Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
AsherTheme2Asher Percival Bonaventure AsherTheme2
Son of Tyche
Owned by: Enraptured Misfit
Moritz Mitterbauer

"Let your smile change the word. Do not let the world change your smile."
Asher is a child of Tyche and resides the cabin with his other siblings. Currently, he is trying to adapt to the conditions and lifestyle of his new home, though he does so slowly and unsurely. He's quite cheerful and outgoing, and often tries to spark up conversations with his siblings or other demigods.
Asher is a charming individual. His attitude is flattering and pleasant, and his smile radiates a bright prospect to those who find themselves in his company. He is courageous and brazen, and is unafraid of challenging himself in order to ensure success or push himself past limits. Despite having been gifted with extreme good luck, he is still a hard worker, and puts time and thought into tasks, rather than relying entirely on luck, that he has in abundance. Moreover, Asher is a cheerful and courteous young man that doesn't mind sparing some of his own time in order to help a person who is in need. He is quite considerate towards others; always going out of his way to aid another in any way he may view as possible. Asher is very optimistic and superstitious, and considers himself to be the luckiest man alive due to several dangerous encounters he has been faced with in his past, all from which he escaped unscathed. Thanks to his father spending countless of bills in order for Asher to achieve a polymath education, his intelligence is quite remarkable, although his seemingly random behavior tends to get people to misjudge him. He prefers using his voice in order to solve conflicts when he spots one, not seeing the violence as the answer. He's quite respected because of this fact about him, but he is also despised by many who envy his ability to be fair and wise. For to have many friends, is to have many enemies as his father would say. He's modest as well, and even though many may find this surprising, he actually hates being in the spotlight, and wishes to be left alone sometimes. Nevertheless, Asher is an extrovert, and he is not afraid to get his hands dirty in order to conclude a task. He can be a real gentleman if he wishes, and has had a healthy network of friends for the entirety of his life, another reason why he considers himself to be extremely luck. He is one of Tyche's children, after all.

Andrew Bonaventure was a mysterious man who tended to have an impression on people. That is to say, he stood out. A natural gambler, he spoke with a rather peculiar tone that set others in anger or awe. He was a superb speaker and had a convincing and manipulative way of saying things that allure unsuspecting individuals to his lure. He was deceitful and lacked integrity, being quite selfish as well, but by no standards was he cocky. He played his games carefully and with caution, and never would he pick a great risk over his personal perseverance. The only exception of this would be the overall spoils an action would deliver. There was nothing he valued more than his own life, but secretly, he yearned for something to grasp onto more.

He desired something, anything, that even himself would be willing to sacrifice himself for. It was an unfathomable thought, him having a thing to die for. He had been fighting for all he could remember, protecting his soul with all he could muster. Perhaps it was for this sole reason that he strived to be hostile and unforgiving, so no one gets attached to him and vice versa, him to another being. This could all be accounted for by a fear of trust or companionship. There was once a time he had a friend, after all, and once he lost that companion, the fright of losing another is too much for him to bear. However, by pure coincidence, everything changed during one night. He had left his hometown, Dallas, in order to go and gamble in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was very excited, and as soon as he walked into a casino, he begun drinking. At some point of that night, he met a woman with lustrous, fiery red hair. She was a skilled glamber, just like he was. The two of them talked, she charmed him, and as one would expect, he invited her to his hotel room.

The next morning, he woke up, no longer inebriated. He did not remember much, but he did remember the woman he slept with, and acknowledged the fact that she was nowhere in sight. He merely shrugged, aware that the young woman was a one-night stand. From that day on, Andrew lived his life normally. That is, until several months later, someone knocked at the door to his house in Dallas. He opened it absentmindly, and was greeted by the woman he slept with many months ago, cupping a child in her arms. He was wrapped in a green blanket, and slept peacefully in his mother's arms. The woman the proceeded to tell him everything about her. She informed him that the child she held was his, and he was expected to raise it, for she could not do it. Skeptical, he begun asking several question, which she answered patiently.

As it turned out, she claimed to be the goddess Tyche, otherwise known as Lady Luck. She told Andrew that the child she held in her arms was named Asher—a name that meant "good luck". And she told him that he was a demigod. Andrew was bewildered, but took the child under his wing nonetheless. Moreover, Tyche gave Andrew some advice before leaving.

