Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
The Kingdom of Olympene

Hi everyone! Not only is this one of the many sparks I'll be doing as a way to bring CHB activity back up, but it's also a dynamic that's been in the making for a very long time!

So this comes about from the concept of there being a ton of smaller Greek islands and, on there, there must've been some forms of monarchies, right? This dynamic is a way to explore that and what better way to make them cursed?

Anyone can sign up so, after the reading the blog, comment down below!

Please note, throughout this blog when I say 'demigod,' I am including demi-titans!

What is the Kingdom of Olympene?[]

The Kingdom of Olympene is a cursed island monarchy. In it's origins, Olympene was known for being the most advanced state in the whole Hellenes, shadowing Athens' knowledge, being more grandeur than Troy and having the might of Sparta within them. They were once the apple of the eye of the Gods, who they all appeased. Whilst many cities and kingdoms had one patron God, Olympene hailed the Olympian Twelve and threw extravagant festivals in their name. People from all over Greece would come to partake. The Olympians blessed Olympene like no city had seen before with the simple rule of never falling into the hands of greed, temptation and anything that defied the values of Olympus.

For years, nobody did but one monarch was swayed by Eris who had taken it upon herself to make Olympene her little playground. The Olympians, true to their word, stripped Olympene of it's former pride and the kingdom that once shared it's knowledge and acted as a peacemaker was reduced to nothing. As years went on, the name of Olympene became a distant memory, then a myth and, eventually, a word never uttered.

The Kingdom remains as a shell of it's former glory, but in recent years some progress has been made to restore what Olympene once had. Hopefully a new band of demigod royals can help lead the way.

Most of the inhabitants are demigods, being children of demigods and Gods themselves. There are some legacies, also known as children born to two demigods, but they are a minority amongst the population. This makes the Kingdom of Olympene commonly referred to amongst the Gods as the best and largest breeding ground.

The way the immediate family of the monarchy works is simple. The monarch will exclusively have children with both Gods and Goddesses. They may also marry a consort and have children with them, but they are excluded from the line of succession. An example being; the King, a demigod, has three children with Apate, Iris and Hebe. He marries his Queen, also a demigod, and has four children with her, the eldest two being older than the King's three demigod children. As per Olympene law, the three demigod children make up the line of succession as they are demigods and not legacies. This law was adopted due to Olympene's heavy involvement with the Gods and was created as a weak peace offering.

The History of Olympene[]

Please excuse the final two paragraphs; they're very clunky and slightly awkward to read but it was the only way I could figure it out.

It is under a read more so the blog isn't clogged up. Feel free to clarify anything in the comments and I'll do my best to reply!

Once, the Kingdom of Olympene was once one of the great states in the Ancient Greek period. The people of Olympene were known not only for their violence and battle wit, but also their counsel and intricate strategies. Easily a forerunner in the development of the world today, the Kingdom seemingly vanished into thin air - perhaps akin to Atlantis. Many people of the time correctly guessed that the Kingdom had faced the wrath of the Gods and all its achievements, technologies, inhabitants and legacies were wiped from the Earth. Over the years, the once great Kingdom of Olympene that so many of the Ancient Greek peoples had experienced became a rumour, a folklore that eventually was erased from memory. The supposed fate is only somewhat true, but to understand it one must look further back in the Kingdom’s history.

Even to the modern day, the origins of the Kingdom is debated with common myth believing that it was the result of a union of Athenians and Spartans banding together and stumbling across an island and, under the blessing of the Gods, creating Olympene, honouring them through its name. Others believe that a band of demigods ventured out and created a haven for all demichildren, one where people could mate with the gods and raise their children with their knowledge. Ultimately, an amalgamation of the two boasts the right to call itself Olympene’s origin. Demi-brethren had came together from both Athens and Sparta to found the city of true greatness, one that would uphold the Gods in a manner unparalleled. Sparta’s military prowess paired in union with Athens’ counsel created a seemingly perfect state. In its early days, Olympene was known for the extravagant festivals and parties it threw to honour the gods, the main focus being on the Olympian Twelve, celebrating them as the rulers of the Greek world. Although the gods had a minor interest in the Kingdom due to the concentration of demichildren, the grand festivals truly caught their attention and thus received blessings of prosperity and having one of the most profound legacies of all time. The only thing the Kingdom had to do was ensure that the extensive worship of the gods never faltered, nor would they succumb to greed and boast excessively about their advancements.

