Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
The Cave of Time



An iris message from a satyr in the Kentucky area has found a lost and confused demigod, he's bringing him back to camp, but the demigod claims the year is 1998 but was no where near Las Vegas. A clue can be found with this link.



  • Roleplaying will officially begin at Noon on 31 August Eastern Standard Time (Midnight 1 September for users who are in Asia). Aside from making the page and getting it ready, no actual rp'ing should start prior to this time
  • Contest ends at 3am 1 October (Midnight for users on California time)
  • Now, I know some will try and hurry though things, but in order to qualify as finished, you have to put real effort, all 3 users must be active, hurry through travelling parts, but this needs to be realistic. Having the entire mission/roleplay done in 10 posts isn't reasonable. Now I can't exactly put a required number of posts per user, as that would be difficult to judge, BUT I would say a good rule of thumb is the missions should take roughly 2 to 4 days in character time, and perhaps roughly 30 to 40 posts from each user. You each will be roleplaying the bad guys, the monsters, how this ends is up to you, I'm just laying down a basic idea, a report, how you want it to end, who you want responsible is entirely up to you.
  • This will not count as having led a quest


  1. Arabelle Newbold - LittleWiseOwlz
  2. Dragona DeOro - Travel
  3. Cassandra Snow - Unusual


  • Ara: She waits outside camp with her backpack over her shoulder, waiting for the others to arrive.
  • Dragona: Dragona walks with her white cane on hand towards Ara.
  • Ara: She waves. I'm Ara.
  • Dragona: My name is Dragona A hellhound then is seen running towards them and sits by Dragona side Oh this is Lassie, a friend of mine let me borrow her for this exertion, I really hope you don't mind me bring her along.
  • Ara: That's fine. Isn't there another member?
  • Dragona: I believe so, I am guessing he or she hasn't arrived here yet. So, do you know where we are going?
  • Ara: Yea, Kentucky.
  • Dragona: Kentucky? What part of Kentucky are we going to?
  • Ara: She gets out her iPhone and checks her notes. Somewhere called the Mammoth Cave system I think.
  • Dragona: The Mammoth Caves. Dragona thinks for a second. I heard of that caves system, my family was about to go on vacation one year to somewhere near there, until my mom found out my dad was banned after he was caught peeing in the River of Styx springs.
  • Ara: Was he drunk?
  • Dragona: Unfortunately, he wasn't drunk, he just needed to go badly.
  • Ara: She sniggers. are we getting there?
  • Dragona: I'd rather we have Lassie takes us there, and then we have to feed her, and rub her tummy, or we "borrow" the camp's jeep. Your choice.
  • Cassi: She suddenly runs up, panting a bit. She smiles a bit shyly and waves.
  • Dragona: Dragona hears someone running and stop near her.
  • Cassi: She once again waves at the two and takes out a small tablet, handheld. It currently had a talking app on.
  • Ara: Oh, hey there. You must be the final member of the quest? She smiles and sticks her hand out to shake. I'm Ara. Oh, and Dragona? Let's have Lassie take us there.
  • Cassi: She shakes her hand and then types, "I'm Cassi."
  • Dragona: Okay, Lassie can you take us to the Mammoth Cave's in Kentucky? Lassie barks as she shadow travels the group to Kentucky, but she becomes a tired and lays down in the ground with her stomach in the air. Dragona walks up to Lassie and begins to rub her tummy. Good girl.
  • Cassi: smiles at the hellhound and the two girls. She then writes, and shows it to the others, "Are we going to go look around here, now?"
  • Dragona: Dragona continues to rub Lassie's tummy. Hold on, I am still rubbing Lassie's tummy and then I have to give her a T-R-E-A-T.
  • Ara: Okay, then we look around.
  • Cassi: She nods a bit and takes a camera out of her bag, starting to tinker with it.
  • Ara: Actually, I have the name of the hotel the satyr and the boy are staying at...perhaps we should go there, stay the night then in the morning perhaps ask them? They day after we can search around.
  • Cassi: She nods a bit at that and writes, "I vote for that option! Shall we go?"
  • Ara: Let's. Shall I call a cab?
  • Cassi: She nods and puts the strap of her camera around her neck before writing, "Yeah. I don't really feel like walking."
  • Ara: Okay. She rings a cab.

The cab arrives and takes them to they hotel, where they check in for the night and go to sleep.