"I'll always be watching over you two," she said, "don't even worry about it. Here," she handed Andrew a note with an address attached to it, as well as a sword, to which he was confused. "these will serve their purpose in the future. I'm sure you already know it, but the life of a demigod is a dangerous, conturbed one. I want you to know this: once our child reaches a certain age, foul creatures won't stop to try and conquer him. This address has a camp for special kids like him; the people there will keep him safe and train him when it becomes needed. Be sure to give him this sword once he reaches the age of nine."

And with those words, she left. Vanished forever, leaving Andrew shocked and holding the child in his arms. As Asher grew up, he was as normal as the child of a Goddess can be. From an early age, it became obvious that the boy was streaked with extreme good luck. Whenever he would not study for a test, he would still complete is with excellent results. He enjoyed an acceptable school life and rarely found himself engaged in any sort of conflict; barring occasional taunts, of course. But during his late childhood, his life gradually began to descend into madness.

It all started during his ninth birthday. He had just woken up and changed into casual clothing, and was walking down the stairs that led to his house's ground floor, when he took note of the presence of his father. He was sitting by the dinner table, holding a mug of hot coffee in his hands, although he took no sips from the drink. Then, suddenly, he looked up and noticed Asher. He flashed his soon a smile, but his eyes were still concerned about something. He did his best to hide this, however, and quickly told his son to sit himself down next to him, which he did. Andrew wished him a happy birthday, and then passed over a box that was meant to contain his birthday present. Asher opened it excitedly, but was shocked to see a wicked, glimmering bladed weapon inside the package. For the next two years, Asher kept the sword under his bed, unsure of what to do with it. As months passed by, Andrew was relieved, and thought that maybe monsters would not attack his child, after all.

Three years later, it was time to celebrate Asher's birthday one more time. Andrew had invited all of Asher's friends to a local bowling station, where they would spend their day. However, Asher was very confused when his father told him to take the sword with him; in a rucksack. If his son really was to be attacked, he needed to make sure he was protected at all times. If nothing happened, then he would get rid of the sword, for he would be sure it had no real purpose. Asher, for one, was still very confused about what the purpose of that odd birthday present was, but took the rucksack nonetheless.

As one would expect, Asher spent the day goofing off and having fun with his friends, paying no attention to the sword he was given at any moment. He was having an excellent time, and all of his friends provided him with truly amazing birthday presents, which Asher was very grateful for. On the other hand, his fun had to come to an end. At one point, Asher and his friends were forced to leave, for the station would be closing its doors shortly. All of them gave their farewells to each other, and proceeded to go along with their different paths. They would see each other the next monday, at their school. For once, Asher looked forward for the beggining of another week at school.

However, as he was walking home, he could not help but think he was being watched by someone, or something. Soon, an answer to Asher's worries came. All of the sudden, he heard a high-pitched yelp coming from above. He looked up, just in time to see three peculiar creatures diving at him. At the last second, he jumped out of the way, and quickly rose to his feet in order to take a good look at his assailants. And when he did, he was shocked. He recognized the animals that were attacking him. But something did not add up. They were stymphalian birds, defeated by Hercules in his sixth labour for Eurystheus, as he found out about in a book he read at sixth grade. They were mythological creatures. In other words, they could not possibly be real, could they? His thoughts were interrupted by a particularly loud screech coming from one of the birds. Slowly, but surely, Asher managed to come up with a plan. He mentally revised how Hercules managed to get rid of the creatures. After a long fight, Athena, noticing the hero's plight, gave him a rattle which Hephaestus had made especially for the occasion. Hercules shook the rattle and frightened the birds into the air. Loud noises. If he managed to make a loud, high-pitched noise, then perhaps the birds would leave him alone.

Suddenly, Asher remembered something. The sword his father gave him was still in his rucksack. If he managed to reach it fast enough, he could slash his way out of the birds' reach, and then, he would be able to gain some time, which he would use to make a loud noise to scare the birds away. However, his efforts turned out to be unnecessary. Being as lucky as he was, after his first swing at the birds, his sword accidentally hit a metal lamp post, creating a distorted ringing sound that was enough to drive the birds away. Asher laughed hysterically, trying to process what had just happened. Then, he fell to his knees, dizzyness having finally sunk in as he realized what had just happened. He had just fought creatures that should not even exist, and he had won. He was the luckiest person in the world, after all, or so he thought.

