Straight  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: Hordaland, Norway  Main Weapon: Twin Celestial bronze war fans
 Accent: A bit of British
 – "The rest . . . is silence."

Character's Powers

 Powers of a Daughter of Iris


  1. Children of Iris have the ability to conjure a weapon out of pure rainbows which can be used for combat; however, only one weapon can be conjured at a time and it can only be up to 2 or 3 times the size of the user.
  2. Children of Iris have the ability to focus an intense beam of prismatic light which will burn anything it touches.


  1. Children of Iris are able to create a protective dome of rainbows for a short time.
  2. Children of Iris have the ability to conjure a large orb made of pure rainbows around an opponent. The orb would successfully imprison an opponent for a short time. The orb is quite durable, but could be broken through with sufficient force. The orb cannot be teleported out of. The target cannot be attacked while the orb is in place, so the power is purely defensive. It can only be used twice in a battle.


  1. Children of Iris can send telepathic messages to their allies and receive their replies.
  2. Children of Iris are stronger whenever a rainbow can be seen in the sky.
  3. Children of Iris heal faster whenever their surroundings are bright, able to absorb the photons and regenerate.


  1. Children of Iris have the ability to cause a massive rainbow to crash down in front of them; which can be used offensively, defensively or any other way imagined.
  2. Children of Iris are able to "rainbow" travel, where they can travel into a rainbow and come out somewhere else, similar to an iris message, but instead of only being able to talk, the child of Iris can actually use it to teleport themselves
  3. Children of Iris have the ability to split the light of a rainbow into seven beams which can be redirected in order to light an area or even blind people.
  4. Children of Iris can bend or shift light particles to create a mirage for a specific time. Since Iris could be considered a light goddess. The mirage will not differentiate from friend or foe. The longer or the greater the mirage is, the more energy is drained.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Since their mother was considered a goddess of the sky and sea, her children gain some control over both aspects. They can control the winds to increase their speed and lower that of an opponent’s and move water with their minds if they wish. They can fly and become able to breathe underwater for a moderate time.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Iris are able to create up to 3 semi-living constructs out of pure rainbows to fight for them for a short time, the constructs can be no larger than 2 to 3 times the size of the user. They will follow the command of the user and the longer they are kept and the more that are made, the more energy is drained

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Iris have the ability to shed their flesh and turn into a state a state of pure light with various colors for a short time and while in this state, the user is granted flight, immune to all attacks, receive a boost in their already existing photokinetic abilities and anything they touch is intensely burned; however, once the user changes back they will be extremely drained, nauseated and immobile for a long time and could faint.


  1. Children of Iris usually have outgoing and colorful personalities.
  2. Children of Iris do not need drachmas to send iris messages.
  3. Children of Iris are normally in better moods whenever the sky is clear
  4. Children of Iris often exhibit a fondness for bright colors.

Owned by: Summer ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}

Cody ~ Son of Hades 地獄

"We all have demons begging to be unleashed."
Chase was right. The grin plastered on Cody's face was no bluff. He had whipped up a Michelin star-worthy strategy -- in addition to the golden ideas they discussed prior to the match. "They're in the mall." He chuckled, quite amused by the stereotypical choice. The limitted number of opponents in the battlefield allowed Cody easily spot the lost female's movements around the area, especially when given his towering position. He took a step back to further conceal himself from their opponents. "So, what about doing a revised operation #10?" The two's tactical sets were numerized for easier referencing and syncing. Knowing his partner's competency, the son of Hades focused on supervising the mall.
Character's Bio

 Age: Immortal  Height: 6'1  Weight: 160 lbs
 Sexuality: Heterosexual  Relationship Status: Single NOT looking
 Birth Place: New Zealand  Main Weapon: Inferno: Twin Hooked Swords; Throwing Cards
~Hell's Knight in Shining Armor/ Head Counsellor of Cabin #13

Character's Powers

 Powers of a son of Hades:


  1. Children of Hades can create and launch long shards of obsidian from their palms.
  2. Children of Hades can create small fissures in the ground which spew plumes of hellfire for a few moments before closing. The hellfire is more powerful than normal fire, but can also harm the user, so this power must be used carefully.