  • Cassi: She wakes up and yawns softly.
  • Dragona: Dragona was already up and had gotten the group breakfast. Good Morning.
  • Cassi: She smiles and waves. She then writes, "Thank you for the Breakfast!"
  • Dragona: No problem, I may be blind, but it doesn't mean I can't cook. I think after we finish eating breakfast, we should go to caves and begin to look around. Dragona takes a bite of her breakfast, and drinks some orange juice. What do you think?
  • Cassi: She eats some, then writes down, "Aren't we supposed to interview the Satyr and the boy?"
  • Dragona: Are they still in the area? I thought he would have been brought to camp.
  • Cassi: Writes, "Ara said they were staying in this hotel."
  • Ara: Ara walks down the stairs and glances at Cassi's writing. They are. Room 34C. Right down the hall.
  • Cassi: She writes, "I told you so." before eating the rest of her breakfast and stretches a bit.
  • Ara: She smirks and eats the rest of her breakfast. C'mon. Let's go.
  • Cassi: She nods and bit and stands up.
  • Ara: She stands up and walks out of room.

The three walk to the room.

  • Ara: She knocks on the door. Hello?
  • Cassi: Stands behind her quietly.
  • Dragona: Is there anyone here? Dragona knock on the door, and shakes the knob only to reveal that room was open. The room looks like a complete mess, with the walls being covered in food, blood, and urine stains. The bed sheet look to have been ripped apart and been thrown to the ground along with room supply of toilet paper. Most of the furniture in the room have been knocked or smashed on the ground, causing the floor to be filled with glass, and other small sharp objects. While the mattress appears to be missing, but all around the room is completely empty. Why do I smell urine? Dragona hears a noice coming their way. Dragona pulls the girls to side, as a maid in her 70's was coming their way with a cart full of cleaning supplies..
  • Maid: The maid notices that they are staring at her. What are you looking at?
  • Dragona: Nothing.
  • Maid: Maid looks inside Room 34C. You know what wrong with your generation?
  • Dragona: We are lazy, and have too high expetations about life.
  • Maid: No, it's your lack of respect and self-restraint, two people around your ages stayed there last night and as you can see they trashed the entire room. Now I have to clean up their mess, at least the manager had the common sense of kicking them out.
  • Dragona: What time did this happen?
  • Maid: 8:30 pm.
  • Dragona: Dragona whispered. We checked in at 9.
  • Cassi: She smiles and waves at the maid and turns to the girls and writes, "We barely missed them. Maybe we should go look in the caves, now."
  • Dragona: Good idea. Dragona nods as the group walks out of the Motel.
  • Ara: She nods.

The girls take a cab to the caves.

  • Ara: She walks inside and joins the back of a tour group. As they are led through, Ara notices a small pathway. She whispers: Let's look.
  • Dragona: Okay.

As the three girls step forward, a hellhound materialises out of the shadows.

  • Hellhound: It leaps torwards Ara.
  • Ara: She jumps out of the way and slashes at his side.
  • Hellhound: It howls in pain and jumps torwards Cassi.
  • Dragona: Dragona uses her cane to hit the hellhound before he could reach Cassi, while Lassie appears and begins to snarl at the hellhound.
  • Ara: She leaps forward and kills the hellhound. There we go. Let's go further into the cave. I think it turns into the labyrinth, I was doing some research before we left camp, and it all makes sense. The not aging, think he's in LA, it does. We should find out as much as we can then head back to camp, oui?
  • Dragona: If your theory is correct, and the caves is some remnants of the labyrinth, than maybe the entrance to it is through the River Styx Springs.
  • Ara: Well, okay, my theory make sense. Cassi?
  • Dragona: Dragona then turns her attention towards Cassi.
  • Cassi: She smiles and nods, writing, "It makes sense! Lets go!"

The walk to the Styx Springs.