Asher was exhausted. He walked home, being wary of his surroudings and keeping an eye out for anything that seemed unnatural, but he reached his house with no more complications. Somehow, he fell into a deep slumber. The next morning, when he woke up, he went on with his usual life, completely disregarding what had happened in the previous night. His father, however, clearly had his concerns. He had noticed that the dagger had been used, and his son's silence did little to ease his fears. For the next few years, Andrew grew into an anxious man. He had decided to hire several security guards to actively patrol the surroundings of their house, in order to ensure Asher's safety. However, no attacks turned out to happen, a subtle hint to Asher's sheer luck. But Andrew's worries were far from disappearing. On a sunday morning, he decided that he should no longer keep secrets from his son. He believed that Asher was entitled to the right to know who he really was, and where he came from. That day, when he woke up, he found himself still in his bed, only his father was sitting on a chair directly across from it. Asher was startled, and soon propped himself up in one elbow, giving his father a suspicious look.

"Son, this may come off as a shock, but I have something to tell you," He said, anxious. "Very well. . ." Then, Andrew explained to his son who he was, and where he came from, not leaving out any detail. When his father was done, he just nodded nervously, unable to process the information his father had just shared.

"Look, as much as it pains me to say this, you must leave now," Asher looked up with wide eyes, completely bewildered. "Do not get me wrong. I mean only the best, and my intentions are to protect you, which I cannot do by myself. You see, there is this camp for special kids just like you. Your mother, she made sure I would take you there once you had reached the age of fourteen. You are now sixteen, Asher. I am sorry, but you must leave now. Here is a ticket to a bus that will take you to a place that's close enough to where you must be. Inside the backpack, you are going to find the address to the camp you're meant to be in. From that point on, you are on your own. I love you, Asher. This is why I am doing this."

He then handed Asher a bus ticket and a backpack filled with his belongings, including the celestial bronze sword and the aforementioned address. He drove Asher to the nearest bus stop, and after making sure everything was alright, he watched as Asher entered the bus and left, for good. During the trip, Asher tried to understand what his father had told him. He was a child of Lady Luck, which made him a demigod. To say that he was utterly shocked would be an euphemism. Soon, he learned that the bus would take him to no place other than the outskirts of a perfectly ordinary place. That is, until after several minutes of wandering around with the camp's address in hand, he found himself in front of odd, old-fashioned gates with unusual words written on it.

Camp Half-Blood.

Basic Info
Full Name: Asher "Ash" Percival Bonaventure
Titles: Son of Tyche
Current Location: Dallas, Texas.
Affiliation(s): Tyche, Andrew Bonaventure
Current Status: Healthy
Relationship Status: Single
Born or Created On: October 11th, 1999
Current Age: Seventeen
Species: Demigod
Nationality: North-American
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Accent: Slight Texan tang
OOC Plans & Info
Owned By: Enraptured Misfit
Inspiration Behind Creation:
Love Interests Char/Owner:
Active RP's:
Created Page On:
Page Last Updated On:
3/6/9 Month Powers:

No plans for this character as of now.

Word Bubble
Asher Percival Bonaventure ~ Child of Tyche
Moritz Mitterbauer

Y'know, life is short. You should smile while you still have teeth.
Character's Bio

 Age: 17  Height: 5'9  Weight: 156 lbs
 Sexuality: Heteroflexible  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: Dallas, Texas  Main Weapon: Celestial bronze dagger
 Accent: Slight Texan tang
 – "Let your smile change the word. Do not let the world change your smile."

Character's Powers

 Powers of a child of Tyche ( No 3/6/9 Month Powers):

  1. Children of Tyche are able to bless a weapon with a “lucky” shot, so that the next attack has a 95% chance of striking the target. This power cannot be used to launch fatal or severe blows, it can only be used twice in a fight.
  2. Children of Tyche can enhance their bodies with success and prosperity, enhancing their physical strength and speed for a short time.
  3. Children of Tyche have the minor ability to foresee the action of others, such as the course of action an opponent will take when attacking and dodge or parry accordingly; however, if the prediction is wrong, this may cost the child of Tyche dearly.
  4. Children of Tyche are able to curse a weapon with misfortune, so that the next 3 attacks with it will not strike its target. This can only be used once in a fight.
  5. Children of Tyche emit a lucky aura, so everyone around them will be slightly more lucky. They can shut it off for a long time if they wish.
  6. Children of Tyche are able to see all the possible outcomes of any situation, whether it be a gamble, battle or even nearing dangers, in order to react with the best tactic and reach the best conclusion. They can figure out any chance of success, and even if the odds are overwhelming, they are still able to perceive and understand any cause and effect relation regarding the situation. As such, they make better strategists.
  7. Children of Tyche are able to bless an object, making it into a “lucky” charm, that they can either keep for themselves, or give to someone else, the object when used can bless the user with one shot of extra luck that will land. This can not be used to severely harm others, and can only be used once in a fight.
  8. Children of Tyche can cause someone to hallucinate about their impending doom and bad luck, distracting them momentarily from the task at hand. This allows the user to attack or flee freely. The intensity of the hallucination can be augmented, but drains more energy.
  9. During battle, children of Tyche are able to utilise their life-force and use it as an aura of luck over their allies. The aura protects the child's allies for a short period of time, and can be used on groups of up to ten demigods. the more allies the child protects, the weaker the luck aura will be. The use of the power is severe draining and while in use the user is completely incapacitated. The allies are able to move and attack freely under the barriers, depending on the strength of the barrier their attacks will be stronger/more likely to land and it’ll be easier to avoid attacks.
  10. Children of Tyche can jinx an opponent, making their luck so bad that they’d constantly trip on their two feet, drop their weapons, get dust in their eyes etc. The jinx only lasts for a short time and leaves the opponent vulnerable to an attack or gives the user a chance to flee.

