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Europa and Theia[]


  • Theia: "Oh, you're on. I hope a child of victory knows how to take defeat," Theia said, her own competitive nature kicking in. "Do you go at this time? I usually go at the crack of dawn but I can push it back later to accomodate for you?"
  • Europa: "Same to you. I do hope a child of war can hold back tears," she taunts jokingly. "However, cabin duty calls later this afternoon." Europa sighs with the thought of the plentiful work that has to be done with her siblings as of the moment, after all the changes in leadership days ago. "So, I suggest we catch up somewhere else, maybe while eating something then we run at crack of dawn, yes? Around 5?"
  • Theia: "Five sounds perfect. We can take the pavilion before people come looking for breakfast," Theia said with a smile before scrunching her nose at the reminder. "And I was hoping to forget cabins existed for a hot minute. I hope you know what you signed up for. Cabin duty is always there. At least you have a small cabin, it's probably a lot easier to keep on track of them all."
  • Europa: "Indeed," she nods. "And yes, I know what I'm getting into. Consider our positions as practice when we go home." The mention of 'home' struck a heartstring; they haven't been back in Olympene for a really long time. Europa's already having doubts on what they would stumble upon their return. However, she has more immediate goals than worrying about that right now. "Speaking of forgetting cabins," she trails off as she ponders, "Are you hungry, Theia? I can treat you."
  • Theia: Theia bit her lip when she heard 'home'. In truth, Theia didn't know if she would ever go home at this point. What was there for her? No throne. A father who barely acknowledged her existence. And her ex...well, she won't be rushing back to him any time soon. "Who would be foolish enough to turn down free food? I might take you up on that."
  • Europa: Figures. Whoever turns down free food is indeed foolish. "That was quick," she chuckles, though she can't help but feel guilty on mentioning Olympene. Theia may not know it but her expression was noticeable enough. Nonetheless, it goes to say that the little free time they have at the moment could distract their thoughts on what used to be called 'home'. She would rather not let it ruin their bonding. "Well, we don't have all day! I hope you fancy some good old-fashioned American diner food, yes?" She breaks a slight smile at her cousin.
  • Theia: "Nothing but grease and fat? I think it's everything I need right now," Theia said as she walked into the cabin, looking around curiously. She never really saw other the interior of other cabins, so she was always looking to poke around. Just out of curiosity. And then wallow in either pride or sadness if she thought the cabin was better or worse than her own.
  • Europa: Theia is on a rush as always. And on that note, Europa is actually considering the possibility that her cousin would outrun her should their competitive runs occur regularly. She has no problems with it whatsoever. After all, it only meant she is improving and she is happy about that; Europa takes the word 'progress' very seriously. "That's not the diner, Theia," she giggles as she chased after her. "If you're up for volleyball practice, I'd gladly join you... for another time." She finished her sentence with a tone implying for them to get going but it's not anything strict. A few minutes could be spared for Theia to look around.
  • Theia: Theia realised her mistake in a heartbeat. "And here I was-thinking you'd be so nice to cook for me," she said before looking around. "It's...quaint. I'm surprised you guys don't have medals and trophies decorating the walls. Though, you do have a basketball hoop right there. Don't you smash anything?"
  • Europa: "The trophies and medals are under maintenance," she explains in a matter-of-fact tone. "Some got knocked over by basketballs that can bore through walls, some became unfortunate substitutes for target practice--" Just then, a loud clang breaks the silence of the currently unoccupied cabin. Europa turns to the source of the sound--a golden capture-the-flag trophy with numerous chipped edges--and sighs tiredly, "and some, Zeus knows what happened to them. I hope that answers your inquiry, Theia. We're a big mess."
  • Theia: Theia might burn her cabin down if people began misusing anything. Just because some were more prone to use things as weapons against each other. Theia watched it all go down, though, in complete since before nodding once. "I see your point," Theia said as she took in the state of the trophy. "Maybe it's good there's so few of you."
  • Europa: Europa nods in agreement. "Given the disastrous state of things, I do hope our numbers stay as is until we get ourselves together," she sighs. "Look, I think it would be better if we move along. We wouldn't want the coming lunch hour rush keep you from having your scrumptious burger, yes?" She holds her hand at the cabin doorway's direction, gesturing for Theia to go first.
  • Theia: Theia was out the second that idea of waiting hit her. Back in Olympene, there was so little of a population that waiting was never really a thing. Or maybe she's speaking from being a princess. "Probably for the best, still if you get more-more people you can boss around to clean things up," she said as her shoes hit the dirt again.