For years, Olympene obided by what the Olympians had asked of them; they remained humble in their achievements and acted as a peacemaker nation amongst the ancient Greek world. Throughout this period, temptation was forever close as deities such as Eris and Apate found the Kingdom to be like a playground - forever pushing the limits and seeing which ruler would crack. The Kings and Queens of Olympene for many generations were able to ignore the temptations and please the Olympians but a slip up was inevitable. During the reign of King Eumastas, the goddess Eris was successfully able to seduce him and tempt him into going against what the Olympians had laid out for Olympene, telling him that the aim was to suppress the greatness of his people, also telling that all of his ancestors were just puppets and, should he go against the Olympians, he would be hailed as one of the greatest kings of all time. The goddess’ temptation, paired with an internalised need to live up to the image of his father who ruled before him, King Eumastas broke the guidelines of the Olympians. Through greed, he led Olympene to countless wars, conquering smaller islands around them and being merciless to the people of said islands. In regards to Olympene’s advancements, instead of bartering with the other city states for knowledge in exchange for other valuable things, Eumastas offended the other states, citing that they weren’t worthy enough of Olympene’s godly knowledge, referring to the people of city states such as Athens and Sparta as peasants whilst elevating the people of Olympene.

Naturally, the Olympians were enraged by Eumastas’ behaviour and gave him a single chance to turn his reign around and be the model ruler they wanted him to be. For a week he was plagued with dreams and visions of what could happen to his people should he continue. Visions of eternal darkness, an illness wiping out most of the population or unwinnable wars were all Eumastas could see for a week and he nearly gave in, had it not been for the tempting words of Eris. During her visit to him, Eris told Eumastas that she could bear him a son that would lead Olympene against the threats of the Olympians, lead it to conquest the Hellenes and rise as one of the greatest states of all time. Now that his internal need had grown into a desire to prove how bad of a leader his father was, Eumastas gave into Eris’ words and continued to go against the Gods. True to her word, Eris reared him a son, Alphesiboeus, and continued to promise Eumastas that he would grow up to champion the gods. In reality, the birth of Alphesiboeus marked the downfall of Olympene’s greatness.

Each of the Olympians cursed the Kingdom of Olympene in various ways to ensure that it would never reach the status it once was able to boast. In a war where Olympene should have triumphed easily against Athens and Sparta, Ares turned the battle tide and the Kingdom suffered a momentous defeat. Whatever men did survive weren’t able to return home as Poseidon enchanted the seas around the isle of Olympene to be forever stormy and unnavigable, further stopping any trading to and from the island. Hermes ensured that no forms of communication could be sent by the Kingdom and, should some be able to, due to the god’s mischievousness, the message would have no importance and be redundant. As festivals were still part of Olympene’s culture, Dionysus cursed the island whereby whenever a festival went on, an extremely negative thing would happen to the Kingdom - ranging from the destruction of key buildings to widespread over-intoxication leading to death. Whilst Hera placed a curse on the Kingdom whereby, at any given time, there would be no more than half of the female population that would be fertile, Aphrodite placed a curse whereby the other half of the island, the fertile half, would have extreme difficulty in finding someone to mate with, thus stunting Olympene greatly. Demeter cursed the island so that only the bare minimum of harvest would be produced every year, ensuring that Olympene would never experience the lavious lifestyles they once led. Naturally, Athena revoked the extreme wisdom the Olympians had given the Kingdom, replacing it with subpar knowledge instead, additionally causing any person who was perceived as being smarter than the rest to be feared by the population of the Kingdom and be heralded as a bringer of the Olympian’s wrath. Hephaestus rendered most of their weapons created in their forges useless, meaning that should Olympene ever attempt to wage war (not that they could, given Poseidon’s curse), they would fail miserably. As Apollo and Artemis were the bringers of disease for their respective genders, Olympene experienced waves of disease - some incurable and some not. The final curse, of Zeus himself, was that the island would never be remembered in time to come and, when the name Olympene meant nothing to anyone outside of the island, the island would be subjected to a curse of forever moving and being unable to communicate with the outside world. For extra, concluding measures, the gods ensured that Eumastas’ son, Alphesiboeus, was weaker than his father but had a strong sense of devotion to not commit the same mistakes he had done, ensuring that Olympene would fade.

Over the next hundreds of years as Olympene vanished from outside memory, the various curses of the Olympian’s began to fade. Demeter slowly allowed more harvest to be produced, allowing the Kingdom to flourish somewhat. Apollo and Artemis stopped the relentless waves of diseases, instead making it that the inhabitants of Olympene had a resistance to healing techniques. Hephaestus made their weapons somewhat stronger - not that they needed them. Hera and Aphrodite’s curses remained but, as time went on, the number they affected got smaller and smaller. Athena allowed some knowledge back and Hermes’ curse was removed as it wasn’t needed due to Poseidon’s. Dionysus stopped the wave of bad events with each festival, allowing the people of Olympene some joy in their situation. Coming into modern times, only Poseidon’s and Zeus’ curses remained, ensuring that Olympene would never have contact with the outside world. In the past hundred or years or so, given the very ancient feel of Olympene as the Kingdom hasn’t experienced the same modernisation as the world, Olympene has become a breeding ground for the gods - a traditional solace in the modern world.

The Curses / Statuses[]

This is just to see the curses laid upon Olympene by each Olympian a little easier.

Those in bold (as well as being marked appropriately in the table itself) are active curses.

