Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

The following message took place during a dream:

“Katherine ...”
The voice of a woman echoed in the darkness. Kitty was unarmed, unprepared and unsure of what was to happen next. But she, for reasons unbeknownst to her, was unafraid.
“M-mother?” Kitty asked the emptiness. “Where are you? Please show yourself!”
“I am afraid I made a terrible mistake.” Persephone continued. Her voice was as bleak and melancholy as a lonely winter night.
The darkness lifted before Kitty, flashes of imagery almost blinding her with their vividness and disjointedness. They were images of her home in Dutchess County. The large chateau that grew to be Kitty’s playground was ransacked. There were deep scratches carved into the masonry of the wall. Their belongings were scattered, shattered and ruined, fragments of glass, marble and porcelain glittering dangerously in the flickering light. The windows were no more; even the wooden panes were reduced to splinters. A sleek, black, electric wheelchair was overturned against the wall and marred with scratches and burns but more importantly, it was empty.
“Where is he?” Kitty’s voice was grave.
“I do not know,” was the solemn reply. “Anywhere. Hades is keeping me prison in the Underworld. I cannot leave and he will not let you in if you try to come and free me.”
“I need to find him.”
“That is why I need you.” Persephone tried to keep her voice level but it was cracking under the pressure of her emotional agony. Kitty did not need to see her mother to know that they shared a mutual sorrow. “I would not ask if I could do it myself. But I fear for his life.”
“Where do I begin?”
“Even if I could leave, I cannot sense him. He is nowhere near the living. But perhaps ...”
The following images formed a cacophonous mix of confusing tricks of light, pictures of cities she did not recognise and landmarks that she had never seen before. Light-headedness washed over Kitty as her brain failed to process what she was seeing quickly enough.
“Find him, flower. And tell him that ...”
The images disappeared. Kitty tried to regain her composure, breathing deeply as she stared into nothingness once more.
“He made a mistake, loving one such as me.”

After 18 years, Persephone mustered up enough courage to go and see Brandon Winters during the first summer Kitty was away to Camp. Persephone told him everything: who she was, why she left, where she had been and in the midst of it all, she recited a litany of apologies which contained every synonym for 'sorry' under the sun. Brandon cared not. He didn't realize how much he loved her still, after so long and wanted only to keep seeing her. Persephone kept making furtive trips out of the Underworld to see him, her visits growing more and more frequent.

Hades, of course, noticed her disappearances during the summer which had escalated until she was gone from his side for days at a time. He learned that she had been meeting with one of her mortal lovers. She had never returned to one of them before, much less stayed with one of them after bearing them a child. In a blind fit of rage and jealousy, Hades bided his time and waited until Persephone was trapped in the Underworld during the Autumn and Winter seasons before he arranged for his Furies (monster subject to change) to take Brandon away to a place where little green grows, where few flowers bloom and where she can't reach him ever again. Persephone, confined in the Underworld, wallowed in her guilt and sorrow for condemning Brandon to whatever fate Hades has decided for him.

There is little joy left in the goddess's heart and it is dwindling with every fleeting minute. With one final burst of hope, Persephone reaches out to her daughter to right what she has done.

This quest will more or less be a nationwide trek through three highly polluted cities in the search for Brandon Winters. Each one will feature a different kind of pollution from it's predecessor and each one with worse monsters. Kitty will probably grow weaker with each location which could be linked to either the lack of greenery and cleanliness in the locations or her mother's growing sorrow.

  • Camp Entrance
  • The Winters' Chateau (New York) - Flesh Eating Sheep
  • AK Steel Factory (near Ohio river) - Karkinos
  • Comfort Inn and Suites (Rockport, Indiana)
  • Chandler Apartment Homes (Las Vegas, Nevada)
  • Fremont Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, Nevada) - Lamiai
  • Mexican border - Keres
  • General Hospital (Mexico City, Mexico)

It is no secret that Hades was the one who stole Brandon away and put him in some faraway city but unbeknownst to Kitty and Persephone, Hades asked his lackeys to prepare a draught of water from the River Lethe to wipe away Brandon's memories of Persephone and their daughter, thus removing all connections he ever had to Hades' queen.


