Chloe Bennet MP1
Basic Info
Full Name
Kalena Amelia Fossett
Female (cis)
18 y/o
13 June 2001
Zodiac Sign
Camp Half-Blood
Polson, Montana
Living Situation
Cybele's Cabin
Western Drawl
Languages Spoken
English, Greek, Mandarin, Italian
Standard CB sword


  1. Children of Cybele have the ability to transform any aspect of earth into any weapon they desire. Only one weapon can be created at a time and it cannot be bigger than the one who created it.
  2. Children of Cybele can create a small tornado formed of leaves and grass blades. As the floral tornado spins faster, the leaves and grass blades become hard and strong enough to cut an someone. When the tornado's at it's fastest, the child can launch the blades of grass and the leaves at an opponent.


  1. Children of Cybele have the ability to make an opponent feel as if their feet have become hardened and stuck to the ground, making their movements slower.If the user attacks while this power is in effect, it automatically wears off. So the power is purely defensive.
  2. Children of Cybele are able to create a earth wall, no larger than 2 to 3 times the size of the user, to temporarily block attacks.


  1. Children of Cybele have the innate ability to communicate with all wild animals.
  2. Children of Cybele become more sensitive to their surroundings and feel stronger when in mountains, caves and forests.
  3. Children of Cybele heal faster when they touch a piece of nature such as a tree or a flower.


  1. Children of Cybele can telekinetically move elements of nature, such as rocks, plants and vines. The part of nature must be roughly two to four meters away from the child, cannot be 2 or 3 the size of the user. The bigger the element of nature and the more elements moved, the more energy is drained.
  2. Children of Cybele can create small boulders roughly two times the size of the child, this can be used for a diversion, hiding, or thrown as a weapon. However the longer the boulder is used, the more energy is drained.
  3. Children of Cybele have the innate ability to call upon all nearby wild animals for aid in battling, as well as take control over animals that others are controlling (such as a child of Zeus with birds or a child of Poseidon with horses etc.). The larger the group of animals, the more energy is drained.
  4. Children of Cybele can use dirt, mud, rock, stone, etc to teleport anywhere on Earth. Which could be known as Earth-Travel. The user merges with the earth beneath them and reforms elsewhere. The further they travel the more energy it drains.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Cybele have the ability to create quicksand pits around a small area for a short time, the larger the quicksand pit is, the more energy is drained.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Cybele can create a powerful quake affecting everything within 10 meters of them. The power of the quake can be scaled depending on how long the user wants it to last. A quake that just knocks the opponent over may last 20 seconds. A quake that throws them a few feet in the air may last 5. Finally, the whole quake may be focused into a single shock-wave with the power to bounce a car a half meter or so. This requires several moments of focus beforehand, lasts only a few seconds, and can only be used once every few hours. During the quake, the user is immobile. The user is quite drained after the earthquake subsides.

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Cybele have the ability to morph into a lion/lioness for a short time. They can turn into either a full lion or a humanoid cat form. In the human/lion form, they are twice as faster and stronger than before. Their senses are also quite sharper as well. They also tend to be more violent and volatile in this state. Once the transformation ends, the user is extremely drained. Using the hybrid form is more draining rather than the full lion form. They will not be able to move and could possibly faint.


  1. Children of Cybele typically love animals and act protective of them. Becoming vegetarians and taking on many pets are common actions for her children.
  2. Children of Cybele tend to excel at rock climbing, mountain climbing, etc.
  3. Children of Cybele normally love being outside and enjoying what nature has to offer. Even to the point where they possess an intense love and overprotective spirit over nature.
  4. Children of Cybele will often grow up to be zoologists, geologists, veterinarians, ecologists etc.
Technically, Carter Fossett wasn’t supposed to sleep with Cybele, but as a demigod son of Demeter - and with a husband all too interested in Greek Mythos - the ideal outcome would be to have a demigod child he and his husband could both relate to. Living in Polson, Montana, however, posed quite the problem when it came to catching divine attention. They were too far from the oceans for any water gods to grow keen on them, and that just wasn’t up their alley. Sky gods, maybe, since war deities were strictly out of the question and love gods were too ‘out there’ for the married couple. By process of elimination, it occurred to Carter and Alexander that the ideal god to have a child with would be a rustic one. It was easier, too, living in the countryside, but it still wasn’t quite easy. As devoted hellenists, they prayed to Hera, for success in their child-related endeavors, to Hestia, for her blessing over their budding family, and to Cybele. She was a kind goddess in all the myths they’d read, and never had Carter encountered any Cybele demigod who wasn’t free-spirited and kind-hearted. His best friend, as a matter of fact, was a daughter of Cybele. She lived just a town away, and really - was there even a downside to all this? Long story short, yes, there was. Where Alexander had expected the goddess to somehow magically procreate a child with his husband, he didn’t realize it’d mean they’d have to actually get physical.