Olympian Curse Current Status of Curse
Zeus Olympene would fade away from the memory of the world and, once that happened, it would be akin to Calypso's Island; forever moving in the Earth's seas. Active
Hera At any given time there would be no more than half the population who were fertile Semi-Active; the amount of the fertile populace has risen to three quarters of the island's population at any time being fertile
Poseidon The seas surrounding Olympene would be forever stormy and navigable. Active
Demeter Only the bare minimum of the island's harvest could be produced; any excess would die or be inedible Semi-Active; more than the bare minimum can be produced
Athena Replaced Olympene's great knowledge with a sub par understanding of the world. Additionally, anyone who happened to be more intelligent than the rest of the population would be feared greatly and forced into hiding as a perceived bringer of the Olympian's wrath Semi-Active; knowledge has been fed back to Olympene with considerable amounts given in the past century or so
Apollo Cursed the male populace with waves of diseases, some incurable, some not Inactive; replaced with a resistance to healing techniques
Artemis Cursed the female populace with waves of diseases; some incurable, some not Inactive; replaced with a resistance to healing techniques
Ares The Kingdom of Olympene would fail to have battle prowess, ensuring defeat in any battle Inactive
Aphrodite The fertile half of the Kingdom would have great difficulty finding a mate; in conjunction to Hera's curse Semi-Active; the number of those who find it hard to find a mate has reduced to a quarter of the fertile population
Hephaestus All weapons would become blunt; no matter how hard blacksmiths would try to create sharp weapons, nothing more than a dull effect could be achieved Active
Hermes No communication could reach the island. If anything did reach the kingdom, the contents of the communication would be redundant and useless Inactive
Dionysus Whenever the Kingdom threw a festival, something disastrous would happen; i.e. destruction of key buildings and excessive wide-spread intoxication Inactive

The Royal Family[]

So this is where the dynamic part comes in! I invite each and every user who would like to, to make a royal family member! Fear not, everything you'll need to know will be explained in the sub-headers below, so do make sure to read everything before asking any questions or signing up!

The House of Ayteria[]

The House of Ayteria is the current ruling family of the Kingdom of Olympene, having slaughtered the House of Thebares in the 1200s after discontent that members of the latter house still hadn't learnt from their ancestor's mistakes.

It is largely thanks to the House of Ayteria that Olympene has been able to feel relief from the curses of the Olympians as it is the monarchs and members from the house that strive to appease the Olympians and attempt to repent for the mistakes of the past. Likewise, the House of Ayteria has paid homage to more minor gods that have, in turn, blessed the kingdom with benefits as and where they can without counteracting the curses of the Olympians.

Notable members of the House of Ayteria (for names!) include;

  • King Penthylos, son of Themis (reigned 1205 - 1219) - led the Ayterian rebellion against the House of Therabes; known for having the support of Olympene behind him and being the only ruler of Olympene since the Great Curses were set to be blessed by Ares and Hephaestus for victory and effective weaponry
  • Princess Deianeira, daughter of Cybele (b. 1210 - d. 1231) - daughter of King Penthylos, known for showing undying compassion to everyone; received the blessing of Harmonia and is the only Olympene citizen to become an attendant on Olympus
  • Queen Maera, daughter of Athena (reigned 1422 - 1460) - it was her reign that marked the relenting of the Great Curses
  • King Sosthenes II, son of Hecate (reigned 1700 - 1765) - known for having the longest reign in the entire history of Olympene; is also the first monarch since the pre-Curse era to have mated with Zeus
  • Princesses Zenobia, Andromeda, Perialla, Raisa & Penelope, daughters of Lyssa, Zeus, Ariadne, Melinoe and Nyx respectively (b. 1715) - daughters of King Sothenes II who were able to join The Huntresses of Artemis due to their dedication of the Goddess; Princess Andromeda is the child of Zeus mentioned above

The Ruling Monarch[]

The current ruling monarch of Olympene is Queen Arethusa.

Facts about her include;

  • Daughter of King Perikles IV and Khione
  • Was born in 1978 (at the time of writing this blog, she's forty years old)
  • Has ruled since 2000 (at the time of writing this blog, she's reigned for eighteen years)
  • Is largely responsible for the introduction of modern fashion into Olympene
    • Previously togas were still the common dress code and remains popular among the older Olympenians
  • Is the first monarch to mate with several Olympians (as she'll be the mother of most of our characters, this had to be an option!)
  • Eldest of eight children
  • Has been regarded as one of Olympene's best monarchs in terms of humbleness, kindness and generosity
  • Married to King Sophocles, a demititan son of Mnemosyne

FAQ (Read this!)[]

This section will hold questions that I assume will be asked, so I'd rather hit the nail on the head now so do check to see if any question you have has been answered here!

This'll be updated as more are added and I will clarity in the editing summary so people can check via recent activity for updates!