  1. Children of Hades have the ability to create a dome of hardened earth and gemstones, roughly two or three times the size of the user, which can be used to block attacks for a short time.
  2. Children of Hades can conjure a set of very durable bone armor around themselves which grants enhanced protection against physical attacks. After a time, the armor grows brittle and falls off the user’s body.


  1. Children of Hades are able to communicate with and command the dead, and are able to sense spirits or other undead beings.
  2. Children of Hades are able to communicate with and command hellhounds they encounter.
  3. Children of Hades can sense when a mortal, half-blood, nymph/spirit that they know has died through a "buzzing" in their ears.
  4. Children of Hades are able to instantly destroy undead in a single attack.


  1. Children of Hades have the ability to Shadow Travel, to teleport from shadow to shadow; the further the distance, the more energy drained.
  2. Children of Hades have a heightened control over undead and can usurp dominance from others who control undead who aren’t also children of Hades.
  3. Children of Hades can telekinetically shape and control dead matter. The more matter moved, the more the user is drained.
  4. Children of Hades can perform rites to summon a specific ghost from the underworld for a time, using offerings of their choice. The more offerings given and the more specific they are to the intended ghost, the more likely they are to appear. Ghosts that have been granted reincarnation, or are trapped Tartarus or the Fields of Punishment, cannot be summoned.
  5. Children of Hades can bend shadows around them, concealing them for a short time.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Hades are able to summon skeletal/zombie humanoids/animals to do their bidding. The more animals summoned and the bigger they are, the more energy is drained. Any armor/weaponry the undead possess increases the strain of the summoning. The undead can then be commanded telepathically their summoner. The longer they are summoned, the more the summoner is drained of their energy.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Hades are to project their consciousness into any undead minion they command, taking direct control of their senses, movements and actions. However, their own body is left vulnerable for the duration.

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Hades are capable of entering into a contract with a willing soul, either prior to their death or after meeting them as a ghost. Once a contract is made, the user gains the ability to summon the spirit into an undead recreation of its former body, formed from the earth, to fight alongside them for a time. The undead would retain all of the skills and physical abilities they had in life, including weaker versions of any special powers. When the summoning ends, or the spirit's summoned body is destroyed, the user is left heavily drained and could possibly faint. Only one contract can be held at a time.


  1. Children of Hades have innate knowledge of the Underworld, able to guide themselves and allies to how to enter,explore and escape the Underworld. (as long as they aren’t already dead)
  2. Children of Hades tend to have dark attitudes and appreciate shadowy places.
  3. Children of Hades typically have an appreciation for the earth, feeling more comfortable on the ground rather than being in the sky or the sea.
  4. Children of Hades often grow up to make great morticians.

Owned by: Broken ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}


Chase Whittemore - Son of Zeus
bottled lightning • eagle eye • head counselor ⚡️
- You can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been.

Message Me – 06:11, November 1, 2016 (UTC)
He smiles and nods. "Operation #10 sounds good. I can really see it working in this situation." Chase agrees, before standing straight and stretching his muscles a bit in preparation for battle. Afterwards, he glances at Cody. "After you."

Round Three
Character: Aria Shen

Possessions: Backpack (containing a tactical flashlight, a water bottle, a miniature first-aid kit, and ambrosia squares) and CB sword

Outfit: Gray hoodie, basketball shorts, running shoes, no armor

"Hey, Alaska!" Aria cheerfully greeted her ally. "Heads up, I'm going to switch to your nonverbal Iris communication now. Don't worry; it'll be just like we planned," she gently reassured her teammate. Aria understood that Alaska's schizophrenia might make her react negatively to a sudden voice speaking in her head, so she made sure to give Alaska fair warning and time to acclimate. By starting now, they would both be more attuned to telepathic communication during the battle, and their strategies would flow more smoothly.

