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Word Bubbles[]

Olivia Holt

Kara -Child of Hera
-Daughter of Hera

 – {{{1}}}


Vidal Brole ~ Child of Zeus
Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow. Never stop questioning.
    ~ {{{21:43PM}}}

More Info:


 Age: 11 (technically 14)  Height: 4”10  Weight: 80lbs
 Sexuality: Undecided  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: America  Main Weapon: Urmui sword
 Accent: American
 – Love is overrated, much like living. Which unfortunately I can’t stop doing.


Kara: "Now, where was that Deli..." Kara mused, wandering the streets of New York. After the Champions of Orthys had burned the town near Camp, her favorite grocery store was gone, and now she had to go into the city to get certain items. Sure, New Athens is nice, but why couldn't there have been a grocery store selling the right spice mixes?

She passed by a back alley and shivered, bad memories threatening to distract her. Maybe I'd better stay closer to the main streets.

Vidal: Vidal was marching confidently towards a back alley, looking for the groceries to get for Ortu. *Imbeciles can’t even remember groceries.* He brushed his hand into his hair and found himself right in front of Kara. He slipped his hands into his denim jacket with black jeans. “Oh uh sorry, just looking for the ‘deli’?” He apologized.

Kara: Kara stopped, almost running into him. "Oh, sorry! Yeah, it's hard to get good ingredients or a good sandwich where I'm from. You wouldn't know where the nearest one is, would you?"

Vidal: Vidal shrugged and answered “Clueless as you.” His tone friendly but his mind began to wonder, this girl seemed different. “Hey do you wanna find the deli with me?” He was surprised by his straight answer, why was he willing to walk with her? It wasn’t out of chivalry but a means to know more. Shaking himself out of his thoughts he looked back at her, awaiting her answer patiently.

Kara: "Sure, why not." Looking him over, the kid seemed harmless enough. "So, where you from?"

Vidal: Vidal decided to walk and talk and they soon left the dark, mysterious alley to find the deli. “Let’s not… with the small talk.” As they walked in silence looking for the deli but soon just began to enjoy the beautiful view of NY.

Kara: Kara nodded. "All right, fair enough. I didn't mean to offend." She looked Vidal over as they walked. The boy seemed cold but fairly intelligent. Muscular, with piercing eyes, one electric blue in a way that reminded Kara of something... but she couldn't place it. "It should be somewhere around here... Sorry, I'd check Google Maps, but I don't have a phone."

Vidal: Vidal gave a confused huh as he replied “A girl like you should be exposed to all kinds of technology.” He then began to size her up not because of her beauty but because he began to realize that this girl… had no technology on her. Now you might say that’s a strange assumption to make but she almost seemed… no no. They are extremely rare after all, besides the head of Ortu always reminds us not to fraternize with enemy although Vidal doesn’t really want to hurt them. “Sorry. Just… thought I saw a bug.” Expressing his regret but quite vaguely as he seemed lost in thought as they finally came around to the deli.

Kara: "Oh, my, ah, family doesn't approve of it." Kara used her default excuse as they walked to the deli. "Says it's for my safety. Oh, hey, here we are!" She turned to Vidal. "Thanks for walking with me. Best of luck with your shopping." Moving forward, she opened the door and held it for Vidal.

Vidal: Vidal stopped in front of the door as he pondered what she said. *My family doesn’t approve? Your safety.* Vidal’s composure from friendly to wary. Although he showed no signs of hostility he decided to just come out with it. *I should be happy or grateful for finding another demigod but if she doesn’t even have an ounce of technology… then she must be a big three.* Vidal straightened himself as he decided to be tactical about this. As a mortal began to walk out of the door, thanking Kara for the kind gesture. As the young lady walked away he muttered loud enough for Kara to hear. “That’s a cool shirt. What did it say, samp-live hood? Hamp pire wood?”

Kara: Kara turned around and narrowed her eyes. "...I'm not even wearing the shirt." She turned around and walked out the door, blowing past Vidal and speed-walking into the nearest alley.

Vidal: Vidal laughed as he retorted “Yea. Well at least I’m not part of that stupid camp.” He walked through the door graciously as he now decided to commit to ‘small talk’. After they finished shopping he followed Kara down the alley with the goodies. But he soon began to sense a small chill in the nape of his neck but it disappeared as soon as he realized it. *Perhaps just the cold.* Dismissing the sensation.