Why are the Olympians so Concerned with This Kingdom?[]

In an OOC explanation, because this is meant to be a unique dynamic and, of course due to this, it'd have unique and unmatched attention from the Gods to give it that boost in appeal.

In an IC explanation, the Kingdom of Olympene was created to honour all the Gods, worshipping them more than city states such as Sparta and Athens. The Gods were enamoured by the festivals the Olympenians held in their favour and blessed them with only the simple rule of not succumbing to greed and temptation being the only thing that could make the Gods, specifically the Olympian Twelve, condemn them.

As a King and his son would do, the one rule was broken and The Olympians fulfilled their promise of enacting Olympene's demise, placing varying curses on the island. As time has progressed, the Kingdom has began to be seen in a better light, hence restarting the Olympians' affections once again.

Can I Join?[]

Of course! Any user can join this dynamic as it is a way to breathe life back into the wiki as well as be something interesting that we can centre quests around and incorporate into wide-spread wiki events such as the Champions of Othrys arc.

What is Olympenian Culture?[]

  • Olympenian Culture is centred massively around extravagant festivals that honour the Gods, specifically the Olympian Twelve
    • However, in recent years, festivals for non-Olympian Gods have occurred
    • Think of it like this; if you don't attend any of the festivals, you're considered an outsider by the rest of Olympene and can be driven away or killed on refusal
      • Many Olympenians believe extravagant festivals are the only way they can repent for the greed of their ancestors whose actions caused the Great Curses to happen
  • Whilst traditional Hellenes dress was the fashion for centuries (togas, robes, etc), recently the Gods have introduced more modern clothes to the island and thus the younger generations wear them more
    • Those above fifty or so continue to wear robes
  • Twins are considered one in the same, thanks to heroes like Pollux and Castor
    • Meaning, if twins were born to a monarch, they'd share the same position in the line of succession
  • There are two things expected of the monarchical couple
    • The first is that the reigning monarch mates and produces demichildren with Gods and Titans to make up the Line of Succession
    • The second is that the consort must remain loyal to their monarch and not have any children with other demigods, legacies or Gods and Titans
  • Legacies, children of two demigods, aren't seen as lesser in society, but in are excluded in terms of the royal Line of Succession
  • Ancient Greek Names is the naming custom used by the Kingdom
    • Only noble families have a last name, everyone else has only a single name, much like those who lived in Ancient Greece
      • For example, Queen Arethusa is of House Ayteria, meaning her full name is Arethusa Ayteria
  • Camp Half-Blood is not an unknown location to Olympene, in fact it's the only location outside their island that they are certain of it's existence
    • Everyone strives to go there in their teenage years, but nobody's succeeded.

What Name Should I Use?[]

As the Kingdom of Olympene has been largely disassociated with the modern world for some time, they still speak Ancient Greek as their native tongue and, as such, all of their names are Ancient Greek. When they come to Camp, they may like to pick a Western name for sake of ease, but they should all be born with a name of Ancient Greek origin.

I used this name generator to find all the names listed on this blog!

How does the Line of Succession Work?[]

The Kingdom of Olympene is a hereditary monarchy based around the demi-children of the sovereign. It is only the children born to the reigning monarch and a God or Goddess that will be able to inherit the throne. Any children born to the monarch and their consort, who'd be classified as legacies of their parents' godparents, are negated from the line of succession.

Below is an example;

Queen Arethusa is a daughter of Khione and her husband and consort is King Sophocles, a son of Mnemosyne.

Arethusa has one daughter with Boreas who is younger than her two children with Sophocles, however the child of Arethusa and Boreas will be the first and only member in the line of succession due to her demiblood; something her half-siblings don't possess.

What Godparents Can I do?[]

In essence, any! As we have established on the wiki, Gods can have children with men and likewise with Goddesses and women.

However, I will point out that The Kingdom of Olympene is still rather devout to the Olympians and the Gods in general so it'd be unlikely there'd be any Broken Covenant or Champions of Othrys members originating from this dynamic, therefore the Cabin Gods will be the best Godparents for your characters. Please also be mindful that the Olympians don't mate often with the Olympenians and as such only seven Olympian demigods can be made. It'd be a first come first serve basis, sorry!

What do I need to Include in the History?[]

In the history, you need to include what's under the collapsable at the beginning of the history! You can put it in a collapsable yourself, but it must be at the beginning of your history.

It is the main history from earlier, plus two paragraphs relating to House Ayteria and Queen Arethusa.

Once, the Kingdom of Olympene was once one of the great states in the Ancient Greek period. The people of Olympene were known not only for their violence and battle wit, but also their counsel and intricate strategies. Easily a forerunner in the development of the world today, the Kingdom seemingly vanished into thin air - perhaps akin to Atlantis. Many people of the time correctly guessed that the Kingdom had faced the wrath of the Gods and all its achievements, technologies, inhabitants and legacies were wiped from the Earth. Over the years, the once great Kingdom of Olympene that so many of the Ancient Greek peoples had experienced became a rumour, a folklore that eventually was erased from memory. The supposed fate is only somewhat true, but to understand it one must look further back in the Kingdom’s history.