  • Ara: Let's look around. She walks over to a spring.
  • Cassi: She nods, and starts to look around, holding her camera close.
  • Ara: She walks to a cave mouth, looks around and touches a brick. The mark of Daedalus is visible. Hey guys! Look! She walks into the cave. It blocked off except for one small path way. Ara raises an eyebrow. Bet this is where that dude got through, oui?
  • Cassi: She nods, then writes, "It's small, not many are so small they can get through there."
  • Ara: She nods. I think we should look inside. But, we can't go too far, yes?
  • Dragona: Wait, if your theory is right, shouldn't we mark the walls, or leave some sort of trail so that way we don't get lost?
  • Ara: She nods. Yea, okay. I have some chalk in my pocket.
  • Dragona: Can you hand it too me for a second Ara?
  • Ara: She takes it out of her bag and hands it to Dragona.
  • Dragona: Dragona takes the chalk and goes up to the wall and begins to the draw the symbol of Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and the All-Seeing eye. A bit much, but it does make it distinctive, I suggest that we draw it every-time we make a turn or have to go down a new passage way. If that fails we at least draw comfort that Lassie is with us and that she can get us out of there.
  • Ara: Could she shadow travel us out of here? By the way Cassi, can you take some pics?
  • Dragona: We don't know how far this cave goes, so I would rather avoid Lassie becoming exhausted.
  • Ara: Yea, but we only need to find out whether or not it's the labyrinth. Then we go back to camp...She mutters to herself. And I can see Andrew again...
  • Dragona: Andrew? Who is Andrew?
  • Cassi: She looks at Ara then writes, "Ara's got a boyfriend."
  • Dragona:Dragona shrugs thinks for a second. In order to make sure it is the labyrinth, do you guys think we should collect some evidence? Dragona pauses. So, that way when we get back to camp we have some affirmation that our claims are correct.
  • Ara: She nods. Yep. What evidence should we collect?
  • Dragona: Well, we can take picture of any unique cave drawing, or collect any object that can be identified with the labyrinth.
  • Ara: She nods again. Like this mark? Cassi, take a picture?
  • Dragona: Well, I did borrow my friend's camera. Dragona take out the camera and hands it to Ara.
  • Ara: She takes the camera and snaps a few pics. She then warily takes a few steps inside, snaps a few more pictures before coming out. Did the hotel have wi-fi? I'll upload these pics to my laptop then e-mail them to Phillipa at camp who can print them off.
  • Dragona: I think so, but you have to pay $10.00 for the week.
  • Ara: Ah, okay. It'll wait, but it is getting late. We should go back to le hotel.
  • Dragona: Go back? It took us all day to get here, shouldn't we at least camp out here for the night or something?
  • Ara: She nods. Ah, okay. I don't have a tent or anything though...
  • Dragona: Dragona shakes her head. Well, I have a tent and some extra sleeping bags.
  • Ara: Great. Let's pitch for the night.

The three pitch their tent and go to sleep.

  • Ara: She wakes up and stretches. Mornin'.
  • Dragona: Dragona is awake, and appears to be reading a book in Braille. Good Morning, how did you sleep?
  • Ara: Fine, thank you. She smiles. What's the plan for today?
  • Dragona: Well, we need to find an object that can be dated back to ancient Greece, or an object associated with Labyrinth.
  • Ara: She nods. Well, the mark we saw is one.
  • Dragona: True, but we need more proof.
  • Ara: I guess...She wanders inside the cave.
  • Dragona: With this kind of dis...Dragona stops in mid-sentence, as she turns around as she quickly transforms her ring into a staff, and her necklace into armor.

The girls then hear several loud growls that appears to becoming closer to them.

  • Cassi: She transforms her barrette and camera into her sword and shield

The girls wait for the beast to come their heart begins to race as they hear it coming closer, and closer and closer. After a few second the fearsome creature revealed itself to be the minotaur, who then growls loudly. As rushes towards the girl aiming to hit them with his horns.

  • Cassi: She hides behind her shield and begins to slash wildly with her sword.
  • Dragona: Dragona then steps into the sides as the Minotaur gets hit with sword which causes cuts off one of his horns.

The Minotaur gets angry as he steps, he steps into the sides and pushes Cassie against the wall using his enhanced strength.

  • Cassi: Her eyes widen and she begins to struggle.

The Minotaur tries to disarm Cassie.

  • Dragona: Dragona then summons a ghost who immediately begins to fight The Minotaur. The ghost then begins to throw objects at the Minotaur which causes the Minotaur to get angry and run towards it.
  • Cassi: She is dropped while the minotaur is fighting the ghost.

As the Minotaur runs towards the ghost, the ghost becomes intangible and the Minotaur hits the wall with his head and that results in him become dizzy.

  • Cassi: She stands up, and hits the minotaur with her sword again. 'Cassie hits the Minotaur in the back

The Minotaur growls in pain, and he quickly turns around only for him to stumble over a rock onto the ground.

  • Cassi: Stops hitting him and watches him fall. She then stabs her sword into his back.

The Minotaur yells in pain as he turns into dust.