GM: As Kara speed-walks down the alley, there's a foul smell in the air. Unfortunately, a gust of wind blows past, fanning towards into her face. Side by side, the nearby buildings seem run- down, the doors and windows boarded up. Something about this place just smells wrong to the demigods.

Kara: Wrinkling her nose, Kara slowed down. "Ugh."

Vidal: Vidal pinched his nose as he groaned through gritted teeth. “So it’s true! You are a half-blood! Well whatever your doing make it stop.” He began to itch his left hand, a little jingle jangle noise appeared as he rubbed his necklace nervously. His eyes darting around like a critter who has been caught by the predator.

Kara: Kara rolled up her sleeve and tapped the length of metal hidden underneath, expanding it into a shield. "You talk more than most monsters. Now, shed that disguise so I can send you to Tartarus and get rid of that godawful smell."

Vidal: Vidal sneered and snarked at her “Oh yea? I’m a monster.” Vidal was ticked off and genuinely insulted that this girl thought HE was a monster. He then unsheathed his Bronze Urumi sword. It was not like any other sword though; it had whip like body as it curled like a snake as it touched the ground cracklings with energy. Crack! It’s hilt was complete black and it’s designs were threaded into the leather handle. It was probably around 4”7 but Vidal then began to swing his sword in a propeller like motion at his side to build up energy. “Your the one whose making this malodorous smell, now CEASE THIS!” Vidal sighed as he didn’t want to start a fight, he was clearly out matched. Sure he was a child of Zeus but this demigod went to that camp were they get all the cool stuff.

Kara: Kara lowered her shield. "Wait, you're a demigod? I'm not doing this..." Her eyes widening, she raised her shield again and turned back to the alley. "We've got a monster, kid, stay behind me. Keep the whip-thing ready."

Meanwhile the argument has given the roosting harpies time to notice their presence. There are around seven in total on the roof, and three are circling. "Sharptooth, they bicker like Zeus and his awful wife.... smell like them too." A harpy on the roof caws. A larger harpy, Sharptooth grunts back. "Shut it Greenscales! We'll lose the element of surprise. There's some good meat for eating!....

Harpies: As Kara notices, there's a swift gust of wind and an almighty screech, as three harpies swoop down with their claws, one aiming to drag away her shield while the others claw at her hair and face. Two circle ahead like vultures, including Sharptooth, while Greenscales and her friend lob bricks from the roof towards Vidal.

Vidal: Vidal gasped as he looked up to see huge beasts looming over him and Kara, momentarily distraught from both Kara and the Harpies he didn’t have time to react quick enough and a brick hit his shoulder with a sickening crunch. Crrrunch! He wailed in pain as he slashed the other two with his sword arm, a simple yet effective attack. He looked at his arm as it flopped downwards. “Ok not broken. Just dislocated, I think.” He muttered under his breath as he stretches his arm out and black strands of his hair began to slowly lift up; it vibrated with sparks of electricity as he focused a bolt of electricity aiming for the overhead harpies while slowly moving to the wall hoping to get out of his line of sight.

Kara: Kara immediately moved. With her free hand, she shot a shard of rock straight into the first harpy's face, removing the threat of her shield being removed. Spinning, she narrowly missed the others, and was left unharmed aside from a chunk of her hair fluttering to the ground. As a brick clunked against her shield, she darted back against the alley wall, carefully keeping herself covered from bricks above and attacks from the front. "Kid, you alright?" As she spoke, she began to shoot more rock shards upward, not focusing too hard on aim but mostly aiming to deter further attacks.

Harpies: The harpy in front of Kara with the bird-face recoils, as the rock smacks her in the face. To add insult to injury, Vidal's lightning bolt hits her wings, singeing them as she collapses into ashes. The other two have no luck tearing at Kara. Vidal's nearest one moves to dodge his slash, but ends up catching a glancing blow, ichor trailing from a gash in her wings. They hastily retreat into the air to join the main group of harpies. "Our sister! You'll pay for that!"

The harpies snarl, performing evasive maneuvers to avoid Kara's shards. All six remaining take flight, save for the injured one which stays on the roof, a reverse V formation appearing. Each has a heavy object in their claws. Two throw their objects - a disused stereo and solid dumpster-lid at Kara's shield, while the others attempt to aerially flank the pair.