Even to the modern day, the origins of the Kingdom is debated with common myth believing that it was the result of a union of Athenians and Spartans banding together and stumbling across an island and, under the blessing of the Gods, creating Olympene, honouring them through its name. Others believe that a band of demigods ventured out and created a haven for all demichildren, one where people could mate with the gods and raise their children with their knowledge. Ultimately, an amalgamation of the two boasts the right to call itself Olympene’s origin. Demi-brethren had came together from both Athens and Sparta to found the city of true greatness, one that would uphold the Gods in a manner unparalleled. Sparta’s military prowess paired in union with Athens’ counsel created a seemingly perfect state. In its early days, Olympene was known for the extravagant festivals and parties it threw to honour the gods, the main focus being on the Olympian Twelve, celebrating them as the rulers of the Greek world. Although the gods had a minor interest in the Kingdom due to the concentration of demichildren, the grand festivals truly caught their attention and thus received blessings of prosperity and having one of the most profound legacies of all time. The only thing the Kingdom had to do was ensure that the extensive worship of the gods never faltered, nor would they succumb to greed and boast excessively about their advancements.

For years, Olympene obided by what the Olympians had asked of them; they remained humble in their achievements and acted as a peacemaker nation amongst the ancient Greek world. Throughout this period, temptation was forever close as deities such as Eris and Apate found the Kingdom to be like a playground - forever pushing the limits and seeing which ruler would crack. The Kings and Queens of Olympene for many generations were able to ignore the temptations and please the Olympians but a slip up was inevitable. During the reign of King Eumastas, the goddess Eris was successfully able to seduce him and tempt him into going against what the Olympians had laid out for Olympene, telling him that the aim was to suppress the greatness of his people, also telling that all of his ancestors were just puppets and, should he go against the Olympians, he would be hailed as one of the greatest kings of all time. The goddess’ temptation, paired with an internalised need to live up to the image of his father who ruled before him, King Eumastas broke the guidelines of the Olympians. Through greed, he led Olympene to countless wars, conquering smaller islands around them and being merciless to the people of said islands. In regards to Olympene’s advancements, instead of bartering with the other city states for knowledge in exchange for other valuable things, Eumastas offended the other states, citing that they weren’t worthy enough of Olympene’s godly knowledge, referring to the people of city states such as Athens and Sparta as peasants whilst elevating the people of Olympene.

Naturally, the Olympians were enraged by Eumastas’ behaviour and gave him a single chance to turn his reign around and be the model ruler they wanted him to be. For a week he was plagued with dreams and visions of what could happen to his people should he continue. Visions of eternal darkness, an illness wiping out most of the population or unwinnable wars were all Eumastas could see for a week and he nearly gave in, had it not been for the tempting words of Eris. During her visit to him, Eris told Eumastas that she could bear him a son that would lead Olympene against the threats of the Olympians, lead it to conquest the Hellenes and rise as one of the greatest states of all time. Now that his internal need had grown into a desire to prove how bad of a leader his father was, Eumastas gave into Eris’ words and continued to go against the Gods. True to her word, Eris reared him a son, Alphesiboeus, and continued to promise Eumastas that he would grow up to champion the gods. In reality, the birth of Alphesiboeus marked the downfall of Olympene’s greatness.

Each of the Olympians cursed the Kingdom of Olympene in various ways to ensure that it would never reach the status it once was able to boast. In a war where Olympene should have triumphed easily against Athens and Sparta, Ares turned the battle tide and the Kingdom suffered a momentous defeat. Whatever men did survive weren’t able to return home as Poseidon enchanted the seas around the isle of Olympene to be forever stormy and unnavigable, further stopping any trading to and from the island. Hermes ensured that no forms of communication could be sent by the Kingdom and, should some be able to, due to the god’s mischievousness, the message would have no importance and be redundant. As festivals were still part of Olympene’s culture, Dionysus cursed the island whereby whenever a festival went on, an extremely negative thing would happen to the Kingdom - ranging from the destruction of key buildings to widespread over-intoxication leading to death. Whilst Hera placed a curse on the Kingdom whereby, at any given time, there would be no more than half of the female population that would be fertile, Aphrodite placed a curse whereby the other half of the island, the fertile half, would have extreme difficulty in finding someone to mate with, thus stunting Olympene greatly. Demeter cursed the island so that only the bare minimum of harvest would be produced every year, ensuring that Olympene would never experience the lavious lifestyles they once led. Naturally, Athena revoked the extreme wisdom the Olympians had given the Kingdom, replacing it with subpar knowledge instead, additionally causing any person who was perceived as being smarter than the rest to be feared by the population of the Kingdom and be heralded as a bringer of the Olympian’s wrath. Hephaestus rendered most of their weapons created in their forges useless, meaning that should Olympene ever attempt to wage war (not that they could, given Poseidon’s curse), they would fail miserably. As Apollo and Artemis were the bringers of disease for their respective genders, Olympene experienced waves of disease - some incurable and some not. The final curse, of Zeus himself, was that the island would never be remembered in time to come and, when the name Olympene meant nothing to anyone outside of the island, the island would be subjected to a curse of forever moving and being unable to communicate with the outside world. For extra, concluding measures, the gods ensured that Eumastas’ son, Alphesiboeus, was weaker than his father but had a strong sense of devotion to not commit the same mistakes he had done, ensuring that Olympene would fade.

