Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Levi Ferron
🔥 Smoldering Fire🔥
Owned by: AsterMyx
Levi gif
Basic Info
Full Name: Levi Ferron
Titles: The Smoldering Fire
Born/Created On: {{{born/created}}}
Current Age: Immortal
Sexuality: Eh
Relationship Status: Single
Current Location: CHB
Affiliation(s): Hephaestus
Current Status: Alive
Species: Fire Spirit
Nationality: Roman
Ethnicity: Pompeii
Accent: Very Faint
OOC Plans & Info
Love Interests:
Active RP's:
Created Page On: 2/9/2018
Last Updated On: 4/27/2020
Model: Efren Garza
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 6'4
Weight: 174
Blood Type:
Distinguishing Marks:
Body Style:
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Family & Childhood Info
Mother: Eliza, daughter of Thorne
Father: Hephaestus
Creator: Hephaestus
Half-Siblings: Other Children of Hephaestus
Full-Siblings: Igneous
Other Relatives:
Home: Olympus
First Kiss:
First Sex:
First Love:

General Info
Native Language: Latin
Language(s) Spoken: English, Greek, Latin
Character Flaw: Out dated in social norms
Moral Compass:
Most Important Person Before:
Most Important Person Now:
Dream Job:
Current Job:

Levi is as curious as he is quiet, which is to say very. He is the type of person to watch and study a room, before deciding to join into conversation and interaction. He isn't innocent nor naive, however there is a simplicity to him. After spending time with Levi, you will find that he is very thoughtful in his actions and words. The world of the 21st century is both peculiar and fascinating to him, making him eager to learn. At the same time, he is a bit of a perfectionist, so when trying to witness his growth, you will see it expressed in spurts. Much like the rest of Levi's personality, his humor is subtle. Few things will make him laugh out loud, but you will find a slight tilting of the lips from time to time. To put it plainly, Levi is a man that likes to contemplate the new things he absorbs in his day to day, many of his actions are passive and sincere, he can also come across as shy.

Human Life

Eliza was a beautiful daughter of a blacksmith named Thorne. She was highly courted and sought after. Yet she was too smart and enjoyed her independence. Her father didn't raise a princess. Unfortunately, sickness fell upon the girl's father and she prayed to the shrine they had in their house, despite it being for Hephaestus. She was too afraid to leave her dad in order to go to the temple of the proper Goddess, Hygeia, so she settled for the God they had with them at home.

Hephaestus, having heard of the daughter’s beauty all the way in Olympus, was happy to pay them a visit. Since Thorne was a devout servant of Hephaestus, he agreed to bless the man with good health, but in exchanged he asked for Eliza to give him the honor of laying with him. Of course, for her father she could accept this blessing from a God.

Almost immediately after bedding the God, he left, leaving a small kiss on the top of her head. Joy was evident on his face and he promised to return if she’d allowed it. Of course, she agreed. Her father was healed and recognized the blessing bestowed upon her. Eliza soon found herself to be pregnant. She gave birth to a handsome and beautiful child named Igneous. A year later Hephaestus returned to Eliza, intercepting her on her way back home from the river. Full of lust, he embraced her, and she was happy to lay with him again. This encounter lead to a second pregnancy. With the announcements came a flood of gifts from the friends and family. But some gifts came from an anonymous source. These gifts consisted of two celestial bronze dipped lances. She knew of the troubles that demigod’s suffered from lore and figured it would be of use later.

As the boys grew, they proved to take after their mother in beauty, but in skill... their father. They were lucky to have Thorne as a grandfather, as he helped to cultivate their talents. By age thirteen and twelve, the two boys were already being recognized as remarkable apprentices. This attention brought both good and bad guests. A chimera forged its way into town, wreaking havoc in search for the brothers. It burned through fields and homes.

Thorne sent his grandsons out to defeat the beast, claiming it was their responsibility as demigods to kill the beast. Not only had they been learning and mastering the art of metalwork, they had also been practicing with their lances, so they felt prepared. Still, the sight of the chimera was... terrifying, to say the least, especially considering it was their first monster. The beast was a challenge, but they quickly learned some of the perks that came with being sons of Hephaestus. Their skin was resistant to fire, so it wasn’t hard to get close to the beast. Still, chimeras being as intelligent as they are, it caught on. It used its claws to slash at the boys, catching Igneous on his arm and disarming him. Levi took advantage of the beast’s focus on his brother and shoved his lance into its underbelly, between the ribs.

While this didn’t kill it, it did slow it down. It moved to Levi with a fierce rage, and Igneous quickly grabbed his lance with his uninjured arm. With strength and precision he didn’t know he had, he threw his lance like a spear, catching it in its neck and turning it to dust. Igneous was unfortunately left with a hideous slash across his right forearm, but their people were saved.

They were heroes in their small district within Pompeii and continued to be challenged by monsters as they grew older. Together they were unstoppable, but apart, Levi proved not to be as talented nor as powerful as his brother. While the brothers were phenomenal blacksmiths, Igneous had a skill that became renowned. Generals would order weapons from Igneous directly. His fighting was strong and on point. While Levi was awkward and more artistic. His designs were sought after by Kings for their Queens, his fighting resembling more of a dance than an attack.

At 18 they separated for two different work dealings. As Igneous traveled alone, Levi traveled with their elderly grandfather, as the distance was simply through the woods. There, they discovered a manticore. The beast was fast to attack, firing off poisonous spikes from its barbed tail. While Levi was able to pull a wall of stone to protect himself, his grandfather was not so lucky. In an emotional rage, power coursed through him, and Levi charged at the beast. His body suddenly adorning metal as a strong defense. While the beast was fast, he was able to keep up. He fought strong and hard, eventually shoving the blade of his lance through the jaw of the beast, past the skull. Unfortunately, the transformation left him weak.

His brother was the one who found him, along with their dead grandfather. Levi was never able to recover from the loss. Things changed after that. He became more reclusive, while Igneous felt the need to step up his game and make his grandfather proud. Igneous became a star, while Levi slowly faded away, only remembered by his magnificent metal sculptures.

Two years later, both of their lives changed in the most devastating way. Their volcano decided to swallow the city whole, causing them to lose everyone they knew. While they didn’t die from the lava, they did smother in the smoke and ashes. Hephaestus, seeing his boys, Igneous especially, as great use, decided to bring them back as Fire Spirits. Unfortunately, their young mother wasn’t as lucky.

Life After Death

At first, they were grateful to live...until they realized the weren’t living for themselves. They became direct helpers for their father, which was fun at first, but after 100 repetitive years it became painful. Considering their requests for some sort of freedom, Hephaestus allowed them to leave his domain in order to further experience life. Their granted vacation lasted only 50 years. Then they would have to return for another 100. This would be their reward for every 100 years of work given to their father.

They spent their time exploring the world and all it had to offer. Soon though, Igneous became sick of it. Levi, too, tired of the mortals repetitive and self-destructive ways. While Igneous continued to travel and watch the demise of mankind, Levi began to stay within their father’s domain.

Though, with the boom of technology and its continual expansion, Levi’s interests were peaked, and he decided to take the next vacation with his brother. Igneous took an interest in nothing, so he was bitter and cruel, but Levi was so quiet one would never know how he truly felt about it.

Eventually they ran across some campers on a mission and were directed to CHB. Igneous didn’t want to go, having a jealousy fueled resentment towards demigods, but by Levi pointing it out he was forced to deny it and come along.

Now they’re at camp, Levi filled with a silent curiosity and Igneous openly irritated.

Levi Atticus