Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

My dearest friends I have not left you just yet! This blog is declaring my official return to the Roleplay wikia . I must first apologize for my absence in the community, but to be very very frank I left because I stopped reading the mark of Athena and I pretty much ended up bored with the Greek mythology scene. So after a few months of looking for a new hobby I found the greatest book known to man known as The Great Gatsby !  Then one boring summer day I was skimming threw the attic when I found a bunch of RL Stine books and took up the challenge of read those. Then I soon learned to hate Rl Stine and went to Stephen King type books…so after a long chain of books I went on an old forum website were I found a Percy Jackson rp from 2012 and I remembered all of my friends here. 

Your pal HadesVIP / HadesHero / (Do not look at me!!! 02:32, July 22, 2013 (UTC))
