Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

Logan: leads Regina through the crowd, and finally stops at a table outside, a ways off from the rest of the party So, why did you make me come here, exactly?

Regina: She smiles at him playfully and nudges him. Oh, c'mon. It'll be lots of fun. Also, we haven't had a real date in ages.

Logan: groans But you know I dont like large crowds!

Regina: She bites her lip. I'm sorry. Just... pretend like it's only us here.

Logan: I'll try... But it's kinda hard with those two going at it so loudly over there. He gestures to the couple sitting maybe six or seven feet away, making out very ostentatiously

Regina: She visibly flinches as her cheeks turn red. Oh. Right. I, uh, didn't notice them.

Logan: smirks No problem, we could always just... Run away! Sweeps Regina off her feet and sprints a couple dozen meters to an area a bit farther from other humans, yet still in a range where the music can be heard well

Regina: She smiles up at him playfully. Thank you, my loyal rescuer. She then hops down from his arms and takes a deep breath. I like it a lot better here.

Logan: sighs in relief Oh good. I remember the last time I did that you got very pissed at me.

Regina: She rolls her eyes with a small smile. Well, things have changed.

Logan: They sure have. Before, you literally would have killed me, and vice verse. But now, I could do something like this- gives her a peck on the cheek -and you wouldn't care.

Regina: It's funny how love can totally alter someone like that. She blushes and reaches for his hand.

Logan: adjusts his hat, then grasps her hand and stares lovingly into her eyes Would you like a drink?

Regina: She nods and blushes lightly as she returns his loving gaze. Sure.

Logan: he gets up, and starts making his way into the crowd. He returns a while later, looking disheveled, and has to cups with him, and hands one to Regina I hope you realize how much I had to go through for this.

Regina: She smiles apologetically and rests her hand on his cheek before giving him a quick peck on the lips. I appreciate it, Logan. Thank you.

Logan: accepts the kiss graciously then, with added sarcasm, gets down on one knee and bows his head Is there anything else I may aid you in, m'lady?

Regina: She places her hand on her chin and pretends to be in deep thought. Hmmmm... no, not at the moment. Your willingness to serve does you justice, m'lord, even so. She smiles down at him teasingly.

Logan: smiles, then stands up and starts dragging Regina* C'mon. I know I said I don't wanna be with the crowd, but I must admit, all these people with the painted everything looks interesting. I wanna try it.

Regina: She laughs and then grins. I'm up for it.

Logan: Good, cuz you don't have much of a choice. Grins and runs up to the booth where they're doing the painting. He proceeds to get random smears of neon yellow, pink, and green all over his black T-Shirt and slight yellow and green highlights in his hair

Regina: She follows his lead and puts vibrant pink highlights in her hair and neon green streaks on her face and black dress. How do I look?

Logan: Sexy, in a sort of crayon way. He says with a grin, then smears more paint on her face, and puts some more green on his cheeks

Regina: She blushes and grins back at him before stepping closer to him. I think you missed a spot. She tenderly puts a dot of yellow paint on his nose with a laugh. There you go.

Logan: Thank you. Cuz I totally needed any more paint. Looks into her eyes, and decides to kiss her for the hell of it, so he does :)

Regina: Her heart pounds with the rhythm of the music and she tangles her hands in his hair as she returns the kiss.

Logan: breaks the kiss, and says blatantly Well, I've done everything I've wanted to, and now I', out of ideas. What do you wanna do?

Regina: She rolls her eyes in amusement at his candor and looks around. We could always dance.

Logan: he makes a face. Ugfhhh... I don't do... That.

Regina: She sighs. Well, do you have anything better to suggest?

Logan: sees that Regina is upset, so he relents Oh alright. Just one dance though.

Regina: She smiles brightly and kisses his cheek before taking his hand and leading him to the edge of the dance floor. You're the best.

Logan: I know I am. He shyly approaches the dance floor and sways awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

Regina: She laughs at his obvious discomfort and grabs his hands, shaking her hips with the beat of the music. Just relax, Logan.

Logan: He finally ends, and does so with a backflip, then staggers around, gasping for breath.

Logan: He takes a deep breath, and does his best to relax and just get into the music. He finds it getting easier to follow the beat, and lo and behold, he's breakdancing.

Regina: Her eyes widen in surprise as she beams at him and claps, laughing happily as she cheers him on, still moving with the music.

Logan: finally ends with a frontflip into a power slide, then gasps and looks up at Regina, beaming.

Regina: She rushes over to him, grinning. Why didn't you tell me you could do that?

Logan: He looks at her incredulously. What, you think I knew what the hell that was?

Regina: She meets his incredulous gaze and then rolls her eyes, taking his hand. Well, whatever that was, it was incredible. You're incredible.

Logan: What's incredible is how I ever got you to be my girlfriend. He takes her hand and gives it a kiss.