Over the next hundreds of years as Olympene vanished from outside memory, the various curses of the Olympian’s began to fade. Demeter slowly allowed more harvest to be produced, allowing the Kingdom to flourish somewhat. Apollo and Artemis stopped the relentless waves of diseases, instead making it that the inhabitants of Olympene had a resistance to healing techniques. Hephaestus made their weapons somewhat stronger - not that they needed them. Hera and Aphrodite’s curses remained but, as time went on, the number they affected got smaller and smaller. Athena allowed some knowledge back and Hermes’ curse was removed as it wasn’t needed due to Poseidon’s. Dionysus stopped the wave of bad events with each festival, allowing the people of Olympene some joy in their situation. Coming into modern times, only Poseidon’s and Zeus’ curses remained, ensuring that Olympene would never have contact with the outside world. In the past hundred or years or so, given the very ancient feel of Olympene as the Kingdom hasn’t experienced the same modernisation as the world, Olympene has become a breeding ground for the gods - a traditional solace in the modern world.

The overthrow of House Therabes by House Ayteria led by Penthylos was a defining point in the history of Olympene. For generations, House Ayteria believed that the Therabian rulers were damaging Olympene, not learning from the mistakes of their ancestors and condemning the island for a Tartarus life above the Underworld. The House of Ayteria was always favoured by the Gods, both Olympian and minor. Many of the House belonged to the small circle of Olympenians who were gifted with intelligence and knowledge far beyond that of the population, something they used to their advantage. Penthylos was within said circle and, paired with blessings from Ares and Hephaestus, he was able to overthrow the elderly king; Eumastas VI. Upon Penthylos' ascension as Penthylos I, reform was widespread in the Kingdom and marked the kinder cheek of the Olympians being shown to Olympene - a thing many Olympenians were grateful for, ensuring House Ayteria's long and fruitful reign.

Queen Arethusa, a daughter of Khione and member of House Ayteria, is the currently ruling monarch and holds the morals behind the Ayterian Rebellion close to her heart; for repent, for the Olympenians and for Olympus. In fact, Arethusa has gone further than the monarchs before her, pouring her everything into restoring Olympene's status amongst the Olympians. That's partially down to the fact that she never thought she'd reign, having lived in the shadow of her older brother Prince Laertes, a son of Hades. Laeretes was always more willing to test the curses of the Olympians out, eager to see if they were still in tact and how many more festivals would appease them and this was his downfall. In a test of Poseidon's raging seas, his ship was destroyed by the waves and his body was washed up days later. That event sparked Arethusa to become as close to the model leader in the Olympian's eyes as she could; something she's succeeded in so far.

Other things you must include are;

  • Their Godparent and Arethusa/Royal Parent meeting
    • I say this as I want to remind you all that there can only be a limited number of Olympian godparents!
  • While the blades are dull, every Olympene child can wield some form of weapon, so make sure to include their training process!
  • So the monster process is pretty standard to be honest, there's a ton of them on Olympene, more so in the wild than in the urban areas but they're still there
  • How they came to Camp
    • There's two options to choose from!
      • One: A group of Camp demigods come to Olympene when the island is near Long Island and escort a vast number, mostly royals, to Camp
      • Two: A group of royals begin, at some point prior, to pray to the Gods to let them go to Camp and eventually their prayers are answered and they're able to cross the stormy seas

What Ethnicity are They?[]

As found through descriptions of Gods, trivia thanks to Homer and the actual Riordan Canon, it is assumed that the Ancient Greeks were of Caucasian (more commonly used to describe those who're white) descent and, thus, the Kingdom of Olympene will largely be of white ethnicity.

However, Percy was said to inherit his sea green eyes from his father, Poseidon, meaning physical traits of Gods can be passed down to their children. This means, really, your character can be any ethnicity as the Gods can change their physical form and presumably the traits they pass onto their kids, so long as you don't negate the half-Caucasian they'd inherit from their mortal/royal parent!

Personalities of the Parents[]

Quite a few people have asked about this, so I decided to include a whole section on it; please check here to ensure all portrayals are correct!