Noah and Ragnar[]


  • Noah: When Ragnar began to choke, his eyes widened and he raised a hand-not sure what for, maybe whack him on the back if he continued to choke. "You...alright? Sorry man, didn't mean to scare you like that," Noah said, rubbing his beard before looking at the basket. "Oh, cool, neat." With that, he leant over and plucked one from the branch.
  • Ragnar: He forces a smile as he collects himself. "Yeah, yeah, I think that's enough strawberries for today. How about you get some of mine? I plucked more than what I could eat so..." Ragnar reaches for the pocket and brings out a handful of strawberries, about 5 to 7 in total, and offers it to Noah. "Here, you can have them. No problem."
  • Noah: Noah looked at them before looking back to Ragnar and, in what felt like a while, he grinned before taking the strawberries, popping one in his'd been a while since he tasted something like this. Juvie didn't exactly have 5 star meals or, well, anything that didn't look like it was about to combust with mold. "Thanks, save me for doing all the hard work," he said, trying to crack a joke. He wasn't sure if it would fall flat-he's never been the best comedian. Always so serious. "Do this often?" He asked, before blinking, "like come out here, that is."
  • Ragnar: He stretched his arms and legs. Time sure passed while he was sitting and picking on the strawberries. "Oh, no," Ragnar shakes his head, "It's my first time here in the fields. Actually, I'm still new to this whole camp place." He then glances at him and asks, "How 'bout you?"
  • Noah: "Same as you. First time here. I've been here for about a week or so now," Noah said with two nods to follow his words. Noah figured the guy was liking it a lot more than he was. But it was better than Noah's prospects out in the real outside world. "Hard to think this field is meant to finance the entire camp."
  • Ragnar: "Anything about this camp is hard to think about, to be honest, especially if you're new to this whole... thing." Ragnar's words trail off with the sudden rush of nostalgia. He hasn't been into sprawling grounds this green for so long that he almost forgot how grass felt and smelled. For the record, he is still sorting out his thoughts like Noah. Everything seems new to him again. "Funny that out of all disguises possible, camp chose a strawberry farm," he lets out a slight chuckle.
  • Noah: "You'd think with everything they have at their disposal, something might have been better. A farm even. Or even just make the Plutus kids generate our wealth. I don't think inflation would be a thing here," Noah said with a shrug.
  • Ragnar: Ragnar doesn't know shit about what inflation meant, or anything related for that matter. For someone who spent centuries in a place far and secluded from camp, not even his general knowledge can keep up with the times. "Er, yeah, I guess?" He tilts his head. "Though it was something else, maybe we couldn't have tasted these lot."
  • Noah: {{{2}}}
  • Ragnar: Ragnar's face breaks into a smile as he observes Noah eating yet another berry. "Someone's enjoying," he says. "Just stay away from a bad case of stomach upset. Sucks it big time."
  • Noah: "I thought fruit can't do that," he said through the mouthful before swallowing. "Like, it's fruit. Not shit that causes bad stomach situations." His whole life was a lie. Evidently, Noah didn't eat a lot of fruit. He should fix that. Probably a good idea.
  • Ragnar: He raises an eyebrow curiously. How does this person not know that fruits can obviously cause an upset stomach? "Really?" he asks. "What is the shit that you're referring to, anyway?"
  • Noah: "You know, fast food sort of stuff. Fatty stuff," Noah responded, "the stuff that clogs your arteries." Noah, for so much of his life, was active so he never really ate enough that he couldn't burn off within the next hour.

Achilles and Sonia[]