Can you hear me? Aria projected. Alright. Before we meet our opponents, let's recap what we discussed last night! Like you noted yesterday, this is a very large arena, and this duel could pan out in an inordinate number of ways. As much as I'd prefer to plan for everything ahead of time, that won't be feasible in this situation. We're fighting against intelligent enemies in a complex, unfamiliar environment, so both of us will be adapting constantly. But so long as we follow the general guidelines we agreed upon yesterday, we can keep those adaptations organized.

Aria paused before moving on. Additionally, our biggest asset will be the mental messaging that we're using right now. We can use it to communicate faster than they can speak, and they won't hear a word of what we're saying. I'll be able to adapt to the extra details that you notice, and you'll be able to adapt to the extra details that I catch. Let me know what you're thinking, and I'll let you know what I'm thinking. If we constantly keep each other updated, this feedback loop will make us feel like we can see with two sets of eyes! Two minds are better than one, right? Aria grinned. Oh, and one more thing that we didn't cover last night. I know that I tend to talk a lot more than you, but don't let me monopolize the conversation. We're teammates, and it should never be just one of us planning what to do. As my track coach used to say, that takes the 'team' out of 'teamwork,' and that wouldn't be fun at all! So I'll make sure cut back on the words from now on and give you space to speak as much as you need. Sounds good? she asked.

Timestamp: 22:23, November 1, 2016 (UTC)

Alaska Eira ~ Dark Snow
Sarah 10

I'm not heartless; I've just learned to use my heart less.

She nodded along as Aria gave a cheerful pep talk in her head. Alright. I better get used to this telepathic thing. She stretched her arms and kind of smiled. Well, you know, I got lost a while ago finding this mall. And I think I know where to find our opponents. I'm not really sure if the small silhouette I saw on top of a condominium nearby is one of them, but there wouldn't be any people in here except us four, right?

She shrugged. The dark mall gave her the creeps, but she actually loved it. It seemed better to stay in there the whole time, but of course, she'd have to do something. It's all gonna end anyway. So, ready for a little game?

Character's Bio

 Age: 17  Height: 5'7  Weight: 117 lbs
 Sexuality: Straight  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: Hordaland, Norway  Main Weapon: Twin Celestial bronze war fans
 Accent: A bit of British
 – "The rest . . . is silence."

Character's Powers

 Powers of a Daughter of Iris


  1. Children of Iris have the ability to conjure a weapon out of pure rainbows which can be used for combat; however, only one weapon can be conjured at a time and it can only be up to 2 or 3 times the size of the user.
  2. Children of Iris have the ability to focus an intense beam of prismatic light which will burn anything it touches.


  1. Children of Iris are able to create a protective dome of rainbows for a short time.
  2. Children of Iris have the ability to conjure a large orb made of pure rainbows around an opponent. The orb would successfully imprison an opponent for a short time. The orb is quite durable, but could be broken through with sufficient force. The orb cannot be teleported out of. The target cannot be attacked while the orb is in place, so the power is purely defensive. It can only be used twice in a battle.


  1. Children of Iris can send telepathic messages to their allies and receive their replies.
  2. Children of Iris are stronger whenever a rainbow can be seen in the sky.
  3. Children of Iris heal faster whenever their surroundings are bright, able to absorb the photons and regenerate.


  1. Children of Iris have the ability to cause a massive rainbow to crash down in front of them; which can be used offensively, defensively or any other way imagined.
  2. Children of Iris are able to "rainbow" travel, where they can travel into a rainbow and come out somewhere else, similar to an iris message, but instead of only being able to talk, the child of Iris can actually use it to teleport themselves
  3. Children of Iris have the ability to split the light of a rainbow into seven beams which can be redirected in order to light an area or even blind people.
  4. Children of Iris can bend or shift light particles to create a mirage for a specific time. Since Iris could be considered a light goddess. The mirage will not differentiate from friend or foe. The longer or the greater the mirage is, the more energy is drained.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Since their mother was considered a goddess of the sky and sea, her children gain some control over both aspects. They can control the winds to increase their speed and lower that of an opponent’s and move water with their minds if they wish. They can fly and become able to breathe underwater for a moderate time.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Iris are able to create up to 3 semi-living constructs out of pure rainbows to fight for them for a short time, the constructs can be no larger than 2 to 3 times the size of the user. They will follow the command of the user and the longer they are kept and the more that are made, the more energy is drained

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Iris have the ability to shed their flesh and turn into a state a state of pure light with various colors for a short time and while in this state, the user is granted flight, immune to all attacks, receive a boost in their already existing photokinetic abilities and anything they touch is intensely burned; however, once the user changes back they will be extremely drained, nauseated and immobile for a long time and could faint.