Queen Arethusa[]

  • Born 1978; forty years old
  • Known for her humbleness, kindness and generosity; is cited as one of Olympene's best monarchs when it comes to that
  • However, in the same breath, she is known for being one of the more headstrong monarchs
  • Is somewhat stubborn and once she makes up her mind, isn't easily swayed
  • Puts House Ayteria before anything else
    • Second place devotion goes to The Olympians
  • You'll never see any faux pas of her in public as she's perfected her professional manner and knows exactly what's expected of her at all times
  • Whilst she has desires to be remembered almost Olympene's many monarchs, she doesn't want to be known as the best of the best
    • Would rather be remembered for smaller things than anything large
  • Is a strict parent, uses "I'm the Queen" and "I'm your mother" are reasons as to why her kids can't do certain things
    • This is mostly out of protection on her part, seeing as her elder brother died due to, in her opinion, her father's chill personality
    • No means no, end of story

King Sophocles[]

  • Born in 1976; forty-two years old
  • Is known to be among the smartest in all of Olympene, a trait he has no qualms teaching to his step-children
  • Incredibly loyal to Arethusa; understanding, accepting and encouraging of the role she had to play as bearer to demichildren
    • He still has four children with her, all below the age of nine;
      • Prince Kallipides
      • Princess Anastasia
      • Princess Rhea
      • Princess Althaia
  • Out of him and Arethusa, he's the pushover parent
    • He won't say no to any of the kids, mostly because he is a believer that saying no will just divert them towards the path of greed and accelerate any process relating to that
    • If he says no to something, then that means nothing will come of it, so you might as well stop asking
  • Is cited as the model husband in Olympene
  • He's in Arethusa's shadow a little bit, but he's more than content being there as he can see the good she's doing for their island
  • Came from a poorer family and was the first consort to be chosen for genuine love rather than political, economical or social gain
    • His family were given a last name and were made noble after Arethusa's ascension

Prince Laeretes (deceased)[]

  • Born in 1975; died in 1993 at the age of eighteen
  • Is the deceased eldest son of King Perikles IV
  • He was trained from birth to be the perfect ruler and that was something that was close to his heart
  • In light of his passing, some have referred to his obsession with becoming remembered as one of the most perfect rulers as greed and others see it at face value and defend his desires
    • In reality he didn't know any better because that's all his education was geared towards
  • As he got older, he wanted to test the Great Curses so he could figure out where the island stood with Olympians
    • His plan was, as his reign progressed, to test said Curses over and over to see the effect his reign had
  • When he was eighteen, one of them got the better of him (Poseidon's raging seas) and took his life, shaking up his younger siblings
  • He was known to his siblings as being the best person to cite as your role model
    • He was also regarded by many as their favourite sibling
    • Supportive of their individual goals, wanted them to succeed and had already promised all of them that he wouldn't force them into marriages that they didn't want to be in

Prince Zenicetes[]

  • Born in 1979; thirty-nine years old
  • Lowkey a flower child
  • Always was more concerned with the fauna of the island rather than the politics that his family had rooted themselves into
  • In his youth, he would've quite happily given up his title if it meant he could tend to the gardens in peace
    • He used to get slack from their father because Laeretes was so driven towards his role and Arethusa was showing political prowess
  • He was known for being kind, patient and having a laid-back personality
    • Very little could bother him (though the jabs from his father were things that could get him heated)
  • Though in the winter, his personality could become abysmal and he'd be very distant
    • Had strong views about his mother and her ordeal with Hades and, though knowing it was stupid and petty of him, held a grudge against Laeretes as he was a son of Hades
  • A thing of House Ayteria is, when the heir of the throne dies, the next in line doesn't always have to get it
    • The monarch can, if they so choose, elect a new heir from their remaining children based upon the qualities they possess
      • Zenicetes had thought, given his popularity with the people during his youth, that he might be the successor of the Olympenian throne and was sorely bitter when Aurethusa, the next in line anyway, was confirmed to be the heir
  • The above event has made him more reclusive and it's rare to see him attend royal functions, tending solely to the flowers
    • Concerns over his dedication to the crown and, by extension, the festivals to honour the Gods, have been raised and suggestions include stripping him and his descendent of their royal titles
  • His discipline is weak, next to nothing, and he regularly leaves his kids in the presence of royal nannies so he can tend to the gardens
  • Is single, hasn't married at all

Prince Therapon[]

  • Born in 1981; thirty-seven years old
  • Was the closest to Laeretes next to Arethusa
    • Could say the three of them made a small trio growing up
      • Like, their father couldn't be as close to all his kids as he wanted so Laeretes and Arethusa acted as a mix of caring older brother and sister and parents to him
  • Not gonna lie, he was always the cheekiest kid but he was lovable so he got away with it half the time
    • Laeretes and Arethusa found it so hard to discipline him
      • Consequently, even now, he sometimes doesn't realise his actions have consequences and repercussions
  • His personality probably had the biggest one-eighty after Laeretes' passing
    • King Perikles IV decided after Laeretes' attempts at figuring out where the Curses stood that Arethusa needed to be watched almost
      • Given Therapon's heritage as a son of Hercules, he was tasked with watching over and protecting Arethusa
  • Whilst it was great at first, the new dynamic caused the siblings to go from a close, personal relationship to one that was more akin to a guard and his sovereign
    • Therapon has no qualms with laying down his life for Arethusa, half because he knows he'd be expected to but half because she's among the only links he has left to Laeretes
  • Had a wife who passed away early into some of his children's childhoods
    • His father had made sure he had been set up well and his wife ended up being Lady Myrine of House Phociri - the second most powerful house next to House Ayteria
      • She passed away due to Artemis' curse that women were resistant to healing techniques - she fell ill and nothing could save her
  • Doesn't discipline his children much at all as he's too focused with his role - also because he believes they need a maternal figure rather than him

