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Daughter of Aphrodite ♥


Son of Eros


  • Primrose: Primrose was always easily bored. When she didn't have things to keep her busy or people to talk to, she became listless. So, she was wandering around Camp, searching for someone interesting to talk to. Eventually, she collapsed into the grass. With a huff, she sprawled out like she was going to make a grass angel. "I'm bored!" She shouted, seemingly to the empty sky.
  • Skylar: Skylar had missed camp, despite numerous breakdowns and bad memories camp was still home. He hadn't really been in camp proper since he'd come back, he was making his way back to the outskirts of camp after visiting Eros' Cabin when he came across Primrose who was lying starfished out on the grass crying out in boredom. Skylar had been in that exact same position years earlier and thus he decided to lay down beside her. "What are you looking at?" He asked, noticing her gazing at the sky.
  • Primrose: Primrose squeaked in fright, but laid back down when she saw the man laying down as well. "You startled me," she laughed, "and sadly I'm not looking at anything! I was I had something to look at, but there isn't even a cloud in the sky!" Prim huffed and stamped a foot on the ground, still in her starfish position. "I've never in my life been so bored."
  • Skylar: "I feel you kid..." He continued gazing at the sky, for something he was named after it sure was quite boring especially in the summertime with not a cloud in the sky. "I don't think I've ever met you before, must have came after I left..."
  • Primrose: "Yeah, I've only been here a year." Prim said lazily. She looked at the boy next to her and seemed to study his features. "One of your parents is a love god, aren't they?"
  • Skylar: Skylar raised an eyebrow and looked over at the girl, "And how do you know that?" He paused for a moment, had his exploits really got parroted down to the next generation....oh no. "I'm guessing you're one too, judging from the..." He made an ambiguous hand gesture, "outfit."
  • Primrose: "After a year at camp I've gotten good at finding other love god kids. Aside from being attractive, I find we often have more striking features, whether it be bright blue eyes like mine, or high cheekbones like yours." Prim smiled cheerfully and then continued. "I'm also going to guess you're an Eros kid. You have that smirk."
  • Skylar: Skylar would have been lying if he wasn't impressed by Prim's outstanding ability to determine who his father was, not to say he was surprised - it wasn't like he was hiding it. "Yep, I was head counsellor for a while but...those days are mostly behind me..." He shivered slightly, "Now I just get to help teaching the newbies how to aim an arrow right..."
  • Primrose: "Nailed it," Prim said excitedly, with a little fist pump for good measure, "Sometimes I think I should've been an Eros kid. I love all the beauty stuff and I'm a bit of an archer myself. I'm an Aphrodite girl though. Still I like my mom. I mean I've never met her, but hey, she's busy."
  • Skylar: Skylar laughed at the young girl's excitement, he wished he still had her enthusiasm, "Honestly...they're not all they're cracked up to be...the gods. Like don't get me wrong, they're alright but...they're flawed like us. Although of course, they pretend not to be..." He trailed off, afraid he was rambling on too much.
  • Primrose: "I'm sure they are," Prim mused, tracing her finger around the first cloud to appear in the sky, "but, you know, that what makes them, them. That's what always bored me about the Abrahamic God. He's flat and boring, but our parents, they are beings with personalities and flaws." Prim's arm relaxed and fell back to the ground listlessly. Her voice was more dreamlike than grounded and her eyes scanned the sky for more clouds. "They probably make mistakes, and they are probably pretty arrogant, but they are family. I would love to meet my mom someday and I think I will."
  • Skylar: "Well, good luck..." He said with almost a hint of melancholy in his voice, "I met my dad and well....wasn't the best experience I've had...long story short, he turned me into a cat for a couple weeks." He drummed his hands on the grass.
  • Primrose: "I hope it isn't insensitive to say I would love that." Prim said, gently elbowing Skylar's arm. "I also think I'd like to be a nymph, thought I'm not sure if it's possible to even become a nymph, but it would be super fun." As she looked up at the sky, another cloud started to roll by and she circled it with her finger. "I would love to be a bird. Apparently that's something Aphrodite kids can do, but I've never tried. Seems fun, though."
  • Skylar: "I had an ex-girlfriend who was a ghost...long story really." He chuckled a little, was that a hint of sadness in his voice? "I don't know what happened and I was too afraid to ask...we'd already been broken up for a while. I think I also dated a couple of nymphs but...I don't know, immortality dulls a lot of the joy that comes with life - at least that's my opinion on it."
  • Primrose: Prim frowned and let her hand fall back to her side. "I'm sure being immortal would be dreadful without someone to spend eternity with. Life only means something because it's short, so I'm sure it must be hard." Hoping she wasn't overreaching, she grabbed the boys hand. "At least we can be friends now though, so hopefully I can make your next 70 years more interesting."
  • Skylar: Skylar let out a laugh, it was a relief to see camp having people like Prim - happy and filled with life. When he went here it was filled with nothing but depressing people, a trauma measuring contest. "I wish more people were like you...sweet and not...edgy?" He paused for a moment, realising his hypocrisy, "That's coming from one of the edgiest people here."
  • Primrose: Prim gave a lilting laugh. Her blue eyes still scanned the sky, but her focus was on Skylar. "Thanks, that means a lot. I try to keep a positive attitude. I'm sure we've all been through some stuff, but I've lived 17 years without much to really vex me. I think that's why I've always like "Emma" by Jane Austen. Emma is rich, pretty and smart, and most of her life went by without much issue. So many protagonists are troubled or have some burden to get past, but Emma is comfortable and happy. Her story is about good things happening to a lucky, pleasant girl. I guess that always sort of spoke to me."
  • Skylar: "Emma..." Skylar thought he read that once...maybe. He didn't remember much from his past but he distinctly remembered reading a book called that. "By Jane Austen? I think I remember reading that...I don't typically read much but..." Thinking back he couldn't remember much of the plot, "I don't know what fictional character I'd be like...Maleficent?"
  • Primrose: Prim laughed. "From what I have learned about you from this short conversation, that seems about right." Not that it was strange for Prim to like most people she talked to, but she liked Skylar. Sure he seemed a little broken, but as Skylar had pointed out many of the people at camp were. "Maleficent is a great villain. One of my favorites."