  1. Children of Iris usually have outgoing and colorful personalities.
  2. Children of Iris do not need drachmas to send iris messages.
  3. Children of Iris are normally in better moods whenever the sky is clear
  4. Children of Iris often exhibit a fondness for bright colors.

Owned by: Summer ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}


Cody: "Welcome back, dear." A newly deceased pigeon reported back to Cody, after merely peeking through the windows to remain inconspicuous. The animal, which was a common sighting in the arena, had given the counselor rough estimates on the girls' locations. Thus, the son of Hades thanked the bird and released her from his control. For Chase, he then gestured to the water tank on top of the adjacent 12-story apartment. "Let's get started, shall we?" He grinned excitedly at Chase. The counselor remained at place; however, his spirit-friend used her own powers to telekinetically rock the rusty, old water tank. The command had tilted the relativey large object, which was sufficient to supply the building 8 hours of water, towards the mall. Waiting for Chase to ignite their plans, this male then coated a section of the tank with diamond, hoping the tank will break the semi-dilapidated ceiling and burst in the second floor. His share, which was three out of five exits on the left, were guarded by an invisible volunteer (ghost). Guess the girls had to test their ties with Tyche. Though believing their escape was unlikely, given the situation's abruptness and his ghostly comrades' loyalty, Cody remained vigilant. He kept watch of the 3-floored mall and prepared to shoot.

((Chase's post goes here))

Alaska: Yet I am not sure about things. The person I saw probably saw me, too. And he might be up any time for an attack, she told Aria. One thing I'm sure, though, is that this mall isn't ready for an all-out attack; even the ceiling seems to give up already, sadly. We should be out of here. But before that . . . Again, she checked if she had her weapons with her, wondering if a while ago was just her imagination. Good thing the fans were hanging from her belt. She looked up at Aria. So, what do we do first? Sure we'd light up the battle -- Suddenly, the ceiling made a cracking sound as if something heavy fell on it. Debris scattered on the ground around them. She looked up, and in a blink the ceiling gave up on a huge, heavy-looking structure. "Move!" she shouted, and pushed Aria to the ground. Thanks to her training, she immediately sent a rainbow crashing down in front of them, blocking the . . was that a tank? Immediately, she had the other end of the rainbow turn back to them. She willed it to carry both of them and bring them outside the mall, away from where she thought the enemy might be -- based on the tank's original position. The colourful light vanished. That was unexpected. Are you alright? she asked Aria.

Aria: In the blink of an eye, Aria's surroundings had changed from peaceful conversation to earsplitting destruction back to peaceful conversation. As Alaska rainbow-beamed them through the food courts windows (facing the skyscraper), Aria used her powers to propel the broken shards outwards, keeping her teammate and herself safe from most of the sharp glass. A stray shard grazed Aria's left ear, but otherwise she was unharmed. I'm alright. Good save, Alaska! With that sudden Iris power outburst, Aria figured her teammate must be feeling somewhat drained. I'll make a light source for you, like we planned, she announced telepathically. Recharge as quickly as you can. We don't know where our opponents are, and we're sitting ducks out here in the open. Normally, I'd suggest making a run for cover, but all the covered areas are full of shadows, and against a Hades kid, that would be a bad move. Aria could create another light source to remove most of the shadows, but she figured that it'd be a waste of energy at this point. The bright light she and Alaska were standing around was rather hard to miss, after all. I don't see any movement apart from the mall caving in. Any idea where our opponents are?