Princess Oreithyia[]

  • Born in 1982; thirty-six years old
  • Is generally regarded as one of Olympene's top scholars and best historian
  • Was effected the least by her eldest brother's passing
    • She had thought he was idiot and insane for actively testing the Curses of the Olympians and had an almost 'well what did he expect?' attitude when he passed
      • Still, she mourned and continues to mourn for him, but believes Arethusa made a better monarch than he would've done
  • A devoted mother who, if she had her way, would be rarely seen without her children
    • She rarely procreates with the Gods, instead choosing to have a number of children with her husband
  • She's the only royal to marry a non-noble; marrying a common man by the name of Alypius
    • Upon marriage, Alypius and his family were elevated into nobility, forming the House of Sybine
  • Is known for being strict yet fair
  • Was one of the most eligible bachelorettes in Olympene
    • Was adamant that she'd marry for love and not for any form of political gain, hence the marriage to a commoner

Prince Hippocoön[]

  • Born in 1984; thirty-four years old
  • Was the token 'emo' child of the bunch
  • Married fairly late; married at age thirty
    • Married Lady Hesione of House Eubatis
      • The marriage is purely political and there has yet to be any offspring from it

Prince Chremonides[]

  • Born in 1985; thirty-three years old

Princess Cyrene[]

  • Born in 1986; thirty-two years old

Princess Olympias[]

  • Born in 1988; thirty years old

Line of Succession/Sign Ups[]

Below is the Line of Succession and, in term, the sign-ups! People in bold are the mortal parents!

I will post a new blog with the finalised Line of Succession after all the sign ups have happened (as I'm sure updating all numbers after people join will get tedious), so do keep an eye out for that.

When signing up, please let me know what age they are, their godparent (if you can) and their mortal parent! Also, telling me what way they'd get there (option one or option two) would be a big help!

Please note that every parent listed can have more than one children; a limit will be placed as and when I see fit (I'll try not to but if fifteen users want to make children of Arethusa then I'll have to for sake of some realism) but I'll make sure to let you all know if I do!

Please also be mindful that the Olympians don't mate often with the Olympenians and as such only seven Olympian demigods can be made. It'd be a first come first serve basis, sorry!


  • Queen Arethusa, daughter of Khione (Sovereign)
    • Prince Alektyron, child of Hephaestus, aged nineteen (Oli / Joint First in Line) (2)
    • Prince Lykon, child of Hephaestus, aged nineteen (Brocky / Joint First in Line) (2)
    • Princess Helen, child of Persephone , aged eighteen (Miggy / Second in Line) (2)
    • Prince Alcaeos, child of Zeus, aged seventeen (Kevin / Third in Line) (2)
    • Princess Chrysothemis, child of Thanatos, aged sixteen (Audrey / Fourth in Line) (1)
    • Princess Sappheire, child of Melinoe, aged fifteen (Vic / Fifth in Line) (2)
    • Prince ???, child of Hades, aged ??? (Flop / Sixth in Line) (1)
    • Prince Ilium, child of Aphrodite, aged thirteen (Shadow / Seventh in Line) (1)
  • Prince Zenicetes, son of Persephone
    • ???, child of ???, aged nineteen (Muse / ???) (2)
  • Prince Therapon, son of Hercules
    • Princess Demetria, child of Dionysus, aged nineteen (Lilly / ??? in Line) (2)
    • Princess Atalanta, child of Apollo, aged sixteen (Jaye / ??? in Line) (2)
    • Princess Theia, child of Ares, aged sixteen (Time / ??? in Line) (2)
  • Princess Oreithyia, daughter of Mnemosyne
    • Princess Aikaterine, child of Hermes, aged sixteen (Hannah / ??? in Line) (2)
  • Prince Hippocoön, son of Deimos
    • Princess Lydia, child of Asteria, aged eighteen (Hyu / ??? in Line) (2)
  • Prince Chremonides, son of Eros
    • Prince Exaduis, child of Elpis, aged sixteen (Manolo / ??? in Line) (?)
  • Princess Cyrene, daughter of Aglaea
  • Princess Olympias, daughter of Zeus
    • Princess Phyllis, daughter of Plutus, aged ??? (Sophia / ??? in Line) (1)