Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Forums: Index > Issues to be Voted on by Level 5's and up > Level 5's and Up/Wine Nymph Powers - Passed

Proposed Powers


  1. They can tell what any type of wine is
  2. They generally have a taste for wine and partying.


  1. They have the ability to create ropes of grape vines which can be used for a multitude of purposes.


  1. They have the ability to force a state of mild drunkenness on another person for a short time.


  1. They can turn water into wine
  2. They have an innate partial resistance to the effects of alcohol.
  3. As they are nymphs they do not age, remaining eternally young.
  4. They have a telepathic/empathetic connection with nature and other nymphs


  1. They have the ability to go into a drunken state where they become unpredictable and are near impossible to hit with an attack.


  1. Their life force isn't so much attached to a specific thing, as long as there is wine, grapes, etc. in the world
  2. More than likely they would be created or turned into one by Dionysus


For (+1)

  1. My name is Bach, I founded this WikiLeave a Message here!CutepinkclockTardis pixel my first dd by aqua spirit22-d69l8fwBig Bouncy Aristocrat by LeoLeonardo

Against (+0)