  • Achilles: Achilles was sitting on one of the top floors of the spire, looking a the view. For a few weeks, he'd been trying to track down his brother and he thought he was getting close but he wasn't for sure. Aschines must have changed his name. But it's not like he had an easy way of tracking him down. Still, outside of that, he hadn't a lot of other things to take up his time outside of work. But he wasn't in the hotel anymore-so that was a major plus.
  • Sonia: Sonia has just finished training a few new recruits from down below the Spire. For a bunch of fairly skilled demititans, she still had a headache for their awful teamwork. Maybe some air would do me good, she thought. She removes her armor to reveal her dirty and sweaty tanktop and tights underneath. Well, never mind that. Air first before shower. She climbs up the Spire's winding stairs and ends up on the floor Achilles was sitting, with the clacking of her boots announcing her presence. Other than seeing that the other person was male, Sonia couldn't recognize him for he was a bit far away and against the light of the window. It's not that she cares though. This is the only big window on that part of the floor so she couldn't be assed to find another just because she wasn't alone. And so, she proceeds towards the man's direction.
  • Achilles: Achille's heard the clicks. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and, instinctively, his hand went downwards, to where his kopis was sheathed, magically turned into a small hairpin that he could easily hide away. However, turning his head, he recognised the intruder and let go of his weapon. He didn't trust a lot of them but he knew Sonia from the hotel, so he was willing to trust he wasn't about to be pushed off the ledge. The new recruits hadn't put a lot of confidence in Achilles. Not that he had a lot to begin with, but his confidence sunk even lower. "Some might think it a criminal offence you're interrupting my brooding time," he declared, mostly being sarcastic-not that his tone would give it away.
  • Sonia: Sonia took a step back when Achilles brandished his kopis. "Calm down," she says with her hands slightly raised in the air to prove her friendly intentions. "No need to be aggressive, I'm just here for some air." She pulls a nearby chair up by the window, taking care to not invade the other's personal space. "Brooding time? You seem to really in one."
  • Achilles: "My bad, I didn't know who it was. I'm not very good with surprises," Achilles said before he put the Kopis away. "You never know who might be stalking these halls. "Oh, I'm deep in it. I don't know if I can drag myself out of it any time soon. Maybe you could help me with it. Help me pass the time," he said with a shameless grin, shifting so he was facing Sonia better and pushed the window up further. "Feel the breeze?"
  • Sonia: Sonia stares into the window and the sunset-lit sky beyond, slowly breathing in the chilling air. "I'm certain you, of all people, would know how to pass the time, Achilles," she says. Her peripheral vision can see the child of Styx shifting his position but she didn't mind it and continued delighting herself with the view. "What do you have in mind?" She'd rather give him the benefit of choosing what to do instead of deciding herself. Even though they have been with the Champions for quite a while now, Sonia could still feel that Achilles is still taking everything in. It's like feeling for anything in the dark.
  • Achilles: "You'd have thought so. But that hotel morphed time so much I don't have any real concept of it anymore," he said before pulling out a pocket watch, "see? I keep this on me all the time. To remind myself that time is actually passing normally. I think a year would have gone past me if I was sitting in the hotel right now. But I hear there's a small lake in the forest. Bit of a track but I hear it's great for swimming."
  • Sonia: "It must be what the mortals call 'jet lag' though for you--or rather, us--it's a bit more complex," Sonia says. She, too, still has a weak grasp of how time worked and ran for she has her own share of how the hotel distorted it. Using her powers to divine provided insufficient help. She guessed her former prison had other ways to keep reality from going through its doors. "Adjusting to the natural flow of time will definitely be tedious," she slowly stands up and stretches her arms, showing that she is ready to keep Achilles company. "But I'm sure a walk through the woods and a quick dip won't be considered 'wasted time.'"
  • Achilles: Achilles smirked and slid off the window. "Life is so slow now. I don't know what to do with my time now," he said with a grin. "So a dip sounds great. It'll be refreshing." He did a gesture, "-after you, m'lady?"
  • Sonia: Sonia shakes her head amusingly. "Chivalry, impalpable unlike the lotus flower, but just as potent," she muses as she follows Achilles. "It has trapped men of all generations under its spell. A facetious display of 'masculinity'. But," she slides down ahead, "if you insist."
  • Achilles: "Ah, but don't think I don't do it without ulterior motives," he said as he followed. The whole gender and sexuality politics flew over his head. He got the impression it got a whole lot more complicated after he was thrown into the hotel. "But yes, I do my best to be the most chivalrous man you can ever come by, I promise."
  • Sonia: As Sonia descends to the midsection between her jump off point and the cobblestones below, she wills the appearance of a white-hot star. Contrary to it's bright, flaming appearance, it's actually devoid of any destructive temperature; a mere means of transport and never a weapon. "Tell that to another woman, Achilles," said Sonia, gliding gracefully in the air. Even for a mountainous fortress like the Spire, the air is unusually quiet. "Your alliance, or rather companionship will suffice. Chivalry has yet to succeed in flattering me."
  • Achilles: Achilles power wasn't quite the same as Sonia. The best he could probably do was conjure a river that lets him float down. No, instead he had to race down the flights of stairs to keep up with Sonia. "Duly noted, companionship it is," Achilles said with a brief laugh. The quiet wasn't falling deaf on his ears and he still wasn't use to it. He spent so long in such a crowded environment, hearing nothing was more distracting than one would think. "You aren't getting lonely in here, are you?"