Prologue (Kitty and Kristoph)

Prologue (Kitty and Astrid)

Later in the afternoon that same day Kitty spoke to Kristoph

Camp Entrance

  • Kitty: Kitty was speaking to a man by one of the camp vans, donned in dark jeans and her usual long, leather boots, both of them slightly bulged at the side as they carried her sketchbook and pencils. She had a crimson red tank top on underneath her bolero jacket, a backpack strapped to her back. Kitty swiped three goblets from the Pavilion so that they didn't need to worry about staying hydrated as well as asked for some ambrosia cubes and a flask of nectar from the Infirmary. She brought one other outfit, her passport, some food and a picture of her dad. Her weapons were well-concealed so as to fool the eye of a mortal. Her bullwhip was secured to the strap of her bag, the handle close within reach and she had two daggers in their sheaths, strapped to the back. Kitty could feel the pommels of the daggers dig into her back as she walked but it was constant reminder that they were there. "Just take us to this address. That's a far as you need to take us, I'll handle the rest of the way." The man was one of the training instructors of the Camp who had agreed to drive them for a price. She took out a couple of bills from her pocket and handed it to him and he argued with her no more. Crossing her arms, she turned her back to him and waited for the others.
  • Kristoph: He ran uphill heading to the Camp Entrance, where Kitty told them to meet at 9 A.M. Behind him was his black backpack strapped to both of his shoulders. As he moved, the bag bounced and one could hear clanging inside of it as if he'd bought a few metallic stuff. In his other hand, he held a small case for his ukulele. Who on earth would have the time to play such an instrument during a long, most probably dangerous, trip? Kristoph definitely didn't mind. He had a red plaid shirt over a white round-neck shirt on with a printed design of a particular artist logo. He paired his top with his usual blue jeans and brown boots with tightly tied laces. He looked at his watch and only fifteen minutes left before nine. When the sign that said "Camp Half Blood" was already in sight, he slowed down and trotted until he reached the top of the hill. He stopped for a while and thought that was the perfect time to... put on his shades, which was hooked on the collar of his shirt. Yes, he felt cool. Anyway, he looked around until his eyes landed on a certain camp van with a girl just beside it. He put his shades down a bit to have a better look on who the girl was until he was able to confirm that it was Kitty. He put them back on and smirked. "Hm." He trudged going to her and greeted, "Hey there." He looked at the van and then back at Kitty pointing at the vehicle. "Not bad." He nodded as he checked out the van.
  • Astrid: She walked slowly, her Nike duffel bag hung on her shoulder. The bag was heavier than she would have expected, but she had packed all her essentials: her passport, a pair of sunglasses, toothbrush and all those body stuff, an extra pair of clothes, some ambrosia and nectar, and a bag containing a lot of single dollar bills. She had been wearing for comfort that day and picked out a pair of dark jeggings and a black leather jacket over plain, gray loose tank top matched with a pair of black combat boots. Her machete was strapped on her back in its sheath, as she didn't think it would really fit in the bag given the bag's size. As she walked towards the entrance of the camp, her hair, which she left untouched, had decided to continuously whack her in the face so she tied it up rather messily. At last, Astrid made it to the entrance and she hiked up the hill, walking step by step, till she caught sight of the van and the two campers in front of it. Looks like I'm the last one, she thought to herself, suddenly starting to walk faster than before. When she came closer, she gave a polite nod to Kitty but looked skeptically at Kristoph, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth to the side. She remained quiet, though kept her eyes on the demigod and she pulled the duffel bag further up her shoulder. Astrid examined him from head to toe and upon sight of the ukele, she frowned even more. "Why do you have that?" She said to him with a bit of a harsh tone, pointing at the instrument.