“Isn’t there IVF or something for gods? Or can’t you do it in the head, like Pallas and Zeus?”
“I’m afraid that’s not how it works, Alexander.”

Alexander had soured very quickly, but he didn’t interfere while Cybele and Carter went on their dates, largely to get to know one another. Cybele was curious about the man so determined on having a child with her and her alone, and Carter was a curious demigod seeking to learn more about the life of a goddess. Their dates often melted into hours, and it seemed there was more of a budding romance than anything physical, as Alexander had been led to believe. Not only did he have to endure a life in what was the crack ass of Nowhere, United States, as a born and raised city boy, he also had to be humiliated with countless pitying looks from strangers who didn’t know the circumstances? It quickly became very overwhelming for Alexander, and it caused his and Carter’s relationship to deteriorate. When it became abundantly clear he was quickly reaching his limit, Carter realized it was time to make a decision; have the child with Cybele now and risk never seeing the woman he was so interested in again, or lose the marriage he had fought so hard to attain. It should have been a no brainer, but that slight hesitation in Carter would come to haunt him in the years to come. Nonetheless, on his sixth date with Cybele, he did get what he and his husband had wanted; a beautiful daughter they held for the first time some four months later. Kalena Amelia Fossett.

Kalena’s life was easy; she was a simple little girl. She loved candy, reading and spending time caring for the animals of the farm. She hated when her daddies fought, the people that stared at her and her daddies funny, and whenever her Aunt Korra brought in a new girlfriend. Sadly, all three things happened more often than she cared to admit. It’s why she hated going into town during the weekends, and why the city became her absolute nightmare. If small towns could be so bigoted, what were big cities like? Yeah, no fucking thank you. She had enough to deal with Sebastian and Maickol disrupting the rest of the cows, and Miguel and Xavier causing trouble with the other goats. School was difficult, too. The letters got all jumbled up and gave her headaches, even though it was supposed to be a lot easier than Mandarin, her daddy’s native language, and Italian, her papa’s native language. She ended up being homeschooled, which really, was for the best. She ended up learning at a much more accelerated rate. Regrettably, it affected her understanding on social cues, but if you ask her, she’s fared well in spite of it. She always found ways to interact with other people online, and to be honest, she still prefers this method of social interactions than forcing herself to be extroverted in real life. Nonetheless, between that, her fathers and aunt, she thrived, learning about everything she’d ever need and going beyond it.

Kalena had always been able to absorb new information with relative ease. Consequently, learning the theory behind her powers - and by extension, everything about her heritage and what it entailed - was a much easier project than usual, even for someone as inquisitive as Kalena. Her fathers and aunt engrained in her a strong belief in the Greek pantheon, and while she was typically a skeptic, her unique powers did make it dumb to not believe the stories her fathers told her at night, right before she went to sleep. With her aunt Korra being a daughter of Cybele as well, by the time she was eleven, she had a firm control over her powers. Between her and Carter, she also had a firm grasp on sword fighting, but was understandably lacking in the experience department. Beyond this, they typically were able to make due between Korra and Carter, but a third demigod in the vicinity did make their scent a lot more potent and attracted monsters much more frequently. The last thing they wanted was for these monsters to scare the animals or anyone else into thinking the unthinkable. So, the summer after her 11th birthday, they sent her to Camp Half-Blood. It was overall the ideal solution. At least to live there in the summers, to hone her powers. Who knows if the campers there developed powers Kalena and Korra didn’t even realize existed? Plus she’d be able to get experience as safely as possible. It was the ideal solution… except Kalena hated every second of life in the city.