Owned by: Enraptured Misfit ~ Posted on: {{{time}}}


  1. Children of Tyche are able to bless a weapon with a “lucky” shot so that the next attack has a 95% chance of striking the target. This power cannot be used to launch fatal or severe blows, it can only be used twice in a fight.
  2. Children of Tyche can enhance their bodies with success and prosperity, enhancing their physical strength and speed for a short time.


  1. Children of Tyche have the minor ability to foresee the action of others, such as the course of action an opponent will take when attacking and dodge or parry accordingly; however, if the prediction is wrong, this may cost the child of Tyche dearly.
  2. Children of Tyche are able to curse a weapon with misfortune so that the next 3 attacks with it will not strike its target. This can only be used once in a fight.


  1. Children of Tyche emit a lucky aura, so everyone around them will be slightly luckier. They can shut it off for a long time if they wish.
  2. Children of Tyche are able to see all the possible outcomes of any situation, whether it be a gamble, battle or even nearing dangers, in order to react with the best tactic and reach the best conclusion. They can figure out any chance of success, and even if the odds are overwhelming, they are still able to perceive and understand any cause and effect relation regarding the situation. As such, they make better strategists.


  1. Children of Tyche are able to bless an object, making it into a “lucky” charm, that they can either keep for themselves or give to someone else, the object when used can bless the user with one shot of extra luck that will land. This can not be used to severely harm others, and can only be used once in a fight.
  2. Children of Tyche can cause someone to hallucinate about their impending doom and bad luck, distracting them momentarily from the task at hand. This allows the user to attack or flee freely. The intensity of the hallucination can be augmented but drains more energy.
  3. During battle, children of Tyche are able to utilize their life-force and use it as an aura of luck over their allies. The aura protects the child's allies for a short period of time, and can be used on groups of up to ten demigods. the more allies the child protects, the weaker the luck aura will be. The use of the power is severely draining and while in use the user is completely incapacitated. The allies are able to move and attack freely under the barriers, depending on the strength of the barrier their attacks will be stronger/more likely to land and it’ll be easier to avoid attacks.
  4. Children of Tyche can jinx an opponent, making their luck so bad that they’d constantly trip on their two feet, drop their weapons, get dust in their eyes etc. The jinx only lasts for a short time and leaves the opponent vulnerable to an attack or gives the user a chance to flee.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Tyche can turn their surrounding area into either a bliss zone, terror zone or a black box. The area will be a 10-meter radius with the user’s location as the center. In a bliss zone, everything good that can happen will happen. In a terror zone, everything bad that can happen will happen. And in a black box, outcomes of actions will be wild and unpredictable. Ex: an animal could run in and interfere with an attack. Someone getting hurt in one of the zones will count as good or bad, depending on how much damage they’ve taken/given beforehand. An injured character getting hurt more counts as bad and an uninjured character getting hurt counts as good. This will not ensure permanent or lethal damage. The zone only lasts for a moderate amount of time before fading away. This power can only be used once in a fight.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Tyche are able to induce terrible luck on a target for a short time, an enhancement of Supplementary 4. The probability of terrible things happening to them drastically increases. They could be in the epicenter of a mild earthquake, powerful storm or even in the destination of a meteorite shower etc. The user must ensure they’re a safe distance when creating the curse and thus can curse someone from up to a 20-meter distance. The curse cannot be used to instantly murder someone and the user is substantially drained once it ends.

