Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Index > Issues to be Voted on by Level 5's and up > Level 5's and Up/Disney+ Show Models - Option 3 passed

Hello everyone! With the exciting news that casting for the PJO show on Disney+ has begun, preparations for when the cast list is announced must be made in regards to models.

As you all know, we currently have the policy that no actor from the PJO movie line can be used as a model. Whilst it'd be very easy to apply that to the Disney+ series in regards to the younger actors, it is with the older actors when things get murky as they'll likely cast known faces for the roles.

This vote simply aims to outline our policies towards the actors used in the Disney+ series and their eligibility of being a faceclaim we can use.

OliJanSig Oli Move over sis, it's Jan!

The Options

Option 1

  • All actors that appear in the PJO Disney+ series will be able to be used given that there is a considerable gap between our wiki canon and when the book canon takes place.
  • This means people will be able to reserve and use any actor cast, young or old.

Option 2

  • All of the actors for the demigod/younger characters cannot be used.
  • Any other actor (such as those for the gods/adults) may be used.

Option 3

  • Any actor that is cast can remain in use if already done so.
  • If anyone has a model that they have reserved who is cast, they are given one month to create the character.
  • Beyond these two exceptions, no actor from the show may be used as a model.

Option 4

  • No model from the show can be used.
    • If there are any characters already using a model that is cast, they must change it.
    • Any actor that is cast and is reserved must be removed from the User Model Registration.


Option 1 (+1)

  1. Jaysea03what are you doing in my swampJaysea04

Option 2 (+0)

Option 3 (+3)

  1. OliJanSig Oli Move over sis, it's Jan!

  2. Gigi2 Brocky Good morning, campers!

  3. But if you can fool them, even for a second...  The world is simple, miserable, solid all the way through.  

Option 4 (+0)