Her fathers had tried their best to protect her during the flight and drive to Camp, but New York was inundated with a lot more demigods than Polson, and on their way up Half-Blood Hill, they were attacked by two hellhounds. Alexander, being a mortal, went by unscathed, but Carter suffered some injuries in his run to get Kalena safe within Camp Half-Blood’s boundaries. He’d managed to push Kalena to safety just before being ambushed by the hellhounds and being thrown around like a ragdoll. With the help of some patrolling Ares demigods, they did dispose of the monsters, but the [emotional] damage had already been done, and it just cemented - for the couple - that this was the best thing for Kalena. To this day, she still curses that attack; if not for that, she might not have had to waste her summers in New York. The city smelled like a rat’s intestines. The campers were either very nice or incredibly huge assholes. It felt like her death was right around the corner all the time. The rules were restrictive and she absolutely hated how everyone treated her like a child. She was eleven, yes, but that’s besides the point. The point is she was there, and it sucked. It wasn’t until her fourth summer that things started looking up for her… sort of. She caught wind of some Hecate demigods going missing in the Sea of Monsters, and wound up sneaking out with some equally reckless Poseidon and Ares demigods to go on a self-appointed rescue quest.

The quest was… only partly successful. The guinea pigs were safely rescued just before Circe cooked them up, but Kalena tried pulling off more heroics than was required of her. She tried saving more people than she had time to save, and because not all of them were keen on the idea of being rescued, some tried to vengefully trap her in a makeshift trap near Circe’s spa. She got out, but it was too late. The ship had been under attack and the demigods had been forced to leave her behind, trapped in Circe’s Island with no backup or protection. The next three years saw Kalena forced to serve Circe as an employee, lest she wanted to be turned into a guinea pig. Not interested in becoming guinea bacon, she was forced to submit to the goddess’ will, doing her bidding around the island as an employee of C.C.’s Spa and Resort until she was rescued by chance. She wasn’t the original purpose of the quest, but the demigods hailing from Camp Half-Blood had stumbled across the island on their journey to find something for - was it Poseidon? Hecate again? Kalena didn’t care enough to ask, just enough to pull off a hasty escape that concluded in her return to Camp Half-Blood at the age of eighteen. Unfortunately, she couldn't pull off the magnificent escape she was hoping for, and was forced to face off against Circe. Fighting against her wasn't easy, being a demigoddess with rusty swordfighting skills and little to help her in terms of her powers. Facing off the goddess of magic? Not fun, even though Circe wasn't putting in any effort. Even then, though - hell of a headache for a rusty demigod, really.

Kalena only saw mercy when the questers intervened and came to her aid, making it six demigods against a goddess. Tyche seemed to have been on the questers' side, because it so happened two of the questers were a son of Hecate and a daughter of Circe. It balanced the magical scales a little better, until Circe took it too far and stabbed her daughter. If not for Kalena's quick thinking in summoning nearby wild animals to distract the remorseful Circe until all demigods got on the ship, gods only know what might've happened. On her journey there, through a sudden soft purple glow and tingly feeling, it occurred to Kalena she'd been blessed by Circe. Unbeknownst to her, it was a begrudging move that only occurred as a thank you for not letting my daughter die because of me. It didn't entail much, but she could transform any miscellaneous, non-weapon object into another item with similar use of equal or smaller size, which, honestly, is more than she could ever ask for from a god(dess).
Kalena Fossett certainly isn’t yeehaw. Yes, she has more yeehaw hats than your average person, but does that make her yeehaw? And yes, she’s from Montana, but in her defense, Montana is a beautiful state with a lot of - okay, maybe she’s a yeehaw. With her ma’ams and sirs, her kind disposition and thick accent, the suave judginess underneath that smile, you’re likely to know where Kalena is from. She’ll refute it at first, try to paint you as a stereotyper, but she’s grown to embrace it after all the shit she’s seen from the city girls that accidentally landed themselves at C.C.’s Spa and Resort. She wouldn’t want to be one of them, that’s for fucking sure. There, she also developed a keen love for challenges, and has become a lot bolder than she used to be. She’s an avid fan of taking risks, even if they don’t pay off, and tends to fall into a vicious cycle of regret if she doesn’t seize the opportunities she stumbles on. Likewise, Kalena is very innovative and resourceful, but it often teeters onto recklessness. She had to resort to some questionable shit in Circe’s Island, and had to come up with plans on a whim, so you can imagine she doesn’t sit back and waste time planning ahead if she doesn’t have to.
Chloe Bennet MP4
Chloe Bennet
Body Type
Chloe Bennet MP3
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Eye Color
Dark Brown
Chloe Bennet MP1
Vocal Range
Blood Type
Distinguishing Marks
Family | Love
Relationship Status
Single, looking
[ Dibbed by Hyu ]
Sexual Orientation
Romantic Orientation
Best Friend
Carter and Alexander Fossett
Adoptive Parents
Full Siblings
Half Siblings