Kara: Kara leapt to the side, the stereo crashing to the ground and the dumpster lid crashing against her shield, rolling to the side and making a terrible racket. "Kid, we need a plan!" Huffing, she stood in front of Vidal, shifting her weight and moving slightly to attempt to keep him out of their reach. "You alright? That didn't sound like fun times a second ago."

Vidal: Vidal groaned in pain as he tried to look for a way out and somewhere to deal with his injuries and time to think. He looked above and saw a fire escape leading towards an open window. “Up there!” He pointed. “Bring the ladder down then climb up, I’ll hold them off and join you.”

Kara: "And how would you get up, one arm down and fighting six harpies? Not happening. I'll grab the ladder, then you get up first." Kara shot another rock at the bird creatures, then focused the air near her free hand into a translucent blade a few feet long. "Ready?"

Harpies: The five harpies regroup, a violent wind forming as they beat their wings and swoop down, vicious claws aiming to tear flesh and break bone. One harpy stumbles, hit by Kara's rock and has to double back.

Vidal: Vidal tries to ground himself as the ferocious winds begin to blow him towards the wall but he then growls at Kara. “NO! You get up and I’LL STAY!” He retorted the determination in his voice was as evident as a dead body. Which they were soon going to have two of.

Kara: Kara growled. "Fine!" She focused the wind further and launched herself into the air, rising past the swooping harpies at speed as she let herself fly and sped herself up with a burst of air. Grabbing the fire escape, she pulled herself up with a grunt of exertion and smashed the lock holding the ladder in place. It dropped with a loud CLANG.

As the harpies were about to hit Vidal, she grimaced, focusing her power, and unleashed the winds, surrounding and trapping the harpies. Groaning, she felt a headache beginning to pound. I'm using too much of my power too fast... we need to end this quickly!

She shot a few rocks into the wind, almost losing control, but held it, and the rocks spun in the powerful vortex, tearing at the harpies.

Harpies: The harpies swoop towards the ladder, but are buffeted by the razor sharp winds that the Queen of the Heavens herself would be proud of. The harpy previously hit by the rock is slammed into a wall and crumples, bursting into dust. The harpy on the roof is thrown off and also explodes on impact with the ground.

The remaining harpies shriek as piercing rocks and debris smashes against them. They flap their own wings, doing their best to reverse the breeze, and deflect the attack. Vidal would likely feel his strength returning as the severe weather increases, winds rushing past him and trapping the helpless harpies ... for now.

Vidal: Vidal was shocked to how he reacted here for he reacted out of pure instinct. As the winds blew against his face, his body felt revitalized as if he’d just woken up from a nap. The pain in his dislocated arm lessened and he put his sword back into cameo mode as he unsheathed his celestial bronze hatchets. It was weary and looked well used but good enough to slice these monsters back to hell (Sorry. Tartarus). He thrusted his hand out and began to focus a blast of air towards the harpies hoping to stun them and for them to fall to the ground.

”When they fall, give em Hell!” He yelled to Kara as a small pop sound exploded from his hand.

Kara: Kara nodded. With a gasp, she released the winds, freeing the damaged harpies. Gritting her teeth, she began focusing the last of her energy towards her most powerful ability.

Over the years, Kara had practiced her abilities, and stretched them to the limits, using them in many ways. By now, she had practiced all her family's abilities, but in the end there was always one in particular that called to her.

Mother... grant me strength. Grant me the power of Zeus!

Thunder loudly rumbled from the sky, and the clouds began to darken quickly. Kara's eyes glowed bright electric blue, and electricity began arcing across her body, sparking off her shield and wreathing her in light.

Harpies : As Kara's grip on the wind releases, the harpies are smacked down with Vidal's air blast. It isn't pretty as they slap against the tarmac like wet fish, much of their wings already torn up. Two lie on the ground, two stagger to their feet. Sharptooth is the first to her feet, and in a display of intelligence uncommon for harpies, stumbles back to make up some distance. She screeches.

"Filthy demigods! You come to our home, intent on ruining our roost. Our sisters are near, they will tear you to shreds and avenge us! This is your last chance to run, or DIE."                                                   

This seems to galvanize the harpies who all join in a mighty shriek, as the thunder rumbles and all the winds ripple around gathered harpies and demigods alike.

Vidal: Vidal was fighting through the winds as he threw his hatchet like a boomerang hoping to cut off their wings but he soon misses and flies straight past them. Enraged he summons another gust of wind to slam into the concrete wall. “ et abierunt!” He yells in Latin (translation: Be gone!) as another gust of wind hurtles towards them as Vidal falls to one knee.

