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Elijah and Nico[]


Nicolas Fernádez - LT. of Counsellor of Apollo - The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Message Me – {{{time}}}
Nico was in a boat, relaxing on the lake, his camera nestled beside his feet, made sure to be safe from any water that might try sabotage it. He was feeling the sun on his face and he let out a content smile, his eyelids fluttering shut, his fingers trailing the surface of the water. Nico had finished all his duties so he was sure no one from his cabin would be asking him for something. Hopefully, not even Atalanta. Today (like a lot of his days) would be relaxing. Which was good. He liked relaxing.


Elijah Huntington III - Son of Plutus
head counselor • lonely heir • @polyglotgenius
- Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?

Message Me – 01:42, May 2, 2020 (UTC)
Elijah was also in the lake, working the speedboat he brought over to Camp from his former Hamptons residence. It's actually been a while since he used it, so it was a bit rusty, and him as well, in terms of knowing how run it. Which is why all of a sudden, it breaks down just as he was in the middle of the water, miles away from the shore. "Fuck, not now," he cursed as he started banging on the control panel, trying to make sense of what went wrong.


Nicolas Fernádez - LT. of Counsellor of Apollo - The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Message Me – {{{time}}}
It wasn't long until his boat began to float near enough to Elijah that Nico was brought out of his dozing. Twisting around, he placed his chin onto the back of his hand that was draped over the edge of the boat and watched Elijah through his long, eyelashes, still feeling half asleep. He blamed the sun, it made him oh so tired. Eventually, he raised his hand, though it was limp in the air, to try and get the other boy's attention. "Are you stranded, Plutus?" Nico's habit of calling people by their god parent wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Being a lieutenant, he was somewhat familiar with all the head counsellors (though he was rusty on the other lieutenants).


Elijah Huntington III - Son of Plutus
head counselor • lonely heir • @polyglotgenius
- Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?

Message Me – 02:12, May 8, 2020 (UTC)
Elijah tilted his head from where he was bent over the control panel, trying to figure who it was that called him. "Oh, it's you, Nigel or something," he guessed — not really knowing his name as they've only met in passing once before. He, however, was aware of the fact that he was a son of Apollo, and a brother of Atalanta. "I am, actually. Could you give me a hand?"


Nicolas Fernádez - LT. of Counsellor of Apollo - The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Message Me – {{{time}}}
"Niiiicoooo," Nico said, drawing out his name before his fingers trailed the water. "Sure-just a trip back to the shore? I don't know how good I am with motors or if this boat can drag that one back. It's pretty weak. But we could try?"


Elijah Huntington III - Son of Plutus
head counselor • lonely heir • @polyglotgenius
- Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?

Message Me – {{{2}}}
"I'm sorry, Nico," he corrected himself before nodding his head. "And yes please, that would be great. I don't understand motors at all, and I'd rather just have a child of Hephaestus look at it." Elijah chuckled in a self-pitying way as he placed his hands on his hips, looking up at the son of Apollo. "I do hope I'm not bothering you or anything, though."


Nicolas Fernádez - LT. of Counsellor of Apollo - The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Message Me – {{{time}}}
"Oh of course not, the only thing that would bother me is the clouds that threaten to overshadow the sun," Nico responded before leaning over to grab onto the boat and dragged his row boat over. "Well, jump in."

Maia and Edward[]


Daughter of Hecate • Basic white girl

Maia picked up at the offer, drawing in a short breath. "Would you really? Mama was a tarot card reader so we picked up a little from her here and there but it's nothing to the actual thing I'm meant to be able to do. Alexander told me about our powers but I've never been able to really do it before. Few little sparks. Oh, I'd love it if you did!"

Son of Hecate • Head Counselor

He had a small smile on his face, amused by Maia's enthusiasm. He knew from that moment that she was going to be one of his, if not his most, favorite siblings. "Yes, we can start with the fireworks. That's always been one of my favorites. I like to put on a show," he said, chuckling. "Well, after you get settled, we can have a tour around Camp, and then training. What do you think?"


Daughter of Hecate • Basic white girl

Maia nodded. Maia knew she was energetic and she hoped none of them would get sick of it after a wall. "Yes, that sounds really good! They don't give a map do they? We had a video but no map. So many cabins as well. But-as long as it's not out of your way. Is it true theres a lava wall? Is it actually lava? Do we die if we fall off? You know, my coordination isn't very good, so I'm a little bit worried."

Son of Hecate • Head Counselor

Edward found himself smiling yet again, truly delighted with Maia's zeal. "Alright, alright, one question at a time," he made a calm down gesture with his hands, but he was smirking. "Now, first off, I don't think they give a map, but I think it would be better if you just see it for yourself," he declared as he turned on his heels, signaling his sister to follow him out of the cabin so the tour could commence.