  • Cassi: She transforms her sword and shield back into her barrette and camera.
  • Dragona: The Minotaur being here does add some evidence that this could be the Labyrinth. Dragona says as she pick up the Minotaur's horn and hands it to Cassie. The question is what was it doing here?
  • Cassi: She takes the Minotaur horn and puts it in her bag. She shrugs.
  • Dragona: Well he came from inside the cave, so...Dragona pauses to think for a second. I think we should go inside and sees what is in there. What do you guys think?
  • Cassi: She nods happily and smiles.
  • Ara: She runs out the cave. Guys! I saw the minotaur run out, are you okay?
  • Dragona: We are fine Ara, but looks like the Minotaur may have originated from the cave.
  • Ara: Well, yea, I saw it run out! Are you sure you're okay? Anyway, I got a picture of it, that's more evidence.
  • Dragona: That is fine, but what was it doing here?
  • Ara: It's just more evidence this is the labyrinth.
  • Dragona: Very true, but it doesn't make any sense the labyrinth was his prison in ancient time. If it were me I would go near it, but yet he was coming out of it.
  • Ara: I guess.
  • Dragona: So what's in there that can draw him to go inside?
  • Ara: I'm not sure...
  • Dragona: Well it looks it time to find out. Dragona then ventures inside the cave.
  • Cassi: She follows her.
  • Ara: She cautiously follows, marking the walls.
  • Dragona: Dragona continue to walk through the cave, and turn left, only to continue to forward.
  • Cassi: Accidently continues straight as Dragona turns.
  • Ara: She notices Cassi turns. CASSI!

A harpy swoops down on Cassi.

  • Dragona: Dragona hears the Ara yelling, as she takes out her sling shot and runs back for the other girls. She then hears the harpy swooping down at Cassi, not wanting to takes chance she quickly prepares her sling shot. She uses her ears to focus and aim at the Harpy, and then fire three direct shot at the Harpy's breast.

The Harpy turns and flies away, after scratching Cassi's shoulder.

  • Cassi: Clutches her shoulder tears stinging her eyes.
  • Ara: She runs to Cassi. Are you okay?
  • Cassi: Manages to nod, and stands up straight.
  • Dragona: Are you sure, okay? We can mend whatever wounds you may have.
  • Cassi: Does a one shoulder shrug, and grabs her notepad, managing to write "I can still write, can't I?"
  • Ara: She nods. Okay, what now?
  • Cassi: Sits on the floor, then proceeds to write, "What more can we do? We figured out why the Demigod thought it was still 1998, cause the Labyrinth distorts time or something. Isn't that what we were supposed to do?"
  • Dragona: We still haven't figured out what the minotaur was doing here, this isn't his prison anymore, so why would he be walking around inside of the labyrinth.
  • Cassi: Shrugs and writes, "Maybe that Demigod tried to trap him back in the Labyrinth, and that's how he got trapped here too."
  • Dragona: Something that is truly trapped can not escape Cassi.
  • Cassi: Writes, "Double-negative. Can't not is a double negative. It means he can."
  • Dragona: Do what you will, but I will find out why Minotaur is here? Dragona turns away from the group and continues to walk through the caves.
  • Cassi: Sighs a bit and follows.
  • Dragona: Dragona continues walk quickly through the caves trying to find a reason for the minotaur to be here. She would stop every once in while to mark the cave wall, it was on one of these stops where she heard a strange noise coming from up head. She stops drawing on the walls, and runs toward the noise.
  • Ara: She shakes her head. Dragona! What's up?y
  • Dragona: Dragona then stops from the source to where the noise comes from. After a few seconds, she realizes she is alone and walk around the chamber carefully, trying to get a sense of the area. It was then that Dragona she accidentally kicks an object against the wall. She takes a few steps forward and kneels down to the floor until she feels the object and picks it up from the ground. She can instantly feel the complex hard, yet light surface of the mysterious object. She then rubs the yarn ball against the inside of her wrist until it feels itchy, and realizes that she is holding a yarn ball. What is this doing here? As soon as she asked the question, she then had an epiphany. She gets up from the ground, and she leaves the chamber while taking the yarn ball with her. It doesn't take her long to meet the others, and quietly shows them what she found.
  • Cassi: Her eyes widen a bit, and she writes, in capitol and bubble letters, "IS THAT ARIADNE'S STRING?"
  • Dragona: I believe it is Cassi, and it is this small yarn ball that lays the answer to why the minotaur is here, and how does this labyrinth still exist despite Daedalus demise.
  • Cassi: Looks at it and writes on her tablet, "It does? Are we done now then?"
  • Dragona: Yes, we are done and can go home.
  • Cassi: Writes on her tablet, "Can we stop somewhere first? I need to pee."
  • Ara: She laughs and wraps her arms round the two. C'mon. Let's go home.