Kara: With a yell, Kara slashed downwards with her sword, and a large bolt of lightning streaked through the sky, blasting the harpies.

Harpies: Vidal's wind gust cuts through the air like a well-refined blade, pinning the two primed harpies (who were on the floor) against the wall. They're helpless to avoid the lightning strike and the sheer energy burns their feathers. Yet, their proximity to the ground saves them from burning into a total crisp. In a horrific display, they crawl to the demigods, aiming a suicidal barrage of slashes with their claws. As for the other two, they manage to avoid Vidal's hatchet but end up caught by the storm - dissipating into bright blue balls of flame, lucky enough to have a swift if not painless death.

Kara: Hefting her shield, Kara threw it like a Frisbee, Captain America style. Spinning through the air, it bashed into both of the remaining harpies before bouncing back to Kara, and she caught it deftly. The harpies screeched and dissolved into piles of dust.

"I... think that's all of them." The electric energy disappeared from around Kara, and she collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily as her glowing eyes faded back to their regular colour. "Not bad, kid. Would've been a lot dicier without you here."

As the final harpies burst into dust, Kara and Vidal have a moment to catch their breath. The winds die down but the air is electrified and smells of wet rain and earth. There's still a small stench and the daughter of Hera may feel a small tug from the dead harpies to the roost - the death of an empathy link. If the two go into the abandoned building, they will find the place in disarray, covered in bird dung, torn flesh and skeletons of unlucky passers-by. They may be interested in a small trove of drachmae, a variety of weapons (from polearms to nunjucks and switchblades), collections of shiny jewels, and perhaps even two large eggs in the centre of the nest, a treasure the harpies were willing to kill to feed and protect.

Vidal: Vidal clutched his arm as he walked over to Kara. “Yea but… why were they here?” He coughed for the stench of rain and searing flesh was intoxicating. Vidal was beginning to get soaked from the rain as he raced towards his hatchet and tries opening the doors without luck. He then turns to Kara and says “Lady’s first.”

Kara: Kara frowned as she felt something like a link breaking. "Something strange just happened..." She noticed a pull towards the building. "There's something important in there." Walking forward she reeled back and slammed her shield into the doors, which gave a horrible creaking sound and fell forward off of their incredibly rusty hinges.

Kara blinked. "Well, that worked." She shook out her arm and walked forward into the building. "While we're talking, what was that you were saying earlier? Something about not being from Camp?"

Vidal: The doors creaked eerily as Vidal's eyebrows raised (slightly impressed with Kara's strength) as they walked into the building. The interior was wide and spacious it seemed to be house an old pool house. The lights were dead so it was almost pitch black, their only source of light was from the door. The tiles on the floor were filthy and cracked covered in dirt, as they made it to the waterless pool, Vidal saw a huge brown nest in the centre while objects glittered in it. Still ignoring Kara's question he then decided to jump down to the pool. A pop! sound could be heard from Vidal's arm popping back into place. "Check this out!"

Kara: Kara carefully jumped down after Vidal, using the winds to slow her fall. "Whoa..." She stepped forward towards the nest. "They... they had a nest here. They were defending their home..."

Vidal: Vidal walked up to the nest but what he saw... He could never unsee. Corpses. Mangled bloody corpses. “And having a snack along the way.” As Vidal closed in on the best he heard a sickening crunch as he walked over the corpse of a dead body. Cruuuuunch! Vidal quickly put three fingers over his heart and shoved it outwards, warding off evil. “Little trick I learnt from a friend.” He muttered, the statement is short and brief. He leaned down to get a better look at the body only to find it carrying something... “An egg.” His words quivered slightly.

Kara: The daughter of Hera stepped forward, head bowed. "They were defending their young... they killed for them." She knelt down and closed the eyes of a more recent body, then noticed something it was holding. "There's another egg here. No wonder they were so desperate."

Carefully, she picked it up. "...I think we should alert camp. The cleaning harpies can take care of the eggs, and we can give... everyone the proper rites."

Vidal: “Are you sure that's the best idea? We can take these to the BC we always could use new recruits.” Vidal suggested as he picked up the Harpy egg. It was heavier then anything he’d ever carried. “The gods toyed with humans long enough like how Prometheus gave fire to us just to spite the gods.” His tone bitter.