Daughter of Hecate • Basic white girl

Maia was already right on his heels. The day was becoming better than she expected. She wasn't too fussed at being told to slow down-she knew she had a chatter box of a mouth. "I'm sure you're right," she said as she looked around whence she left the cabin, now truly appreciating it.

Theia and Rocky[]


Daughter of Ares • Lt. Head

"Good guess-the big one of them all. Ares," she confessed with a humourless smile. At least she'd gotten to the point of acceptance with it. Moved through all the stages of grief regarding Ares. "You?"


Son of Dionysus • Full-Time Camper

"Dionysus. Mostly know as the god of wine and madness, but I like to refer to him as the god of parties," he said with a big grin. "Anyways, I'm guessing you just finished training, huh?" Rocky assumed, since they were by the Training Arena anyways.


Daughter of Ares • Lt. Head

" would know my sister. She's the head, Demetria. I hear she can throw a great party. She invites me but I pretty much ghost them. Not really my scene," Theia said with a smile. Their parties were...well, famous. Or infamous-depended on who you ask. Atalanta, after dealing with 100 different cases from one party, would definitely side with the latter. "And yeah-my daily torture. Are you about to start?"


Son of Dionysus • Full-Time Camper

"Oh, haven't you heard, she was replaced by Danica." Rocky didn't want to be the bearer of bad news (if it even was considered that, for Theia), but he just wanted to lay down the facts. "And why, if I may ask, have you been ghosting them?" he asked, curious, sliding his hands into his jean's pockets as he did so. As for the last question, he shook his head gently. "Oh I wasn't, I was just passing by when I bumped into you. I was actually on my way to see the giant Lava Wall."


Daughter of Ares • Lt. Head

"Oh, she has? Well, she probably spent to much time partying instead of actually doing some work," Theia hummed. She clearly didn't have much sympathy for her older sister. She loved her for bits, but Theia had her opinions and discipline was a necessity. "They're not my scene, I'm terrible in parties. The type to just hang around in a corner wanting to go home. And oh that? I can walk with you, if you want? I should probably go find my sister now and she's usually somewhere near the lake at this hour."

Hunter and Achilles[]


Son of Styx

Achilles was in the training area of the spire, shirtless and slamming his fist against a punching bag. His knuckles were taped and his skin had a thin layer of sweat. Like a lot of the times, he was alone and made sure to come in an hour where people weren't crowding the area to train. The only thing you could hear was his grunts as his knuckles slammed into the fabric again and again. Sure, he didn't like much in the modern world but how accessible working out was was a nice bonus. Back in his day, his options were working a farm, finding someone to wrestle with, or go hunt a monster. Of course, everyone back then was fit (save for the dirty rich). But going down to punch a bag was a lot more easier.


Son of Lelantos • CoO Councilman

"What did that punching bag ever do to you?" Hunter said with an amused smile, stepping out of the shadows. He didn't mean to lurk, he headed to the Arena with the intention of doing some training of his own, when he happened upon an unfamiliar face — a newcomer to the Champions who was slamming away on a punching bag. Being his usual self, he thought he'd tease a bit. "Careful, you're gonna hurt his feelings."


Son of Styx

"Oh, didn't you hear? We went through a terrible breakup. His hurt feelings is nothing compared to mine," Achilles said as he steadied the bag with his hand so it wouldn't swing right into his face as he turned Hunter. Naturally, he knew Hunter-not well, but professionally considering who Hunter was in terms of the organisation. "I think it's quite deserved."


Son of Lelantos • CoO Councilman

He raised an eyebrow. How playful. I like him already, he thought to himself as he walked closer to where Achilles was, intending to assemble a punching bag of his own. Once that was dealt with, he turned towards the other man and said, "Why, did he cheat on you? Maybe you weren't such a good boyfriend, then." A smirk was clearly visible on Hunter's face.


Son of Styx

"Oh please, I made sure he was satisfied every night," Achilles said with a deep sigh as he let go of the bag-about time to, he needed to move on from his last love and find Which was what crossed his mind as he watched Hunter assemble a punching bag, letting his eyes drop down whenever he had the chance. "No, I found him with a girl. It broke my heart. Absolutely."


Son of Lelantos • CoO Councilman

Hunter found himself chortling good-naturedly at Achilles' replies. "Ah, I see. Well, if that's the case, he truly deserves it, then," he concurred just as he finished assembling his own punching bag. Before he started his work out though, he thought he'd introduce himself first. "I'm Hunter, by the way. You?"


Son of Styx

"Achilles," Achilles answered, before tacking on "the original one". Bloody Trojan war hero taking all the spotlight. Everyone thought he was some knock off Achilles-no, he was born before that one. "And definitely-want me to spot?" He asked, nodding to Hunter's bag.
