Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

Vlaise Myrrh
Vlaise Myrrh
Son of Astraeus, Son of the Stars

Son of Astraeus, Son of the Stars

This character belongs to Sean187jr

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This character is a child of Astraeus.

Personality==: He is the cheerful type of guy. He is always in a good mood and tries to cheer up others when they're down. He always keeps a smiling face and even laughs when he fights. But don't be fooled by his demeanor, he is a formidable demigod. He is helpful and tries to help others in the best of his ability. He is a ladies' man that made the other girls in his school have a crush on him. He is also very kind, well-spoken and courteous. He is also defensive of his friends and tries to protect them even if it meant hurting himself in the process. Overall, he is a great and good guy. ==History

He was born in January 1st, 1996 (aged 16) to Wisteria Myrrh and his father Astraeus in Santa Fe, New Mexico in USA. He grew up smart and a ladies' man, always helping the girls which made him a hearthrob and popular guy in school. He was completely oblivious of his demigod powers, but his mother, of course, knows everything about his past. His mother met his father when they crosses roads in a pub after his mother got dumped by her boyfriend. They began an intimate relationship quickly and soon gave birth to him (since marriage between a god a mortal can't happen). Due to his father being a god, his mother kept it a secret until the right time comes. His father left them to further protect their secret. They lived in his mother's sister, who treated them very good. He grew up a kind child and was always liked by everyone. But his demigod secrets visit him. He sometimes feel sudden rushes of great energy that made him strong and never exhausting. When he turned exactly sixteen at New Year's Day, a distressed satyr attacked him when he was celebrating New Years with his mother in a forest lodge because the satyr thought that Vlaise was an intruder.. Suddenly and mysteriously, a great flash of light scared the satyr, he had awakened to his demigod powers. After the attack, his mother confessed to him he was a demigod and his father is a god. He was really happy to know that. This is also when his mother told him he should hone his powers at Camp-Half Blood in Manhattan, which made him sad and excited at the same time. A few days after his birthday, he left for Camp Half-Blood and lived there to train his skills. His mother brought him there by their car and left him at the entrance of the forest. He journeyed for hours but got lost until Genevieve Castor, who was taking a stroll in the forest to get some fresh air and found him very exhausted and asked him where is he going. He said he is going to Camp Half-Blood and Genevieve happily guided him there. He never forgets to visit his mother once in a while.


Vlaise's main weapons are shurikens of different sizes. He decided this to become his main weapons because he is has sharp eye and agile. He keeps a very big amount of them under his bed and requests from the Armory when his supply gets low. It has snowflake-shaped, original, thin-pointed, ball-shaped, 5-pointed and many more shurikens of different shapes and sizes. He also has a couple of giant shurikens which he only uses at certain situations. He can throw them one by one or by many at a fast rate. He can step from the shadows and quickly throw a shuriken then go back. With the powers he gained as a child of Astraeus, he combines his shurikens with the miniature stars for doubled damage and a splendid performance. Or he can combine the shuriken and the focused plasma for a deadly plasma-powered shuriken.



  1. Children of Astraeus have the ability to summon miniature stars which can be thrown like a weapon; the stars, however, dissipate quickly.
  2. Children of Astraeus have the ability to focus an intense beam of plasma which will burn anything it touches.


  1. Children of Astraeus have the ability to summon a cluster of miniature stars directly in front of them which can be used to block incoming attacks; the stars, however, dissipate quickly.
  2. Children of Astraeus have the ability to conjure a mock shield, made of very small stars, which can be used to defend from attacks; prolonged use may burn the conjurer.


  1. Children of Astraeus an innately stronger during the night.
  2. Children of Astraeus have the innate ability to see in all directions at once during the night.


  1. Children of Astraeus have the ability to create temporary light sources, similar to concept of a flare, which will alight an area for a short time.


Name Relation Feelings
Astraeus Father Never met him, but has good feeling for him.
Wisteria Myrrh Mother Loves her a lot, takes good care of her
Genevieve Castor Acquaintance Just met her,neutral feelings
Aloisa Friend Have a very good relationship with her. Who knows, they might be meant for each other.

Word Bubble


Vlaise -Child of Astraeus
-Warrior of a Hundred Stars

 – 02:55, March 25, 2012 (UTC)

Hi! Name's Vlaise Myrrh. I'm one of the sons of Astraeus, the god of the stars.

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