Kara: Kara immediately raised her shield, and summoned a solid blade of wind into her hand with a howling sound. "You're with the Broken Covenant?"

Vidal: Vidal turned to look at her and was shocked but soon composed himself. “Yes, I know you must be thinking why would I put my lot in with them. They showed me the truth.” He answered calmly as he slowly put the egg down and raised his arms to show no harm. “I only wish for us mortals to have the freedom we deserve without the gods’ interference.” He stated.

Kara: "You're saying this like you're not a new recruit yourself. Kid, you're young, and I can tell you haven't been in our world long. You thought I was a monster even after I took out a Celestial Bronze weapon. I don't know what stuff they've been putting in your head if you don't even know the proper story of Prometheus. You and I, we're in their world, yeah, but we're not enslaved or whatever they're teaching you."

Kara edged forwards and rolled the egg back towards herself. "Ask them about the murders. The fires. The crimes they've committed. They will burn down everything in their path, everything you love, to reach their goal. Yeah, the gods are far from perfect. But they're a hell of a lot better than the Broken Covenant taking over."

Vidal: “I’ll admit the BC has its… dark side. But Ortu are the more peaceful ones as we only wish to be free. Do you think it is any better when they send their CHILDREN to do their dirty work.” His words hanging on the word ‘children’. “We were never meant to be warriors we never asked to be warriors and the fact you compare ME to terrorists? May I ask… do you have any loved ones at Camp, do they ever come home? Whose fault do you think that is? He began to inch closer slowly. “I don’t want to fight you so I’ll give you two options. 1. We go back together to the BC to tell them your story with both of the eggs as a spoil of war or 2 we disagree you attack me with your shield but ultimately I will get away and we shall be mortal enemies.” He declared coldly as he began to formulate a plan just in case this didn’t work out.

*Bryce. You better be around here. Stupid bird* He hoped.

Kara: Kara's eyes turned cold. Carefully, she put the second egg down beside the first and stepped in front of them. "No deal. I'm not going with you, and neither are the eggs. Now do me a favor and walk away. You won't be able to win a fight between us."

Vidal: Vidal chuckled slightly as he simply said “No. You are really willing to risk your life and these eggs, why? What have I done other then tell you about my family.” He then slowly pulled one of his hatchets out of his sheath. *I still haven’t mastered my Urumi sword so I’ll have to rely on my hatchets.* He calculated as he discreetly tried to look for a way to avoid this confrontation. “Remember if you do this, there will be no peace. I’ll report you to the BC and we will be enemies. Plus are you sure you can go on, that fight took a lot out of us both. So despite your many years of experience I don’t think your a match for me right now.” He stalled mockingly as he desperately hoped that Bryce would be here sooner, he may not help but he could calm his nerves.

Kara: "The Broken Covenant already knows me. There was never going to be peace." Kara adjusted her stance. "I really don't want to fight you, kid. But you're not taking these eggs back to the covenant, where they'll be raised as weapons of war."

Vidal: “And as I say I won’t let my honor be disrespected despite my intentions!” He yelled furiously trying to mask his confusion. *What does she mean, ‘there was never going to be peace?’* He wondered, the overhead lights flickered as Vidal rushed forward towards Kara, he understood that she and him were probably related for they both seemed to have the exact same power but something wasn’t adding up. As Vidal rushed at Kara full speed he understood the best thing to do was get rid of her defense.

As he feinted at Kara’s sword arm, he swiveled his weight around to gain force for a two handed blow onto her shield, hoping to put some distance between them. His stance was decent with his legs at shoulder length but weak; he was like a baby still trying to walk.

Kara: Kara saw the feint a mile away. Even with aching muscles, she was easily able to lift her hand, aim and shoot a shard of rock directly towards Vidal's right leg. "I'll make this quick."

Vidal: Vidal crumbled as he rolled across from Kara, his attack failed. He groaned, blood slowly oozed out from where he was struck. Vidal firmly held onto the rock protruding from his leg and prepared himself as he ripped the rock out of his thigh. He screeched, throwing the rock to the ground and giving Kara a murderous glare. Vidal’s eyes scanned the wound, *Its just a flesh wound.* Calming himself he tried to come up with a plan, to grab the egg and escape with his life. “Argh! What the heck!”

Kara: "I don't like doing this." Kara stepped backwards towards the eggs. "I told you, you're not taking these. Please, just leave." Breathing out, she shoved a gust of air towards Vidal to knock him over.