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Tyche are able to make themselves so lucky for a short time, it will enhance their abilities. In this state, the user will be so lucky, all attacks aimed towards them would fail. Their physical prowess substantially increases and all their attacks have an 85% chance of success. Once the luck enhancement subsides, the user will be so drained they won’t be able to move and could possibly faint.


  1. Children of Tyche are generally very lucky in all that they do.
  2. Children of Tyche are typically adept at playing games of chance.
  3. Children of Tyche normally see the luck of any person, whether they’re incredibly fortunate or plagued with terrible luck. They can also see different possible fates of others when idle, but the child will have no idea which one shall come to pass. Ex: They’d be able to see a person’s possible future of where they become a famous celebrity and another one where they’re a homeless vagrant.
Skills & Weapons
Special Skills: Sword wielding.
Preferred Weapon: Celestial Bronze Sword
Strengths: Charm, Luck, Charisma
Weaknesses: Accuracy, Coordination, Climbing
Quests/Missions Led: None.
Quests/Missions Been On: None.

{{{weapon images}}}

"Do not underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and observe more than you realize."
Asher 2
Possessions & Favourite Things
Bedroom: Posters, Laptop, Bed, Bookshelf, Trophies
Pets: None

Asher possesses a dagger made out of celestial bronze. It was left to him by his mother, Tyche, and uncovered by him at the age of fourteen, when he was attacked by a monster.

Likes: Animals, Video Games, Sports, Religion, Television
Dislikes: Coffee, Ignorance, Hypocrisy, Toads, Reptiles
Colour: Navy Blue
Music: Progressive House, Indie Music.
Food: Traditional Barbecue, Fast Food.
Animal: Canines
Book: The Outsiders
Quote: "Life is short. You should smile while you still have teeth."
Drink: Beer
Song: Youth, Troye Sivan.
Movie: The Chainsaw Massacre
Sport: Basketball
Other Favs: Hippos, Alternative Music, Friendly People
Appearance & More Images
Model: Moritz Mitterbauer
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170ibs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Handedness: Left-handed
Shoe Size: 10.5
Blood Type: AB+
Voice: Masculine; slight texan accent
Distinguishing Marks: Chapped Lips
Body Style: Lean but toned
One Word to Describe: Handsome
Best Physical Trait: Winning a basketball championship
Worst Physical Trait: Thighs
Mental/Emotional State: None
Things to Change:
Mental/Emotional disorders: None
Medical Problems/Ailments: None

Family & Childhood Info
Mother: Tyche
Father: Andrew Bonaventure
Creator: Enraptured Misfit
Half-Siblings: Tyche's Cabin
Full-Siblings: None
Other Relatives:
Home: Dallas, Texas
Earliest Memory: His father buying him a stuffed animal.
Best Memory: Winning a basketball championship
Schooling: Private school, private tutors
First Kiss: Sadie Monaghan (Classmate)
First Love: None
First Sex:
Other Firsts:

{{{family album}}}

General Info
Nicknames: Ash
Native Language: English
Character Flaw:
Hobbies: Sports, listening to music.
Personal Motto:
Things He Won't Do:
Most Admires:
Most Influenced By:
Moral Compass:
Most Important Person Before:
Most Important Person Now:
Reacts to Crises:
Faces Their Problems:
Reacts to Change:
Dream Job:
Current Job:
Asher 4
"I'm sorry, my friend, but your ignorance is unfortunately attributable to your ego, which you have in abundance."
Bad Habits: Can sometimes oversleep, and can be somewhat of a procrastinator.
Sleeping Habits: {{{sleep}}}
Quirks: He has the habit of biting his lower lip whenever he feels nervous or astonished due to something.
Attitude: Cheerful and friendly.
Special Talents: Excellent basketball player.
Social Skills: Talkative, playful and outgoing.
Other Info
Most at Ease When?: Surrounded by friends or relatives.
Main Priorities: Ensure the safety of those around him, as well as his own.
Past Failures: Losing several chances of scoring during basketball games.
Biggest Accomplishment: Has won several sports championships throughout the course of his life.
Darkest Secret?: Child of Tyche
Secret Known by Anyone?: None.
Personal Tragedy:
One Wish:
Relationship Info
Ever Cheated? No.
Relates to Others? On most occasions, yes.
Perceived by Strangers: Cheerful and outgoing. Quite playful, as well.
Perceived by Lover: N/A
Perceived by Friends: Very caring and fun to be around.
Perceived by Family: Understanding and calm.
First Impression: A pleasant, warm person.
Family/Friends Like Most? Cheerful behavior.
Family/Friends Like Least? Can sometimes get too talkative.

To be announced. . .