Vidal: Vidal was pushed against the winds as he tumbled to the wall. He groaned but quickly recovered himself and his axe. *Bryce! Where are you?* He thought practically begging. Looks like Vidal’s assumption wasn’t as correct as he thought, he believed her to be tired and fatigued but it seemed like she could carry on while Vidal not so much. “Wow. I’m sorry I just expected more.” He joked as things were soon starting to get dicey, Vidal was already bleeding and he hasn’t been able to lay a scratch on her.

Kara: Kara walked forwards towards Vidal, adjusting her shield into a more comfortable position as she walked. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to bother showing off. Last chance, kid." I really don't want to have to knock him out, but I can barely keep this up. I need to stop him here and now.

Vidal: Vidal sneered at Kara, he was really beginning to dislike this girl. “So these are your true colours? To beat someone to the ground who only wanted peace, just because you have different viewpoints?” His face contorted to a look of hatred. “I really thought we could be friends.” He spoke, his words dancing on the wind as the winds gently began to pick up ever so slightly. “A person who didn’t wish to fight! And made it very clear! But no, all your camp about is destroying people who don’t conform to your will.” But little did both of them know that a third member was in this swimming pool. Standing on top of a rail watching intently from above.

Kara: "My true colors are that I avoid making friends with members of terrorist organizations that try to kill me, my daughter, and my friends on a regular basis." Kara stopped in front of Vidal. "And my camp is about giving kids a safe space to grow and learn to survive. The Broken Covenant is the one trying to destroy those against their beliefs."

The older girl wound up to knock Vidal out with her shield. "Sorry about this. If you remember after you wake up, think about it."

Vidal: Vidal soon began to panic and scoured the room to find some way out of this. Looking up he saw Bryce perched upon a metal rail. Vidal’s eyes lit up with excitement but was determined to limit it to just that. *I have to act quick, by the time I order Bryce to attack I’ll be out like a light.* He couldn’t attack her, that was an obvious and with his wounded leg he can’t run either. The best thing he can do is stall, locking eyes with Kara he began to formulate a plan. Vidal then sighed. “Before you do, may I ask one question?” He pleaded.

Kara: Kara paused and narrowed her eyes. "I suppose."

Vidal: “Why does the BC want to kill you and your daughter? Why do YOU hate them so much? And please spare me the governmental response. I wanna hear your own thoughts solely based on you.” He asked as he slowly leaned back against the wall behind him to ease the pain on his legs. *And so I can see Bryce.* The mechanical bird was in the perfect position for a nose dive straight for Kara’s shield arm. But it looked like it would take a few seconds for him to reach so he gave the bird a silent message. *Not yet.* Putting his attention back on Kara he added. “Cmon. If I’m gonna die I’d at least wanna know why.”

Kara: Surprised, Kara lowered her shield. "Wha- I'm not going to kill you." She took a step back. "Gods, I... Okay. Look." Kara pinched the bridge of her nose. "The Broken Covenant wants to kill me, and every other member of Camp Half-Blood, because we don't want to overthrow the gods. They've killed several people I knew personally at Camp. We honestly don't seek out or try to kill any of the Broken Covenant's members - if they were willing to co-exist, we'd take that offer in a heartbeat." Kara sighed. "The Broken Covenant has went for me specifically a couple of times because I'm from a line that doesn't appear very often - I'm a daughter of Hera. Given how much hatred she has for demigods, and for her family when they hook up with mortals, it's not often she has kids herself. They want me, and my daughter who isn't even two, for our power... or to eliminate it."

The daughter of Hera took a deep breath. "And I'm not some bloodthirsty warrior bent on revenge. Heck, I was going to knock you out - I would never kill you, or any of them. Hades, you're a child! A child, and now they've led you astray... Heck. Like you were saying earlier Prometheus gave fire to humans just to spite the gods?"

Kara retracted her shield and rubbed her temples, a headache coming on full force. "Prometheus didn't give humanity fire to spite the gods. He gave it because he thought Zeus was wrong to keep it from us. And while Zeus was cruel as hell, and frankly did some incredibly screwed up stuff, he realized his mistake when he saw what humans did with fire afterwards. He ended up pardoning Prometheus, and often asked for his advice in difficult times." She turned, and began to walk back to the eggs. "The gods can learn, and change. And even if they aren't always perfect... it's better than the alternative. The Broken Covenant will rain hellfire on this earth if they gain power. Once they've taken over and crushed all resistance, then the infighting will start, about what faction will rule. It will be the apocalypse - the greatest war the earth has ever seen. That's why we resist." Kara looked back, then turned and walked back towards the eggs.

Vidal: “I-” Vidal was speechless. *Murdered, killed* He shook himself out of his thoughts as he couldn't believe that. But the biggest thing was that she was a daughter of Hera! Hera! His Father’s wife. His hands clenched onto his trousers, it was soon becoming too much for him. But one things for sure... He couldn't vel be some randos words. All this talk about a daughter and the her being the greatest threat or ally to BC. He watched Kara turned around back to the eggs. “What do I do?” He muttered to himself. Vidal locked eyes with Bryce, pointed to the eggs and mouthed the words *Now!*

Bryce was a speeding bullet, diving towards the eggs. “Your wrong. I cannot believe the story you've told me now... But I can't ignore it either.” Vidal slowly lifted himself putting the weight from his injured leg onto his good leg. “But I know this. I will never succumb a human being to be a weapon. I only wish for you guys to... understand where me and the BC are coming from. We aren’t Hawks searching for the golden eggs and hoping we can have a feast.” Vidal prayed Bryce understood his command.

Kara: Kara was immediately suspicious at Vidal's strange wording and deployed her shield again. What's he doing?

Vidal: Vidal watched as Bryce picked up speed mere glances away from the eggs, “Forgive me little ones. If I cannot take at least one of you with me. I pray that you will be reborn soon.” He mutter as he spoke his eyes moved away from Kara staring straight at the defenseless eggs about to be Bryce’s dinner.

Kara: At the last second, Kara spotted the falcon in her peripheral vision. Spinning, she bashed it out of the air with the unpleasant sound of metal crashing into metal, and dived to the eggs, hissing some very rude words in ancient Greek.

Vidal: Clack, clank, bang! The sound of Bryce losing his gears was sickening to Vidal. Vidal infuriated acted without hesitation. His instincts kicked in and he sent a gust of wind to knock Kara back, he then grabbed Bryce and his missing pieces and made it to the door. The blast of wind that the young girl sent towards him seemed to revitalise him but not much. His leg burned like fire as he ran on it, out of sight of Kara. *You may have won this round. But the BC won’t give up until total freedom is given.* He thought resentfully as he left the daughter of Hera with the eggs.

Small splashes from the rain could be heard as he ran out of the door. But it was brief as Vidal disappeared hoping he found a friend but gained a new enemy instead.

Kara: Swearing again as she tumbled over the eggs, Kara landed behind them in a heap. She watched as Vidal grabbed his bird-thing and ran for it.

Sighing, she got to her feet. What a mess.

After a minute, Kara had rearranged her backpack to hold the eggs comfortably. It was heavy, but she still managed to lift it onto her back and carry it without destroying her back. "Thank god Nata isn't here for this..."

She limped towards the door, and braced her screaming muscles for the trip back to camp. As she left, however, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

I wish I could have helped him.


Flop: Let's have some fun!

Kat: Alright! So how are we going to get them to fight? Kara doesn’t seem like one to start fights. Maybe Vidal says something extremely cold to her and pushes her over her limit.

Flop: Honestly, my best guess was that Vidal got scared and panicked. Maybe he attacks because he feels he has no choice, or was assigned to or something?

Kat: But that wouldn’t exactly line up with his beliefs so let’s see how it goes from here.

Flop: Alright, take 2! Let's have some fun (again).

Adra/Fate: Hey! Kat's asked me to run some monsters so I've got a little thing going, tag me in the discord when you need anything.

Adra: Might have a small twist / reward at the end if you're up for it.

Kat: OOOOOH What kinds of gifts? 🤔 🤩

Flop: I'm down

Kat: Sorry it took so long! 😅

Adra: Just two very injured harpies left, it's up to you what you so with them, they're trying to take you down with them. Also I can call the attack quits here, or show you the rewards/twist next post. Up to you :) well done!

Flop: Rewards next, hopefully?

Kat: Obviously a fight is going to break out but can I ask? What will Kara do when she beats Vidal? If she’s hesitant can I use Bryce (Pet Falcon) to swoop in and peck Kara’s head so they can escape? Vidal might need to break a few ‘eggs’ though before he leaves ;)
